Albert Bandura (Social Learning Theory)

4. Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura)

Key Ideas:

  • People learn by observing others (modeling).

  • Cognition plays a role in learning (not just reinforcement).

  • Self-efficacy influences behavior.

Key Concepts:

  • Observational Learning: Learning by watching others.

  • Vicarious Reinforcement: Learning by seeing others rewarded or punished.

  • Bobo Doll Experiment: Children mimicked aggressive behavior after observing adults.

Processes of Observational Learning:

  1. Attentional Process – Paying attention to the model.

  2. Retention Process – Remembering the behavior.

  3. Production Process – Reproducing the behavior.

  4. Motivational Process – Expecting a reward.


  • High self-efficacy: Confidence in one’s abilities, persistence.

  • Low self-efficacy: Doubt, giving up easily.
