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Manifest destiny - the 19th-century belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.

Imperialism - a policy by which stronger nations extend political, economic or military control over weaker nations.

colonialism - implanting of settlements on a distant territory. common way of imperialism

Berlin conference - 1884-1885, meeting where imperialist countries of Europe divided up Africa into colonies

Isolationist - favored keeping out of foreign affairs. they were against American imperialism

Expansionists/ imperialists - favored imperializing other territories beyond the US

Humanitarian - Americans sympathized with the oppressed people of some of the places that were imperialized by European countries.

“White mans burden” - Those who viewed it as the duty of white people to imperialize justified it by misusing Charles Darwin.

social darwinism - Darwin had said that stronger individuals of a species evolve and adapt over time.

Spanish-American War- Support of cuban independence led to war in 1898. result: US declares war and wins after only 16 weeks → makes a hero of Teddy Roosevelt

“yellow journalism” - Newspapers publish graphic (and often exaggerated) stories of Spanish cruelty to the Cubans, prompting public anger

USS Maine - battleship, explosion in Havana harbor is blamed on the Spanish, resulting in calls
for Congress to declare war

platt amendment - gives USA the right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there is a threat to “life, property, and individual liberty”



Manifest destiny - the 19th-century belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.

Imperialism - a policy by which stronger nations extend political, economic or military control over weaker nations.

colonialism - implanting of settlements on a distant territory. common way of imperialism

Berlin conference - 1884-1885, meeting where imperialist countries of Europe divided up Africa into colonies

Isolationist - favored keeping out of foreign affairs. they were against American imperialism

Expansionists/ imperialists - favored imperializing other territories beyond the US

Humanitarian - Americans sympathized with the oppressed people of some of the places that were imperialized by European countries.

“White mans burden” - Those who viewed it as the duty of white people to imperialize justified it by misusing Charles Darwin.

social darwinism - Darwin had said that stronger individuals of a species evolve and adapt over time.

Spanish-American War- Support of cuban independence led to war in 1898. result: US declares war and wins after only 16 weeks → makes a hero of Teddy Roosevelt

“yellow journalism” - Newspapers publish graphic (and often exaggerated) stories of Spanish cruelty to the Cubans, prompting public anger

USS Maine - battleship, explosion in Havana harbor is blamed on the Spanish, resulting in calls
for Congress to declare war

platt amendment - gives USA the right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there is a threat to “life, property, and individual liberty”