Development, Growth, and Aging
Categories include: Embryonic Development, Organ Systems, Birth and Lactation, Neonate
Values indicate different levels of questions ($100 to $500)
Clinical age of an unborn child is defined as:
a. 1 day more than postovulatory age
b. 7 days more than postovulatory age
c. 14 days more than postovulatory age
d. 21 days more than postovulatory age
e. 28 days more than postovulatory age
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 2
Implantation in the endometrium occurs about:
a. 7 days after fertilization
b. 14 days after fertilization
c. 28 days after fertilization
d. 35 days after fertilization
e. 56 days after fertilization
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 4
Stages of development to arrange in order:
a. 1,3,2,4,5
b. 2,5,1,4,3
c. 3,4,1,5,2
d. 5,4,1,2,3
Correct Order: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 6
Somites and somitomeres give rise to structures except:
a. skeletal muscle
b. part of the skull
c. the heart
d. the vertebral column
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 8
Cells from the embryo that invade the endometrium and form lacunae:
a. blastocele cells
b. chorionic villi cells
c. cytotrophoblast cells
d. inner cell mass
e. syncytiotrophoblast cells
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 10
Major development of organ systems occurs at:
a. first 2 weeks of development
b. third to eighth week of development
c. eighth to twentieth week of development
d. last 30 weeks of development
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 12
Fingernails, hair, and glands derive from:
a. endoderm
b. mesoderm
c. ectoderm
d. trophoblast
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 14
The cloaca divides to form:
a. kidneys and urinary bladder
b. kidneys and ureters
c. rectum and urethra
d. ureters and urethra
e. urethra and allantois
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 16
The total number of muscle fibers is established before birth and remains:
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the true/false question in Page 18
If the sinus venosus does not contract first:
a. pulmonary edema
b. blood flows backwards
c. atrial septal defect
d. ventricular septal defect
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 20
Gestation period in humans:
a. 280 days
b. 266 days
c. 40 weeks
d. 38 weeks
e. a and c
f. b and d
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 22
The onset of labor is stimulated by:
a. increased estrogen secretion by the placenta
b. decreased progesterone secretion by the placenta
c. increased prostaglandin synthesis by the placenta
d. increased glucocorticoid secretion by the fetus
e. all of these
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 24
This stage of labor is from maximum cervical dilation to birth:
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 26
Mammary glands secrete colostrum high in fat and lactose but contains few antibodies:
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the true/false question in Page 28
Milk production and letdown:
__________ stimulates milk production, but __________ stimulates milk letdown:
a. progesterone, estrogen
b. HCG, oxytocin
c. prolactin, oxytocin
d. prolactin, estrogen
e. prolactin, progesterone
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 30
Newborn baby's greenish anal discharge:
a. lanugo
b. vernix caseosa
c. meconium
d. colostrum
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 32
Short artery connecting pulmonary trunk and aorta in the fetus:
a. ductus venosus
b. umbilical vein
c. umbilical artery
d. ductus arteriosus
e. foramen ovale
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 34
Remnant of the umbilical vein:
a. umbilical ligament
b. ligamentum venosum
c. falciform ligament
d. round ligament
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 36
Change in stomach pH after birth:
a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains nearly neutral
d. remains highly acidic
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 38
Apgar score indicating reduced function:
a. 2
b. 0
c. 1
d. 4
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 40
Infant pulling itself up to walk:
a. 6 months
b. 12 months
c. 2 years
d. 18 months
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 42
Deposit of lipids and calcium in arteries:
a. arteriosclerosis
b. atherosclerosis
c. embolus
d. thrombus
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 44
Description of the placenta:
a. develops from the trophoblast
b. allows maternal blood to mix with embryonic blood
c. invades the lacunae of the embryo
d. all of the above
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 46
Initial depolarization of the oocyte's plasma membrane:
a. slow block to polyspermy
b. fast block to polyspermy
c. perivitelline space
d. acrosomal reaction
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 48
Failure of fusion of the secondary palate:
a. cleft palate
b. tertiary palate
c. cleft lip
d. primary palate
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 50
Uterine cramps while nursing:
a. prolactin causes uterine contractions
b. nursing stimulates oxytocin release
c. oxytocin causes uterine contractions
d. release of prolactin-inhibiting factor
e. b and c
f. all of these
Correct Answer: Should be selected from the options provided in Page 52