Election of 1852
**The Election of 1852**
• The Compromise of 1850 was a major topic in the election.
• Northern Whigs thought the Compromise favored the South too much; Southern Whigs the opposite. Despite having the incumbent president (Millard Fillmore,) General Winfield Scott was nominated.
○ They also campaigned against the Fugitive Slave Act.
• The Democrats were more divided, with 4 major candidates tied to different issues nationally. Their nominee, Franklin Pierce, was not nominated until the 49th ballot.
○ The divided party chose an Alabama native as their VP choice, who worked to convince fellow southerners that Pierce was a "northern man with southern principles."
Why Don't We Just Not Talk About It, and It Might Not Be A Problem Anymore?
• The Democratic platform adopted in 1852 opposed any further "agitation" over the issue of slavery, and endorsed the Compromise of 1850.
• It also supported states' rights.
Signs of Larger Problems-Other Parties Running Candidates in 1852
• Free Soil Party
○ Argued the extension of slavery into western territories harmed the white working class and business owners.
○ Supported mostly in New York
○ Made up of anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats
• Some Southern Democrats and Whigs also splintered into two other groups
○ The Union Party wanted to remain in the Union
○ The Southern Rights Party wanted to secede.
Results of the 1852 Election
• Pierce (Dem.) won handily, attracted unified Democratic votes and those of Southern Whigs opposed to the nationalistic Scott.
• As a northerner with southern sympathies, he would become known as a "doughface."
Domestic Policy Under Pierce
• The Pierce administration presided over no new state admissions, and he named 1 Supreme Court justice in his 1 term.
• Things were largely calm internally, until 1854…