Delusion - belief that is maintained even with evidence against it.
EX. People that believe vaccines cause autism are delusional.
Dementia - impairment of certain brain functions
EX. Sometimes I feel as if I have dementia when I get little sleep.
Catastrophe - event causing great disaster or destruction
EX. The tsunami was the largest catastrophe of this year.
Hysteria - uncontrollable emotion
EX. I was hysterical when I got the xbox one for new years.
Stigmatized - describing something as disgraced
EX. The lawyer was stigmatized due to the harsh words he used in a court setting.
Castigate - reprimand severely.
EX. The political leaders were castigated for certain war time actions.
Reprimand - forcing someone's exit officially.
EX. The judge was reprimanded as he showed bias in court.
Demonized - portrayed as wicked
EX. An extreme side of people is demonizing someone if they don't agree with an opinion of yours.
Deified - worship like a god
EX. Sometimes people deify countries' presidents.
Abridged - piece of text shortened
EX. The author released an abridged book as people complained it was originally lengthy.
Annotated - add noted of comments or commentary
EX. My friend annotated the book as he felt it was complex all on its own.
Antedated - came before something in date
The first world war antedated the second world war.
Complementary - enhancing quality of one or another
EX. The sequel of books are complementary to one and another
Complimentary - giving praise
EX. I was complimentary to the beautiful woman
Alienating - cause to feel isolated
EX. Being rude to others can cause them to alien themselves from you.
Lascivious - Revealing offensive sexual desire
EX. You cannot be lascivious in public and with family friends.
Embody - be an expression of
EX. My friend embodied a monk as we passed the holy site.
Prescient - foretell the future
EX. A genie is considered prescient
Preternatural - an event that goes beyond nature
EX. the light shown in the sky was Preternatural
Preordained - decide on something before it happens
Ex. The trip was preordained by the family.
Pithy - concise, to the point
EX. I enjoy reading short passages where the point an author makes is concise
Lionized - given celebrity status
EX. we sometimes lionize people in school that are popular
Indemnify - have all consequences dropped
EX. The bank robber was indemnified from jail due to a lack of evidence.
Venerate - treat with great respect
EX. we must venerate other cultures even if we are not a part of them
Actuarial - analyzing statistics to determine risk
EX. We needed to be very actuarial deciding whether to go into war
Quotidian - common
EX. Popular foods are typically quotidian around the world
Caustic - sharp
EX. when solving hard problems, we need to have our mind be caustic.
Slanderous - false
EX. When someone is lying, they are being slanderous.
Progeny - descendant
EX. a son born is a progeny of his father and mother.
Vicissitude - An unhappy occurrence
EX. Typically leaving a home is considered a vicissitude
Serendipity - A happy event
EX. A birthday is serendipitous
Abreast - to remain current
-A retired professor tries to be abreast in an ever evolving field.
Akimbo - hands on hips
EX. I stood akimbo as I listened to the dragged out conversation.
Askance - look at with disapproval
Subservient - obeying
Obtuse - Slow-witted
Apologist - Defends something controversial
Proponent - advocate, supporter
Catalyst - something or someone that creates change
Mercenary - someone getting paid for their efforts
Lackey - someone that is obeying another
Demarcate - set boundaries of
Whitewash - cover unpleasant information
Trumpet - speak loudly of
Dissolute - lacking in morals
Improvident - not improving for the future, not careful
Taciturn - quiet
Acerbic - sharp or sarcastic
Inimical - harmful or hostile
Emblematic - represent of
Enigmatic - difficult to understand
Virtue - behavior with high morals, righteousness
Grandiloquent - pretentious
Pragmatic - useful, practical
Utilitarian - practical, useful
Quixotic - Useful
Posit - to say or claim
Cajole - to convince, persuade
Homily - lecture, sometimes religious
Catharsis - emotional release
Insensibly - unaware or incapable of perception
Listlessly - unenergetically
Insouciance - carelessly
Profundity - deep insight
Mendaciously - dishonest
Warily -cautiously
Panned - negatively reviewed and almost always refers to movies, films, media
Roundly - leave with no doubt, undoubtedly
Lauded - praised highly, admired
Elucidate - to make something clear
Denigrate - criticize unfairly
Didactic - intended to instruct
Disdain - feeling something is unworthy
Contrast - differentiate strikingly
Autonomy - right to self government
Screed - long, tedious speech or writing
Impugn - to dispute validity
Antiquity - ancient past
Objective - Not influenced by personal feelings when considering a fact
Erudite - knowledgeable
Assiduous - showing great care
Enumerate - mention one by one
Analogous - comparable in certain aspects
Levies - a tax or fee that is imposed
Inconsequential - not significant
Burgeoned - increased rapidly
Misanthropic - ill-will towards humanity
Cynicism - interpreting others behavior based solely on self interest
Diffident - shyness due to a lack of confidence
Humility - a low view of one's importance,humbleness
Garrulity - talkativeness
Obsequiousness - displaying exaggerated flattery
Debilitating - damaging
Paucity - lack of something
Dearth - Scare, lack of something
Infallibility - the inability to be wrong
Unsubstantiated - not supported by evidence
Nascent - coming into being
Evanescent - not lasting very long
Arbitrary - not based on reason, random
Implacable - restless, unstoppable
Clemency - mercy, forgiveness
Partiality - bias
Appeasement - make someone happy
Arrogant - think you are above others
Haughtiness - thinking you are above others, arrogant.
Benignity - harmless
Truculence - readiness to fight
Pugnacity - readiness to fight
Ethos - the spirit of an individual or group's characteristics and moral values.
derivative - imitative other another person's work
Bereft - deprived or lacking of something
Credulous - having too great a readiness to believe things
Temperance - Self-restraint
Notoriety - being famous due to a bad quality or deed
Underscore - emphasize
Eminence - fame or recognized superiority
Tumultuous - confused or disorderly
Providential - opportune, happening at a fortunate time
Precariously - in a way that is uncertain or left to chance
Eccentric - a person with unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior
Trifling - unimportant or trivial
Ameliorate - to make something bad better
Exacerbate - make something worse
pastoral - relating to the countryside or rural life, often idealized in literature and art.
decry - to speak out against
profuse - abundantly
obscure - concealed or hidden from view
contentious - causing arguments or disagreements
appropriate - take forcefully
modicum - a small amount
apogee - the highest point EX. mozart’s music was the apogee of Viennese culture
Stipend - regular allowance
Amiable - friendly
Paragon - the best of its kind
Embellish - add ideas to
Qualify - restrict a statement
Unprecedented - never done before
Archaic - very old
Robust - sturdy
Anachronism - belonging to another time
Economical - avoiding waste
Laborious - demanding
Censor - remove objectionable material
Chauvinism - feeling of superiority
Embryonic - underdeveloped
Impartial - unbiased
Crestfallen - disappointed
Err - to make a mistake
Artful - clever and deceptive
Paradoxical - contradictory but true
Autocratic - tyrannical
Champion - speak in favor
Enthrall - captivate
Transitory - short lasting
Misconstrued - misinterpret
Jargon - speech particular to a group
Adamant - unyielding
Avert - prevent
Oblique - indirect
Indifference - lack of sympathy or concern.
Convoluted - extremely complex
Empiricism - action based on practice
Ornate - elaborately decorated
Evenhanded - fair, unbiased
Malevolent - evil minded
Sporadic - at irregular intervals
Impervious - unable to be affected by
Sanction - grant permission
Hoodwink - deceive
Start - move suddenly
Exorbitant - excessive
Conundrum - difficult problem
Frugal - cheap, spending wisely
Martial - wartime
Enamored - caught off guard
Zenith - highest point
Denote - be a sign off
Intimation - indirectly suggest
Diminutive - small
Reservation - doubt
Pellucide - easy to understand
Impede - slow down, hinder
Iconoclastic - defying tradition
Appreciable - noticeable
Dupe - swindle
Perennial - everlasting
Discord - disagreement
Cumbersome - difficulty to carry
Equivocate - speak vaguely
Amply - fully
Spartan - unconcerned with comfort
Indecorous - impolite
Hamper - prevent progress
Recapitulation - summary
Banality - unoriginality, cliche
Affluent - wealthy
Pith - the most essential part
Transient - short- lasting
Row - angry dispute
Unassailable - immune to attack
Veritable - without a doubt
Duplicity - deceit, two faced
Decorum - proper conduct
Doleful - very sad
Whimsical - driven by impulse
Accolade - high praise
Jocular - humorous
Perturb - make someone anxious or unsettled
Miser - frugal, one who is cheap
Haphazard - unorganized, random
Irk - to annoy
Demean - to insult
Thwart - block
Imbibe - absorb ideas
Placate - make less angry
Laudable - worthy of praise
Badger - pester
Corroborate - to confirm
Inimitable - without equal
Credulity - tendency to believe
Hodgepodge - mixture
Languish - become weak
Immaterial - irrelevant
Coalesce - binding, working together
Assiduously - carefully
Arduous - difficult and tiring
Betray - reveal
Compound - working together
Profusion - abundance
Estimable - deserving respect
Stringent - harsh
Base - without principles
Elude - fail to be grasped
Debonair - sophisticated and charming
Panacea - cure-all
Attenuate - reduce the effect, value, or force of
Provisional - not final
Squelch - suppress
Vitriol - abusive language
Aphorism - short saying
Flippant - not showing respect
Cornucopia - abundant supply
Artlessness - innocence
Primacy - of great importance
Unequivocal - to make clear
Preempt - take place of
Aberrant - abnormal
Effervescent - bubbly, happy, joyful
Tirade - angry speech
Bemoan - a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
Misanthrope - hater of people
Cataclysm - violent upheaval
Copious - lots of, abundant
Dispassionate - objective, without bias
Heyday - pinnacle
Scrupulous - using extreme care
Reverent - well respected
Placid - peaceful
Despot - tyrant
Inviolable - sacred
Incontrovertible - indisputable
Maverick - radical thinker
Tyro - beginner
Myriad - large number
Loath - reluctant, unwilling
Morose - gloomy
Puerile - childish
Ossify - harden
Obstinate - stubborn
Telltale - revealing
Ebullient - enthusiastic
Chagrin - distress or embarrassment having failed or been humiliated
Histrionic - over the top, overly theatrical
Corollary - consequence
Avarice - greed
Diatribe - bitter verbal attack
Admonish - warn
Unseemly - improper
Dog -pursue
Bastardization - corruption
Pertinent - relevant
Pariah - outcast
Buttress - support
Nettlesome - annoying
Inchoate - not fully formed
Lachrymose - saddened, weepy
Antic - grotesque
Unnerve - make one lose confidence
Artifice - trickery
Antipathy - hatred
Squander - to waste in a foolish manner
Debase - reduce in value
Malinger - avoid work
Becoming - suitable, flattery to one's appearance
Opulence - wealth
perpetuate - make happen indefinitely
Endemic - native
Clemency - mercy
Vindictive - seeking revenge
Resignation - accepting the unpleasant
Apathetic - uncaring
Relegate - lower in position
Reproach - criticize
Epigram - witty saying
Disinterested - unbiased
Artless - without deception
Truculence - tendency to fight
Erudite - scholarly
Apprehension - anxiety or fear that something bad will happen
Celerity - quickness
Charlatan - con-artist
Cryptic - mysterious
Flag - tire out
Jingoist - overly patriotic
Hubris - excessive pride
Solicitous - anxious to please
Enmity - hate
Illustrious - famous
Destitute - poor
Grandiloquent - extravagant in language
Moment - importance
Capitulate - surrender
Inure - harden
Surreptitious - sneakily, stealthy
Perfunctory - done routinely
Apothegm - short saying
Sagacious - wise, brilliant
Disenfranchise - remove votes from
Countermand - reverse a command
Catholic - universal
Solicitude - feeling of concern
Precarious - dangerous
Lacerate - criticize forcefully or severely
Chimera - illusion
Noisome - foul smelling
Rebuke - a sharp expression of criticism and disapproval
Nadir - lowest point
Tempestuous - intensely emotional
Dolorous - sorrowful
Conflagration - large fire
Unimpeachable - blameless, without error
Puissant - powerful
Unpropitious - unlikely to be successfully
Tribulation - suffering
Dovetail - fit together well
Incessant - continual, not stopping
Disparate - fundamentally different
Malodorous - stinky, bad smell
Smug - self satisfied
Precipitate - hastily
Halcyon - peaceful
Anemic - lacking energy
Audacious - courageous, taking bold risks
Spendthrift - wasteful with money
Belligerent - eager to fight
Dilapidated - run down
Sardonic - mocking
Frustrate - halt, prevent (denoting an action in this context)
Ostracize - exclude
Machinate - scheme (Synonym to gambit)
Denouncement - resolution of a story
Trite - lacking originality, unoriginal
Uncanny - strange, unsettling
Pundit - expert
Complacent - self satisfied
Moribund - about to die
Gaffe - social blunder
Ascribe - attribute
Proscribe - ban
Malfeasance - misconduct
Unflappable - calm under pressure
Firebrand - troublemaker
Stalwart - dependable
Boon - helpful thing
Verisimilitude - appearance of truth
Imponderable - difficult to assess
Encumber - hold back
Demurred - show reluctance
Mellifluous - sweet sounding
Baleful - threatening
Irascible - easily angered
Flush - abundant
Ethereal - extremely delicate, seemingly too perfect for the world
Punctilious - overly precise
Idiosyncrasy - peculiarity
Abjure - give up
Subterfuge - deceit
Juxtapose - place side by side
Percipient - perceptive
Exalt - praise highly
Indignation - annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Inflammatory - controversial
Provident - planning ahead
Conniving - conspiring to do bad
Voracious - very hunger
Pecuniary - relating to money
Retiring - shy
Prolific - productive
Involved - complicated
Vacillate - waver
Tempered - having a specified temper
Eminent - famous, respected in a particular field (Don't confuse with imminent, which is about to happen)
Imperious - assuming power without justification
Prosaic - dull, boring
Maxim - short saying
Miscreant - lawbreaker
Impecunious - lacking money
Officious - meddlesome
Assuaged - make less severe
Untenable - cannot be defended
Reprisal - retaliatory action
Disseminate - spread
Hauteur - excessive pride
Patent - glaringly obvious
Fledgling - inexperienced
Inundate - flood