Product Placement- placing products in movies, tv shows, ect. so they appear as part of the story’s environment
Space Bookers- in the olden days, ppl who purchased space in newspapers and sold it
Subliminal Advertising- hidden print/visual messages that register on the subconscious, creating false needs to buy products
Slogan- catchy phrase that promotes a product
Mega Agencies- companies formed by merging individual agencies
Boatique Agencies- small regional agencies that offer personalized services
Market Research- department that used social science to assess the behaviors of consumers toward products
Values and Lifestyles- divides consumers into types and measures psychological factors, including how ppl feel about products and how they achieve a lifestyle
Storyboard- blueprint of a proposed advertisement
Viral Marketing- short video/content that content makers hope to go viral
Media Buyers- ppl who buy the types of media that are best suited to reach the targeted audience
Saturation Advertising- the strategy of inundation
Interstitials- ads that pop up when opening a new web page
Spam- unsolicited email
Association Principle- associates product with a cultural value that has a positive connotation but may have little connection to the actual product
Myth Analysis- provides insight on how ads work
Commercial Speech- broadcast/print that cost money to watch/read
Political Advertising- use of ad techniques to promote a candidate's image