The still-face experiment
Infant communication
Babies feed off other’s responses to them
When the mother stopped responding to the baby’s expressions, she reacted with negative emotions
Relational-cultural theory: connection and disconnection
Protective presence
Ideally, we have someone in our lives to protect us
Mom who tells you to put a coat on, etc
Many abnormal behaviors are caused by stress
Psychopathology: the study of abnormal psychology
Study of people who suffer mental, emotional, and often physical pain
Sometimes the experiences of people with psychopathology are unusual
Sometimes the experiences of people with psychopathology are familiar to us, but more extreme
Ways abnormality has been defined:
Intuitive sense of abnormality
Symptoms of mental illness
Cultural norms
4 Ds
Subjective judgements
Emergence of modern perspectives
Modern Biological Perspectives
The Psychoanalytic Perspective
The Roots of Behaviorism
The Cognitive Revolution
Modern mental health care
Managed care
Professions within abnormal psychology
Integrationist approach to understanding mental health (biopsychosocial approach)
Biological factors
Social factors
Psychological factors
Theory and treatment of abnormality
Theory: the set of ideas that provides that framework fro gathering and interpreting information about the phenomenon
Therapy: a treatment based in theory that addresses the factors the theory says causes the phenomenon
Biopsychosocial approach
Sociocultural approach: views disorders as the result of environmental and cultural norms
Biological approach: views disorders as the result of abnormal genes or neurobiological dysfunction
Psychological approach: iews disorders as the result of thinking processes, personality styles, and conditioning
Interactions between genes and environment
Genetic factors can influence the kinds of environments we choose, which then reinforce our genetically influenced personalities and interests
The environment may act as a catalyst for genetic tendency
Epigenetics indicate that environmental conditions can affect the expression of genes
Antipsychotic drugs
Antidepressand drugs
Antianziety drugs
ECT: used for treating severe mood disorders
Repretitive magnetic stimulation (rTMS): repeated high intensity magnetic pulses
Deep brain stimulation
Psychosurgery: rarely used, only for treatment resistant disorders
Behavioral (B.F. skinner)
There is a consequence for every action
Cognitive (CBT): how your thoughts impact your behavior
A=acting event
B=belief system
Looking at how past consequences have impacted one’s present behavior
Ego defense mechanisms; Tries to keep anxiety down via repression.
baby talk is a form of regression — you can say mean or risky things thinking that nobody will hurt the baby
not usually conscious
Person-centered therapy
Unconditional positive regard
Family systems
The family is your client
Based on general systems theory
Third wave approaches
Dialectal behavior therapy (DBT) from CBT/added pieces
Cultural issues
Focus on individual vs cultures that focus on the group or collective community
One’s identity not seen as separate from the community which they belong too
Many therapies value the expression of emotions/disclosure of personal personal concerns
Not valued in all cultures
Taking the initiative in communication vs clash with deference to people whom they consider authority
Diagnostic criteria for anxiety
Fears are completely unrealistic
Fears are excessive
Persist long after the threat has passed
Leads to impairment
Anhedonia: losing enjoyment for things you used to love
Changes in appetite
Psychomotor retardation
Psychomotor agitation
Major Depression disorder
Can be single episode or recurrent
Rule out normal and exprecter depressive response to grief vs complex grief
Must experience depressed mood and markedly dimished interest or pleasure in most activities
Can also have
Insomnia or hypersomnia
Psychomotor retardation/agitation
Feelings of worthlessness
Diminished ability to concentrate
Recurrent thoughts of death
Episode can’t be attributable to a substance or other medical condition
Cant be better explained by another disorder
Persistent depressive disorder
Depressed mood for most of the day for 2 years
For children/adolescents, 1 year
Needs to have 2 or more
Poor appetite
Seasonal affective disorder
History of at least 2 years of major depressive disorder
Depressed when daylight hours are short, recover when daylight hours are long
Some have forms of mania in the summer
Peripartum onset
MDD episode during pregnancy
50$ of postpartum MD episodes begin prior to delivery
30% of women have postpartum blues 3 weeks after delivery
Suicide cluster: two or more suicides or attempted suicides nonrandomly bunched together in high school or in response to a suicide of a celebrity
Suicide contagion: modeling the behavior of the friend or admired celebrity who committed suicide
Suicide runs in families
hopelessness and impulsivity are personality factors in suicide
Bipolar disorder
Manic depression
Mania is the opposite of mania
Jennings, H. (2023). Nolen-Hoeksema’s Abnormal psychology (9th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Oltmanns, T.F. & Martin, M.T., (2019). Case studies in abnormal psychology
(11th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.