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Stressors vs. Stress Responses

  • Stressors are external events or conditions that trigger stress, while stress responses are the body's reactions to these stressors.

  • Stressors: mental states or events that trigger physical & psychological reactions.

  • Stress response: the reactions themselves.

Self-Concept and Self-Esteem

  • Self-concept refers to how individuals perceive themselves, while self-esteem is the value they place on that perception.

  • High self-esteem is linked to better psychological health and resilience.

  • A positive and well balanced self-concept fosters well-being.

Defense Mechanisms

  • Defense mechanism: allow people to rearrange thoughts and feelings to resolve conflicts.

  • Healthy mechanisms include sublimation and humor, while unhealthy ones include denial and repression.

  • Example: A person using humor to cope with stress may have better psychological outcomes than one using denial.

Components of a Healthy Diet

  • Essential components include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water.

  • Each component plays a vital role in bodily functions and overall health.

  • Nutritional components and their functions:




Form parts of muscle, bone, blood, cell membranes, hormones, and enzymes


Store energy


Supply energy for body cells (source of energy)


Keep the digestive system healthy


Help chemical reactions take place, unleash energy, produce red blood cells, and act as antioxidants.


Help regulate body functions and release energy, aid in growth, and maintain body tissues.


Maintain hydration
