Speaker: Dr. Brighton T. Dzikiti, PhD, MSC, BVSc
Focus: Anesthesiology in veterinary patients with respiratory compromise and pulmonary disease.
Highlights the significance of understanding respiratory issues in anesthesia practices.
Complex Subject: Understanding respiratory physiology is vital for safe anesthetic practices.
Key Learning Outcomes:
Recognize life-threatening respiratory issues.
Treat appropriately based on knowledge.
Resource: Figures from "Respiratory Physiology" by West.
Learning Points:
Basic respiratory anatomy and physiology.
Causes of Hypoxemia: Understand five main causes of hypoxemia.
Interpret PaO2:FiO2 ratio and A-a gradient with normal values.
Understand Indications and physiologic effects of Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (IPPV).
Describe anesthetic management for respiratory or pulmonary compromised patients.
Conducting Zone: Dead space, no gas exchange.
Respiratory Zone: Site of gas exchange characterized by a thin blood-gas barrier (less than 0.3um).
Pulmonary Circulation:
Low resistance; pulmonary artery (PA) pressure ~15 mmHg.
Types of Lung Volumes:
Tidal Volume (TV): Volume of a normal breath.
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC): Remaining lung gas after normal expiration.
Vital Capacity: Maximum volume expelled after maximum inspiration.
Residual Volume: Remaining lung gas after maximal expiration.
Diffusion Rate Factors:
Proportional to:
Tissue area.
Partial pressure difference.
Gas solubility in tissue.
Inversely Proportional to:
Tissue thickness.
Square root of molecular weight.
Key Fact: CO2 diffuses 20 TIMES faster than O2 due to higher solubility and similar molecular weight.
Definition: PaO2 < 60 mmHg; correlates with SpO2 of approximately 90%.
Five Causes of Hypoxemia:
Anatomic R to L shunt.
Low inspired O2 (FiO2).
Diffusion impairment.
Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch.
Definition: High PaCO2 (>45 mmHg).
Clinical Implications:
Causes hypoxemia with room air (FiO2 = 0.21).
May not cause hypoxemia if breathing 100% oxygen (FiO2 = 1.0).
Understanding Shunt:
Blood enters the arterial system without passing through ventilated lung areas.
Normal Shunt: Small amount (<5%).
Circulation Types:
Bronchial Arteries: Oxygenate lung.
Coronary Circulation: Supplies myocardium.
Conditions Leading to Shunt:
Reverse-flow patent ductus arteriosus.
Tetralogy of Fallot.
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation.
Real-Life Examples:
Extreme Altitudes: Top of Everest.
Aviation Incidents: Aircraft decompression.
Anesthesia Note: Delivery of hypoxic gas mixture to anesthetic breathing systems.
Thickened blood-gas barrier; usually rare in veterinary species.
Associated Conditions:
Interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis.
Congestive heart failure leading to pulmonary edema.
Lifestyle factors like smoking.
V/Q Ratio:
V (Ventilation) vs. Q (Perfusion) should ideally be 0.8-1.
Decreased V or increased Q leads to severe V/Q mismatch, impacting gas exchange.
Location Dependency:
Both perfusion and ventilation increase from top to bottom of the lung, with perfusion increasing more significantly.
V:Q ratio decreases from top to bottom.
Visualizing V/Q:
With no ventilation, blood perfusion is indicated, leading to normal V/Q ratios.
Impact on Gas Levels:
V/Q mismatch affects both PaO2 and PaCO2.
Increased ventilation decreases PaCO2 but minimizes PaO2 improvements due to dissociation curves.
Physiological Mechanism:
Regional alveolar hypoxia results in vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries, redirecting blood flow to better-oxygenated areas.
Impact of Anesthetics:
Anesthetic drugs, especially inhalants, decrease this reflex, increasing V/Q mismatch and lowering PaO2:FiO2.
Assessment Importance:
Oxygenation can be abnormal even with normal PaO2 when breathing >21% oxygen.
Assessment Methods:
Alveolar-arterial O2 gradient and PaO2:FiO2 ratio.
PAO2 = FiO2 (PATM – PH20) – (PaCO2/R).
Normal Values:
PAO2 ~100 mmHg breathing 21% O2, at sea level.
Understanding Gradient:
Difference between PAO2 (calculated) and PaO2 (measured) should be less than 10-15 mmHg.
Values >15 indicate an oxygenation problem.
Clinical Relevance:
A clinically useful measure of oxygenation ability, normal value ~500.
<500 indicates an oxygenation issue, commonly V/Q mismatch in anesthetized animals.
Caution with SpO2 Readings:
SpO2 can read >90% until PaO2 drops below 60 mmHg.
Accurate assessment requires arterial blood gas analysis.
CaO2 Calculation:
CaO2 = (1.34 x [Hb] x SaO2) + (0.003 x PaO2).
Hemoglobin concentration primarily determines CaO2.
Clinical Insight:
Anemic patients might show normal PaO2 but can experience tissue hypoxia.
Increasing PaO2 is ineffective; must increase [Hb] instead.
Key Influences:
PaCO2, arterial pH, and PaO2 if <60 mmHg.
Other factors: pulmonary stretch receptors, body temperature, stress, anxiety, and pain.
Comparison: Examines differences in physiological controls versus anesthetic impacts.
Minimal Respiratory Depression:
Benzodiazepines, phenothiazines, α-2 agonists, opioids (varies by species).
Significant Depression:
Propofol, etomidate, alfaxalone, volatile anesthetics, and certain drug combinations.
Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation (IPPV):
Can decrease PaCO2 and may improve PaO2 by resolving atelectasis, facilitating better V/Q matching.
PIP: Peak inspiratory pressure and PEEP: Positive end-expiratory pressure are crucial metrics.
Techniques Employed:
Manual IPPV, mechanical ventilators, Ambu bag usage during transport, and Demand Valve Devices for recovery.
Physiological Impact:
Unlike natural inspiration relies on pressure gradients, IPPV can increase intrathoracic pressure, impeding venous return and blood pressure.
Risks Involved:
Sees increased afterload, hypovolemic risks, pulmonary damage (including volutrauma and pneumothorax).
Airway obstruction (upper vs. lower), pneumonia/pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, diaphragmatic hernia known collectively as extrapulmonary dysfunction.
Avoid elective anesthesia for animals with existing pulmonary disease.
Requires lung-protective ventilation strategies, especially during surgeries involving respiratory compromise.
Sedation Recommendations:
Light sedation with butorphanol or benzodiazepines indicated to decrease anxiety and strain.
In cases of severe distress, consider induction and intubation, potential need for longer ventilation.
Emergency Management:
Immediate thoracocentesis for pleural effusion/pneumothorax.
IPPV may quickly counteract acute hypoxemia resulting from upper airway obstruction issues.
Management Techniques:
Pre-oxygenation, rapid sequence induction/intubation, and continuous monitoring of SpO2 during light-moderate sedation.
Use of arterial catheters for blood gas sampling, implementing lung-protective ventilation strategies.
Brachycephalic Risks:
Conditions include long soft palate, stenotic trachea, everted laryngeal saccules affecting intubation.
Monitor closely post-premedication, opt for small ET tubes, and conduct recovery in sternal position.
Prepare additional induction and intubation resources; delay extubation until alert.
Actions for Improvement:
Clear any airway obstructions, proper positioning, and adjustments to PIP.
Consider bronchodilators if bronchoconstriction is suspected.
Maintain lower peak inspiratory pressures during IPPV to prevent complications.
Better to prevent than treat, especially with chronic conditions.
Severe V/Q mismatch in equine anesthetic scenarios, often due to physical constraints from abdomen pressure.
Immediate Actions:
Prompt initiation of IPPV; careful balance between positive pressure and blood flow maintenance.
Key Takeaways:
Pre-anesthetic stabilization, pre-oxygenation, rapid induction, continuous monitoring, and lung protective strategies are essential.
Institution: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine.
Expressing gratitude for attention and inquiries.