bruh ass notes from lecture slides - no text book

the study of bioligcal rhtyms is call chronbiology - i t si bruilogcal rthyms are regualtiflcuation in any lviivng process - there is the circadian rhty that is about 24 hours

the ultradian rhtyemp repeast more than ocnea. day which is sleep and pappetiete

infradian rhtyms rpease less thant onca. day

the circadian rhtym uses light dark cycles in order to use th retinosomething pathway to

in mamamls some retinaal ganglion cells make the re

in mamamls the reginaol ganglion clel makes the retiohypothalamic pathway and accires light from the eye to the SCN.

so light enteres the eye and ganglian cells will take the light through the rentionhypothaalmic pathways to send to the SCN which is in the hhyptholamsu

THe SCN is located in the hypothalamus above tht eoptic chiasm the SCN is in the hypthalaism above the opic chaism -

cutting the scn will stop circadian rthyms drink oand hormone rhtym

so the clock -

the protein clocl and cucle will bind together to make a dimer,

the clock and cycle will bind to the DNA the enahcne trancriptiono fth egenes per and cry.

clock and cycle will bind and then go into the neuclus and then bind to the dna to make cry and per. then cry and per will leave . and then they will bind together to form a compex that stop s the clock and cycle dimer slowing trnacirption of the per and cry genes and slow produciton of the per and cry genes. then per and cry will break down and release clock and cy and the cycel starts all over again this is a 24 ohuor cycle of protien formation and degration.

the retinal ganglion cells will teect light wiht a melaospin and their axons will go into the retinohyptohalmic tract and relase glutatmute into the neuons of the SCNthe gluatmate will incrase tracnription of per and synchronize the moelcular colcl

olkie so clock and cycle will bind go into the nucleus and bind to dna to make per and cry and then per and cry will be made and then they will bind and stop clock and cycle from going and then they drgade an the cycle starts all over again. But then there are gnaglian cells that detect light and send singals through the hyppothalamic pathway and then relase gluatamate into the SCN and then glitatme wil spead up per gene.

per is elevated when light is experience. SCN will als o synchroinze the rithyms of the liver and kidney

so sleep conserve erngy - muslc tnetion heart rate blood pressure and tempeateu and reat of repriiton are reduced. sa

slepp leads to growth hormones realesed during SWS

propersleep is for imune funciton and insomia is assocated ith risk of moralith

hormones growth hormones are released during slow wave sleep.

sleep during the inveral between learning and recall improve

leanring of perceptual skill sis improved by a perof of REM consoliadion of dlecative mamroy and complicated mootor skill is in SWS REM sleep is not abosluncety necessary for elarning


stage 1 - smaller ampliteude waves - heart slows muscles relay eyes role

stage 2 - burst of sleep spindles sharp EEG

stage 3 - LArge ampliateu slwo waves

REM - small amplutudes high frequencey eyes dark rapidly under closed lids

stage 3 is the slow waves

narcolepsy - intense sleep attack lasting 5-30 minues anyttime of the day for severla times every 90 mins -

they don go through slow wave sleep befor erem and sho cataplex a sudden loss of muscl eto ne a n collpasing. 90% of htie rorexin neursons

alterness drugs for managin narcoplesy - modafinil


okie whatever back to the fucking EATINGGG -

so the VMH and the LH

VMH is assocuated with satisfhying hunger this is assocaited with POMC

and LH is with increase pappteit and this is assocated with NPY

then there is leptin that will either increase POMC or decrease NPY

so leptin wil inccrease POMC which is satisfy hunger and decrease NPY

anyways this take place in arcurate nucleus

soo what happens is the the arcuate neruosn will active the brainstem the LH and paraventricular nuclue PVN. so high leptin levels will activate the brian stemp the LH and the PVN

acruate the BS LH and VMP will increase body temp decrease feaeding and increase metabolims so basically the POMPC

okie again so leptin comes from the adipose and will increase POMC decrease NPY neuron in the acurate which activates BS VPN and LH

ghrelin andd PYY acts on the NPY hunger neruons

Ghrelin sitmualtes PYY so it increases hunger

and PYY will decrease hunger

ghrelin is in the tummy and it increases hunger so therefore NPY

PYY is in the intestince and isnt hungry so it reduces hunger so it reduces NPY

insuline reduces appetite by acitvating POMC and NPY

so leptin and insuline will reduce hinger

Ghrelin will make hunder and PYY will reduce it

Ghrelin drops after eating

PYY 3-36 increases after eating

GLP -1 increases after eating

leptin comes from the adipose tissues

insulin from the pancrease

ghrelin from the stomcahe and glp and PYY from the intestine

reduce hunger - leptin , insuline, GLP CCK

Makes hunger - PYY, Ghrelin, Cannabinoids.

So CCK is released by the gut like ghrelin and instead it will reduce hunger with the vagus nerve to inhibit pattetide. I twill convey gastri distention infor

So CCK will actt on the vagus nerve to stop hunger.

So CCK is in the tummy and will send out signals to stop hunger to the vagus nerv

GLp will also stop hunger

stops hunger - GLP, CCK, leptin. insulin POMCP

makes hunger - cannacboids - ghrelin - PYY

orexin targets the mesolimbocortial dopami increases consumption of high palatable foods
