CFA Exam Provider: Kaplan Schweser
Level I Book 4: Focuses on Fixed Income and Derivatives.
Reading 49: Fixed-Income Instrument Features
Key Features: Issuer, Maturity, Principal, Coupon Rate, Seniority, and Contingency Provisions.
Reading 50: Fixed-Income Cash Flows and Types
Cash Flow Structures: Bullet, Amortizing, and Partial Amortizing Structures.
Reading 51: Fixed-Income Issuance and Trading
Market Segmentation and Key Characteristics.
Reading 52: Fixed-Income Markets for Corporate Issuers
Funding Alternatives and Repurchase Agreements.
Reading 53: Fixed-Income Markets for Government Issuers
Funding Choices and Comparative Analysis.
Reading 54: Fixed-Income Bond Valuation: Prices and Yields
Price Calculations and Relationships between Price, Coupon Rate, Maturity, and YTM.
Reading 55: Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Fixed-Rate Bonds
Calculation of Yield Measures.
Reading 56: Yield and Yield Spread Measures for Floating-Rate Instruments
Floating-Rate Notes and Their Features.
Reading 57: The Term Structure of Interest Rates
Concepts of Spot, Par, and Forward Curves.
Reading 58: Interest Rate Risk and Return
Sources of Return and Risk Analysis.
Reading 59: Yield-Based Bond Duration Measures and Properties
Definition and Calculation of Modified Duration and Money Duration.
Reading 60: Yield-Based Bond Convexity and Portfolio Properties
Calculating and Interpreting Convexity.
Reading 61: Curve-Based and Empirical Fixed-Income Risk Measures
Effective Duration and Key Rate Duration Definitions.
Reading 62: Credit Risk
Probability of Default, Loss Given Default, and Credit Assessment Factors.
Reading 63: Credit Analysis for Government Issuers
Factors Affecting Creditworthiness.
Reading 64: Credit Analysis for Corporate Issuers
Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Factors.
Reading 65: Fixed-Income Securitization
Structure and Benefits of Securitization.
Reading 66: Asset-Backed Security Instrument Features
Characterization and Risks of Specific ABS Types.
Reading 67: Mortgage-Backed Security Features
Prepayment Risks and Time Tranching.
Reading 68: Derivative Instruments and Market Features
Definition and Features of Derivatives.
Reading 69: Forward and Futures Contracts
Definitions and Differences between Forwards and Futures.
Reading 70: Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Uses
Applications, Advantages, and Risks of Derivatives.
Reading 71: Arbitrage and Derivatives Pricing
No-Arbitrage Pricing Concepts.
Reading 72: Forward Contract Pricing
Valuation Techniques for Forwards.
Reading 73: Futures Contract Pricing
Differences between Forwards and Futures.
Reading 74: Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps
Pricing Mechanism and Swap Characteristics.
Reading 75: Options Pricing
Valuation of Call and Put Options.
Reading 76: Put-Call Parity and Forward Parity
Relationships Defined by Market Conditions.
Reading 77: One-Period Binomial Model Valuation
Application of Binomial Models in Pricing Options.
Importance of understanding the relationships among various financial instruments, their volatility, and the external factors influencing market behaviors.
Emphasis on mastering conceptual definitions, mathematical formulas, and their applications in risk management and investment strategies.
Focus on outcomes per reading to guide study efforts in the lead-up to the exam.