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How Yeshua came to fulfill the feasts; or will fulfill the feasts.

  1. Pesach (Passover):

    • Yeshua is the Lamb of YHVH, fulfilling the Passover by being crucified on the 14th of Aviv, the same day lambs were sacrificed. His blood signifies protection and salvation from sin. (cruxifiction)

  2. Feast of Unleavened Bread:

    • Yeshua, without sin (leaven), was buried on the first day of this feast, symbolizing the removal of sin from the world. (Yeshua in the grave)

  3. Feast of First Fruits:

    • Yeshua rose from the dead on this feast, becoming the "firstfruits" of those who will be resurrected, signifying victory over death. (Resurrection)

  4. Shavuot (Pentecost):

    • Yeshua's ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit on this day empower believers, fulfilling the promise of the Torah and the Spirit. (outpouring of Holy Spirit in the Upper room)

  5. Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te’Ruah):

    • This feast will be fulfilled at Yeshua's second coming, heralded by the sound of the shofar, signaling His return. (2nd coming of Yeshua)

  6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):

    • (When Yeshua returnes on a white horse (Rev 19:11) with the final battle of Armageddon and the judgement at the white throne of YHVH (Rev 20) will be the final fulfillment of the day of Atonement)

  7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):

    • This feast will be fulfilled during Yeshua's millennial reign, symbolizing God's dwelling among His people and the ultimate rest.(The feast of rest described in Rev 20 as the 1000 years of peace.)



How Yeshua came to fulfill the feasts; or will fulfill the feasts.

  1. Pesach (Passover):

    • Yeshua is the Lamb of YHVH, fulfilling the Passover by being crucified on the 14th of Aviv, the same day lambs were sacrificed. His blood signifies protection and salvation from sin. (cruxifiction)

  2. Feast of Unleavened Bread:

    • Yeshua, without sin (leaven), was buried on the first day of this feast, symbolizing the removal of sin from the world. (Yeshua in the grave)

  3. Feast of First Fruits:

    • Yeshua rose from the dead on this feast, becoming the "firstfruits" of those who will be resurrected, signifying victory over death. (Resurrection)

  4. Shavuot (Pentecost):

    • Yeshua's ascension and the sending of the Holy Spirit on this day empower believers, fulfilling the promise of the Torah and the Spirit. (outpouring of Holy Spirit in the Upper room)

  5. Feast of Trumpets (Yom Te’Ruah):

    • This feast will be fulfilled at Yeshua's second coming, heralded by the sound of the shofar, signaling His return. (2nd coming of Yeshua)

  6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):

    • (When Yeshua returnes on a white horse (Rev 19:11) with the final battle of Armageddon and the judgement at the white throne of YHVH (Rev 20) will be the final fulfillment of the day of Atonement)

  7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot):

    • This feast will be fulfilled during Yeshua's millennial reign, symbolizing God's dwelling among His people and the ultimate rest.(The feast of rest described in Rev 20 as the 1000 years of peace.)