Moslem Faith Flourishment: Primarily in Southern Asia and Northern Africa.
Countries governed by Islamic rulers:
Africa North of Sahara (7th century onwards):
Sahara and Eastern Africa (9th century onwards):
Spanish Sahara
Northern Nigeria
Asia and Asia Minor (7th century onwards):
Saudi Arabia and States of Arabian Peninsula
Notable Expansion Areas:
Afghanistan (9th century onwards)
South Russia (7th to 9th century)
Mongolia (partially, 11th century onwards)
Philippines and Indonesia (14th century onwards)
Spread of Islam: Often linked with military conquests, racial movements, and displacements of other populations.
Rich Building Tradition: Countries where Islam expanded had established traditions.
Natural Resource Exploitation: Techniques for resource extraction in building and trade were long established.
Building Techniques:
Brick making and earth walling common in alluvial plains.
Strong skills in stone selection and working in stone-bearing areas.
Diversity of Building Stones: Varied throughout the Islamic realm.
Building Material Knowledge: Techniques based on local materials allowed for advanced construction.
Ceramic Production: Long-standing tradition, along with gypsum plaster and glass manufacture, integral to Islamic architecture.
Fertility through Irrigation: Much of the historically Islamic territory relies on irrigation rather than rainfall.
Climatic Conditions:
Most areas within a continental climate leading to temperature extremes and modest rainfall.
Sunshine influenced architectural styles, leading to wide eaves and shaded arcades.
Architectural Responses:
Structures built with heavy walls and high rooms to retain coolness.
Commonly included unprotected circulation areas.
Tribal Foundations: Arab groups utilized tribal structures as the basis of their social organization.
Cultural Influence of Desert Traditions: Behavioral and cultural patterns were shaped by desert life.
Role of Women:
Primarily confined to domestic and agricultural roles; significant public life roles denied.
Private sphere embodied in the Harem and protected in public under veils.
Despotic rulers common, supported by laws based on the Prophet’s teachings and interpreted by religious leaders.
Fundamental Belief: "There is only one God and Mohammed is his prophet."
Codification of Thought:
Koran: Direct revelation through Mohammed.
Hadith: Collection of the Prophet’s sayings.
Islamic Law: Derived from the Prophet’s teachings, traditions, and examples.
Leadership: Successors to the Prophet are referred to as "Caliphs."
Sectarian Divisions: Islamic community divided primarily into Sunni (Turkey and Africa) and Shia (Persia and Iraq).
Diversity of Islamic Architecture:
Resulted from rapid conquests and a mixture of traditions.
Influenced by Hellenistic and Sassanian architecture.
Axis Orientation:
Principal axis, "Kibla" related to symmetrical concepts of "perfect creation."
Secondary axes often incorporated into landscape design.
Common Architectural Elements:
Use of arcades, domes, large portals (often with a niche called "Iwan").
Dominant buildings: mosques, tombs, and residential structures.
Design Philosophy:
Internal focus confined to contemplation and prayer rather than external grandeur.