Representative Democracy - is when the citizens elect people to represent our interests in the running of our country
Direct Democracy - when the people the rule without a representative
Theocracy - a form of government that gets its power from religion
Monarchy - a government having a single ruler (king)
City-States - a city and its surrounding region controlled by a central government
Polis - A Greek city-state
Drama - a written work that is usually displayed on stage
Comedy - Light hearted Drama with humor/ making fun of situations
Tragedy - Serious drama with themes like love, hate, war, betrayal
Alexander the Great - comes to power at the age of 20 and dies at the age of 32. Expands the Roman Empire. Student of Aristotle
Ptolemy - an astronomer, incorrectly placed the Earth at the center of the solar system
753 BC - when Rome was founded
509 BC - created the Roman Republic
Patrician- wealthy landowners who held most of the power
Plebeian - common farmers, artisans, and merchants, the majority of the population
476 AD- the fall of the Western Roman Empire