Unseen poetry - how to reach top grades

‘To a daughter leaving home’

When I taught you

at eight to ride

a bicycle, loping along

beside you

as you wobbled away

on two round wheels,

my own mouth rounding

in surprise when you pulled

ahead down the curved

path of the park,

I kept waiting

for the thud

of your crash as I

sprinted to catch up, while you grew

smaller, more breakable

with distance,

pumping, pumping

for your life, screaming

with laughter,

the hair flapping

behind you like a

hankerchief waving


How does the poet present the speakers feelings about her daughter?

Overall feelings:

  • Fear and protection based on the daughters vulnerability

  • Surprise

  • Love - because she loves her she feels worried about her

  • Sadness about growing up and independence

BIG IDEAS - think of 3 related ideas

Big idea - Love


‘i kept waiting for the thud of your crash’

dramatic verbs of ‘thud’ and ‘crash’


‘my own mouth rounding in surprise’ compares to ‘screaming with laughter’

sensory language - exuberance from child and fearful parent


‘like a handkerchief waving goodbye’


Conceptual essay structure:

Intro - one sentence thesis statement based on the big idea (never techniques in thesis statement)

Parag 1 -based on big idea linked to your thesis statement

  • Evidence: quote

  • ‘the poet powerfully conveys…’ point 1

  • Analyse and develop: technique, zoom in, effect on the reader, layer (if time further develop)

  • ‘the reader has a sense of'…’ ‘at this time in the poem the reader feels…’

Do this x2

(if there is an extended metaphor that has a overall repeated influence in the poem then include this in the introduction)
