USSR- communism
1943- clear that germans will lose the war
Big Three meet
Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill meet in Iranian capital, Tehran
Tehran Conference 1943
Roosevelt ain’t doing so hot, his goal is to end the war
Gonna let stuff slide because of his health
Can’t be as good of a mediator
Stalin is convinced that USA and UK are dragging their heels on purpose
They want the Axis to deliver heavy casualties on USSR so they’re easier to defeat
HATES Churchill
Symbol of all the flaws of capitalism
Churchill HATES Stalin
Believes he’s just like Hitler
European countries would return to pre-war borders
Germany would be divided and administered by the US, UK, USSR, and FR (france)
Also denazified
Generation raised under nazi control is reeducated
Created new international forum
The United Nations
Have power to intervene militarily
Rotating panel referred to as the Security Council
Five seats would be permanent
USA, UK, FR, USSR, China
USSR take the backseat because they know they’ll be outvoted by democratic countries
Eastern Europe was liberated from Nazi rule by the Red Army (USSR)
Free elections
Communist party won each of these countries liberated by USSR
Red army present at the polling station, openly intimidating people to vote red
Vote doesn’t matter anyway
Angers the west, but could do nothing
American leadership is new so a lot gets by Truman
Seems somewhat weak, Churchill is ENRAGED
Voted out
Vocal against Stalin
Goes on a tour/rant around the world
Coins his famous phrase
Iron Curtain
Separating free world from communist world
Couldn’t do anything anyway except go to war
Truman slowly adopts a new policy regarding communism
Prevent the spread of communism outside where it was already established
Legitimate threat in France, Italy, Greece, etc.
However, USSR had no control here
Germany divided
Four zones
American, British, French, Soviet
Berlin is also divided into four zones
Berlin is located deep in USSR territory
Rebuilding zones by USA and UK in 1948
Denazified, ready to function independently
Ticked off USSR because it had never been agreed upon
Believed they were handing the keys back to the Nazis
Knock against USSR’s prestige since they weren’t done
New country
France’s zone joins
Representatives meet to draw new constitution
Decide to get rid of the stupid name
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
Zones of Berlin are considered West Germany (WG)
USSR announces that they’ve also rebuilt, but we allow the people to vote and decide whether or not they wish to join WG
More free elections
Surprise! No one votes for WG. Same situation
Form their own country
German Democratic Republic (East Germany (EG))
Call themselves democratic to make it more appealing because they technically vote
USA will continue to challenge communist rule in Eastern Europe
Marshall Plan- pledge for USA financial support to any country renouncing communism
Truman doctrine- USA military support to any democracy facing conflict with communists
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization- alliance of democratic countries against communists
Warsaw pact- alliance of communist countries
USSR attempts to get West Berliners to abandon connection to WG
Isolate West Berlin by closing all roads
Have underestimate commitment to West Berlin and USA ability to keep West Berlin supplied
Berlin Airlift- 1948
Fly in necessities, as well as everything that can allow WB to function as a city
Essentially flying in factories that are assembled on the ground
Clothing, children’s toys, etc.
USSR calls off siege, WB remains in democratic control
West Berliners become huge fans of spam because of low meat supplies
1945- Civil War which Japan invaded during resumes
China had become a democracy, communism movement starts
Shang kai Shek led Nationalists
Mao Zedong led Communists
Strong Stalinist
Enter time out phase because of Japanese invasion
During war, Shang kai Shek adopts a policy of preserving nationalist army so they’ll be strong after the war- keeps nationalist army away from majority of fighting
Communists gain battle experience
Become heroes in the eyes of the chinese people
Mao has the upperhand after WW2
Nationalists driven out of the mainland, go to
Formosa- 1942
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Mao establishes a communist regime
People’s Republic of China
Believe that they have a legitimate claim over Taiwan
Vowed that formosa will join the mainland
Great Leap Forward- 1958-1961
Leaders don’t have governing experience
Mao forces China to industrialize
The Great Chinese Famine
Massive corruption, massive mismanagement, widespread famine
17-45 million die of starvation
Stalinist gulags, uyghur genocide, etc.
The Cold War will begin to spread to other areas of Asia
THe Japanese colony of Korea had been divided following WWII
South (Democratic)(US)
North (Communist)(USSR)
In 1950, the US announced that it had rebuilt its zone of Korea and would be leaving
In 1950, a North Korean communist army invaded South Korea
The U.N. voted to intervene
UN forces (mainly US forces) pushed the North Koreans back to the border area of China and Korea by 1951
In the winter of 1951, Chinese troops launched a surprise attack that drove US forces back to the North-South Korea border
1953 - Cease fire is called
Leads to establishment of two areas
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Republic of Korea (South Korea)
In Indochina (Vietnam), 1945 will bring a return of French colonialism
Japan ousted the French during WWII
A resistance group had formed during the Japanese Occupation
The Vietminh - Communists led by Ho Chi Minh
In 1954, the Vietnimh will defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu
Vietnam is divided: South- Democratic and backed by US, North - Communist backed by USSR
1953 - 1954 will see the COld War reach new heights
USSR steals US nuclear secrets
Rosenbergs (give nuke secrets to ussr)
Joseph Stalin dies in 1953, and is replaced by Nikita Kruschev
1957 the USSR launches the 1st satellite into space
The Space Race
1961 - USSR wins race to put first human in space (Yuri Gagarin)
NASA is formed in US in 1958 to compete with the Soviets
Allan Shepard - 1st American in Space
1959, a communist revolution topples the government of Cuba
-Fidel Castro (leader) declares it a communist state
That same year, the East German government closes the border with the West
1961 - the Berlin Wall
April, 1961 - Bay of Pigs Invasion (Cuban nationalists are massacred without US air aid)
1963 - Cuban Missile Crisis - naval standoff