Unit 3 Gov

Flashcard #1 \n**Term:** Attitudinal views of representation \n**Definition:** The view that legislators' voting behavior is largely determined by their personal beliefs and values.

**Flashcard #2** \n**Term:** Bicameral legislature \n**Definition:** A legislative body that has two chambers or houses, typically a lower house and an upper house.

**Flashcard #3** \n**Term:** Casework \n**Definition:** The assistance provided by members of Congress to their constituents in dealing with bureaucratic challenges or issues.

**Flashcard #4** \n**Term:** Caucus (Congressional) \n**Definition:** A group of members of Congress that meet to discuss and promote a specific agenda or set of issues.

**Flashcard #5** \n**Term:** Closed Rule \n**Definition:** A procedural rule in the House of Representatives that prohibits amendments to a bill on the floor.

**Flashcard #6** \n**Term:** Cloture Rule \n**Definition:** A rule that allows the Senate to end a filibuster and bring a bill to a vote, requiring a supermajority.

**Flashcard #7** \n**Term:** Committee of the Whole \n**Definition:** A parliamentary mechanism in the House of Representatives that allows all members to participate in debate on a bill.

**Flashcard #8** \n**Term:** Concurrent resolution \n**Definition:** A resolution passed by both houses of Congress that does not require the signature of the president.

**Flashcard #9** \n**Term:** Conference Committee \n**Definition:** A temporary committee formed to reconcile differences between the House and Senate versions of a bill.

**Flashcard #10** \n**Term:** Ideological coalitions \n**Definition:** Groups formed in Congress based on shared beliefs or values, crossing party lines.

**Flashcard #11** \n**Term:** Descriptive vs. substantive representation \n**Definition:** Descriptive representation involves representing constituents by characteristics like race or gender, while substantive representation focuses on advocating for constituents' interests.

**Flashcard #12** \n**Term:** Discharge petition \n**Definition:** A procedure to bring a bill out of committee and to the floor for a vote without a committee's approval.

**Flashcard #13** \n**Term:** Distributive theory vs. Informational theory \n**Definition:** Distributive theory posits that Congress distributes benefits to various constituencies, while informational theory suggests that committees specialize in providing detailed information on issues.

**Flashcard #14** \n**Term:** Division vote \n**Definition:** A voting method in which members indicate their votes by physically dividing into groups.

**Flashcard #15** \n**Term:** Double-tracking \n**Definition:** A procedure used to keep the Senate in session during a filibuster by allowing other business to proceed.

**Flashcard #16** \n**Term:** Electoral Connection \n**Definition:** The relationship between members of Congress and their constituents, emphasizing the need for reelection.

**Flashcard #17** \n**Term:** Filibuster \n**Definition:** A tactic used in the Senate to delay or block a vote on a bill by extending debate.

**Flashcard #18** \n**Term:** Franking privilege \n**Definition:** The ability of members of Congress to send mail to their constituents free of charge.

**Flashcard #19** \n**Term:** Gridlock \n**Definition:** A situation in which there is difficulty in passing laws due to a lack of agreement.

**Flashcard #20** \n**Term:** Incumbency advantage \n**Definition:** The electoral edge afforded to those already in office due to greater visibility and established relationships.

**Flashcard #21** \n**Term:** Joint committee \n**Definition:** A committee that includes members from both the House and the Senate.

**Flashcard #22** \n**Term:** Joint resolution \n**Definition:** A formal statement or decision passed by both houses of Congress requiring presidential approval.

**Flashcard #23** \n**Term:** Logrolling \n**Definition:** The practice of exchanging favors, especially in politics, by reciprocal voting for each other's proposed legislation.

**Flashcard #24** \n**Term:** Majority leader \n**Definition:** The head of the majority party in a legislative body, responsible for scheduling legislation.

**Flashcard #25** \n**Term:** Marginal districts \n**Definition:** Electoral districts where candidates often win by narrow margins.

**Flashcard #26** \n**Term:** Minority leader \n**Definition:** The head of the minority party in a legislative body, opposing the majority leader's agenda.

**Flashcard #27** \n**Term:** Modified rules \n**Definition:** Procedures that allow for amendments in a limited fashion during floor debates.

**Flashcard #28** \n**Term:** Multiple referrals \n**Definition:** The practice of sending a bill to multiple committees for consideration.

**Flashcard #29** \n**Term:** Omnibus legislation/Christmas Tree Bill \n**Definition:** A large bill that contains many different provisions, often controversial to get wider support.

**Flashcard #30** \n**Term:** Open rule \n**Definition:** A procedural rule that allows for amendments to be made to a bill on the floor.

**Flashcard #31** \n**Term:** Party polarization \n**Definition:** The increasing ideological distance between political parties, leading to less bipartisan cooperation.

**Flashcard #32** \n**Term:** Politico: delegate/trustee \n**Definition:** A legislator who acts primarily as a delegate (representing constituents' views) or as a trustee (using their own judgment).

**Flashcard #33** \n**Term:** Pork-barrel legislation/earmarks \n**Definition:** Legislation that allocates government spending for local projects, often used to gain political favor.

**Flashcard #34** \n**Term:** President pro tempore \n**Definition:** A constitutional officer of the Senate, typically the most senior member of the majority party.

**Flashcard #35** \n**Term:** Private bill \n**Definition:** A legislative bill that affects only a specific individual or group.

**Flashcard #36** \n**Term:** Public bill \n**Definition:** A legislative bill that affects the public at large.

**Flashcard #37** \n**Term:** Quorum/Quorum Call \n**Definition:** The minimum number of members required to be present in a legislative body to conduct business.

**Flashcard #38** \n**Term:** Restrictive Rule \n**Definition:** A procedural rule that limits the types of amendments that can be offered to a bill.

**Flashcard #39** \n**Term:** Roll-call vote \n**Definition:** A voting method where each member's vote is recorded.

**Flashcard #40** \n**Term:** Safe districts \n**Definition:** Electoral districts where incumbents typically win by a large margin.

**Flashcard #41** \n**Term:** Select committees \n**Definition:** Committees formed for a specific purpose and usually for a limited duration.

**Flashcard #42** \n**Term:** Seniority \n**Definition:** A system that frequently gives priority to longer-serving members in congressional committee assignments.

**Flashcard #43** \n**Term:** Sequential referral \n**Definition:** The practice of sending a bill to multiple committees one after another.

**Flashcard #44** \n**Term:** Simple resolution \n**Definition:** A resolution passed by only one house of Congress, affecting only that chamber.

**Flashcard #45** \n**Term:** Speaker of the House \n**Definition:** The elected leader of the House of Representatives, responsible for legislative functions.

**Flashcard #46** \n**Term:** Standing committees \n**Definition:** Permanent committees in Congress responsible for specific areas of legislation.

**Flashcard #47** \n**Term:** Teller vote \n**Definition:** A voting method where members pass between two tellers who record their votes.

**Flashcard #48** \n**Term:** Voice vote \n**Definition:** A voting method where members verbally express their approval or disapproval.

**Flashcard #49** \n**Term:** Whip \n**Definition:** A party official whose role is to ensure party discipline and mobilize votes.

**Flashcard #50** \n**Term:** Iron Triangles \n**Definition:** The stable relationship between a government agency, a congressional committee, and interest groups.

**Flashcard #51** \n**Term:** Redistricting/apportionment \n**Definition:** The process of redrawing electoral district boundaries and distributing seats in legislative bodies based on population changes.

**Flashcard #52** \n**Term:** Gerrymandering \n**Definition:** The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to advantage a particular political party.

**Flashcard #53** \n**Term:** Malapportionment \n**Definition:** A situation in which districts are of unequal population size leading to unequal representation.

**Flashcard #54** \n**Term:** Legislative process \n**Definition:** The series of steps by which a proposed law becomes an enacted law.

**Flashcard #55** \n**Term:** Interstate Commerce Clause \n**Definition:** A provision in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to regulate trade between states.

**Flashcard #56** \n**Term:** Leadership structure \n**Definition:** The hierarchy and organization within a legislative body.

**Flashcard #57** \n**Term:** Rider \n**Definition:** An amendment added to a bill that is unrelated to the bill's main purpose.

**Flashcard #58** \n**Term:** Sophomore Surge \n**Definition:** The electoral advantage that candidates experience when running for reelection after their first term.

**Flashcard #59** \n**Term:** Interest Groups \n**Definition:** Organizations formed to influence public policy and advance specific interests.

**Flashcard #60** \n**Term:** Federalist No. 10 \n**Definition:** An essay by James Madison arguing against the dangers of factions in a republic.

**Flashcard #61** \n**Term:** 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) \n**Definition:** Types of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations under the Internal Revenue Code that engage in charitable activities and social welfare, respectively.

**Flashcard #62** \n**Term:** 527 organization \n**Definition:** A type of tax-exempt organization primarily focused on political activities.

**Flashcard #63** \n**Term:** Super PACs \n**Definition:** Independent political committees that can raise unlimited sums of money to support or oppose political candidates.

**Flashcard #64** \n**Term:** Non-Profit/Tax Exempt \n**Definition:** Organizations not required to pay taxes and that operate for purposes other than making a profit.

**Flashcard #65** \n**Term:** Lobby/Lobbying \n**Definition:** The act of attempting to influence government officials on behalf of a particular interest.

**Flashcard #66** \n**Term:** Grassroots lobbying \n**Definition:** Efforts to influence government by mobilizing the general public to contact legislators.

**Flashcard #67** \n**Term:** Astroturf lobbying \n**Definition:** The practice of creating a false impression of widespread public support for a cause.

**Flashcard #68** \n**Term:** Regulations \n**Definition:** Rules established by administrative agencies that implement laws passed by Congress.

**Flashcard #69** \n**Term:** Salience \n**Definition:** The level of importance or relevance a particular issue has to individuals or groups.

**Flashcard #70** \n**Term:** Interest groups and policy \n**Definition:** The relationship between interest groups and the development of public policies.

**Flashcard #71** \n**Term:** Business/Labor/Professional \n**Definition:** Categories of interest groups that represent the interests of businesses, labor unions, and professional associations.

**Flashcard #72** \n**Term:** Environmental \n**Definition:** Interest groups focused on promoting conservation and environmental protection.

**Flashcard #73** \n**Term:** Public Interest \n**Definition:** Interest groups that focus on issues that benefit the general public.

**Flashcard #74** \n**Term:** Institutional Interests \n**Definition:** Interest groups that represent organizations and institutions.

**Flashcard #75** \n**Term:** Membership Interests \n**Definition:** Interest groups that represent the interests of their members.

**Flashcard #76** \n**Term:** Solidary Incentive \n**Definition:** Motivation for individuals to join an interest group based on social interactions.

**Flashcard #77** \n**Term:** Material Incentive \n**Definition:** Material benefits provided to members of interest groups to encourage participation.

**Flashcard #78** \n**Term:** Purposive Incentive \n**Definition:** The motivation to join an interest group based on shared values or goals.

**Flashcard #79** \n**Term:** Ideological Interest groups \n**Definition:** Interest groups that promote a specific set of coherent beliefs and values.

**Flashcard #80** \n**Term:** Free riding \n**Definition:** The problem of individuals benefiting from resources, goods, or services without paying for them.

**Flashcard #81** \n**Term:** Liberal and Conservative Interest Groups \n**Definition:** Interest groups that represent liberal or conservative ideologies.

**Flashcard #82** \n**Term:** Feminist Movement \n**Definition:** A social and political movement aimed at establishing equal rights for women.

**Flashcard #83** \n**Term:** Foundation Grants \n**Definition:** Funds distributed by institutions to support specific projects or initiatives.

**Flashcard #84** \n**Term:** Federal grants \n**Definition:** Monetary awards provided by the federal government to support a variety of activities.

**Flashcard #85** \n**Term:** Direct Mail \n**Definition:** A marketing technique used to send promotional materials directly to individuals.

**Flashcard #86** \n**Term:** Franking \n**Definition:** The privilege of sending mail without postage, often used by legislators.

**Flashcard #87** \n**Term:** Bias \n**Definition:** A predisposition or inclination towards one side of an argument or decision.

**Flashcard #88** \n**Term:** Political Cues \n**Definition:** Signals provided by individuals or organizations about the implications of a decision.

**Flashcard #89** \n**Term:** Money \n**Definition:** A crucial factor in political campaigns, influencing the ability to mobilize support.

**Flashcard #90** \n**Term:** PACs \n**Definition:** Political Action Committees that collect and distribute funds for political candidates.

**Flashcard #91** \n**Term:** Revolving Door \n**Definition:** The movement of individuals between positions in government and the private sector.

**Flashcard #92** \n**Term:** Conflict of Interest \n**Definition:** A situation where an individual may have competing interests or loyalties.
