Unit 6 Bio


Autotrophs- Organisms that make their own food by getting carbon from the environment

Heterotrophs- Get carbon from other organisms

Photosynthesis- Metabolic pathway that uses sunlight, CO2, H2O to get sugar and O2

Light Waves (electromagnetic radiation)

  • Wavelength- The distance between 2 waves

  • Photon- light wave groups

  • Shorter = more energy

  • Pigment- molecule that Absorbs specific wavelengths w/ electrons

  • Accessory Pigment- secondary pi

  • reflected light gives color

  • Chlorophyll A- most common pigment in plants

  • best with Blue and Red light

Light Dependent Reactions-

  • Thylakoid membrane

  • Photosystems- Large protein complex that converts light into chemical energy

  • Type 1 and Type 2

Noncyclic Pathway

Input: Light and Water

Produces: NAPDH and ATP

Waste Product: Oxygen

  1. Photosystem 2 absorbs photon. Making a chlorophyll pair emit an electron

    (light to chemical energy).

  1. Water splits into replacement electrons and Hydrogen ions w/ Oxygen as waste (Photolysis)

  1. Released energy from the electron transfer chain power the Hydrogen ion gradient

  1. The electrons get accepted into photosystem 1 and repeats step 1

  1. The electrons move into a second chain

  1. At the end the electrons and hydrogen bond with NADP+

NADP+ + electrons + H+ = NADPH

NADPH- A powerful electron donor

  1. The H+ leaves the compartment through ATP Synthase (a transport protein)

  1. The H+ phosphorylates ADP so ATP forms in stroma - Electron Transfer Phosphorylation

Cyclic Pathway (only photosystem 1)

  • Electrons do not go to NADP+

  • Instead, it goes back to photosystem 1

  • Does not produce o2 b/c no water splitting

  • Used to make extra ATP

Light Independent Reactions-

  • Stroma

    Calvin-Benson Cycle

  • Input: Carbon Dioxide, Phosphate (ATP), hydrogen + electrons (NADPH)

  • Product: Sucrose, NADP+ / ADP (goes back to light-dependent cycle)

    Goal: Build Carbon backbones of sugar molecules from CO2

Stage 1: Carbon Fixation

  1. Rubisco (a protein/enzyme) bonds CO2 (3 × 6C) to RUBP (3 × 5C)

  1. RUBP gets +1 Carbon from CO2 = PGA

  1. PGA is unstable and SPLITS in half (6 rows x 3 Carbon)

Stage 2: Reduction (adding energy) Note: PGAL = G3P = simple sugar

  1. Each PGA gets a Phosphate group and Hydrogen + Electrons = PGAL

  2. 6 PGA turns into 6 PGAL

  3. -1 PGAL to make ½ sugar = 5 PGAL

Stage 3: Regeneration

  1. 5 PGAL combine back into RuBP using ATP


Stomata- Holes in a plants surface that let gases in and out

  • When stomata is closed O2 rises and CO2 decreases

    Photorespiration- When O2 is more than CO2, O2 attaches to RuBP

  • The intermediate is shipped from the chloroplast to the peroxisome to Mitocondria and back

  • Then the molecule can enter the CB cycle

    Waste products:

  • CO2 is lost and cannot be reused

  • Hydrogen Peroxide in peroxisome is necessary for signaling growth and defense responses

  • Ammonia that needs to be detoxified in mitoconrdia

C3 Plants

  • Only fix carbon in CB cycle

  • Does both stages of photosynthesis all day

  • O2 and CO2 compete for rubisos active site
