Test 2 stuff (oceanography)

Oceanography is the composition of the ocean or the structure of the sea.

The ocean is the largest resivore in the world.

Seawater Chemistry, the ocean is filled with the chemical NaCL or salt. (Saltwater)

Salinity, 3.5% average = 35 (parts per thousand)

2.5 billion tons of dissolved load

-rivers and streams ending up in the ocean

-underwater volcanoes, there are over 35,000 still active

33‰ — 40‰ of salinity in the ocean 33when you add freshwater through percipitations, runoff, and melting of ice , and 40when you remove freshwater by evaporation, and making glaciers or sea ice,

P=E+R is involved in the ocean


A= Surface (mixed) zone

B=Transition zone

C= Deep zone


low density floats / high density sinks

Low salinity = less dense

high salinity = more dense

density changes the temperature

the deeper the water the colder it gets

Ben franklin discovered the layers in the ocean lol

Thermocline refers to the deeper the depth the more salinity in the ocean.

Oceanic Circulation

Coriolis Effect if in northern hemisphere circulation connects more clockwise


0 degrees- in south moves counter clockwise

Trash ends up in the middle of gyre’s

A gyre in oceanography refers to a large system of rotating ocean currents that are driven by the Earth's wind patterns and the Coriolis effect. Gyres typically form in the ocean basins of the major oceans and are characterized by a circular flow of currents. There are four major gyres in the world's oceans: the North Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, the North Pacific Gyre, and the South Pacific Gyre.

Composition of the Atmosphere

78% N2 = diatonic nitrogen (it doesnt do much its just there)

21% O2 = diatomic oxygen (life requires it)

<1% Ar = argon (idk tbh)

≈ 0.04 % = everything else water vapor, CO2, O3 = Ozone

Atmospheric Sciences

Sunlight bounces off places and causes it to heat

UV light is caused by this and is also dangerous,

02 + UV —> O-1+O-1

O-1 +O2 = O3

O3 + UV = O2 + O-1 + heat

Structure of the Atmosphere

-Gravity affected

-3 ½ miles of the surface and oxygen halves

There are four major layers of the atmosphere

At 7 miles up this is called the troposphere and has most of our weather, temperature decreases as you go up

At 30 miles up this is called the stratosphere and here, the temperature increases, the ozone layer is found here and is made up of O3 = Triamtomic oxygen, the ozone breaks down organic tissue, the ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet light

At 50 miles this is called the mesosphere the temperature decreases

And at 100 miles this is called the thermosphere and temperature increases, this layer protects us from cosmic rays or cosmic particles are electrically charged atmos fired by the sun, Auroras are found in this layer, These sun rays can disrupt electronic equipment if the rays penetrate through this layer

Introduction to Weather

From sea level to 100 miles up the atmospheric pressure weighs 14.7 pounds

14.7 psi (pounds per square inch) = 1 bar of pressure

Millibars, 1 bar = 1000 millibars

barameter = a device that measures changes in air pressure

Atmospheric Sciences

1 pound of liquid mercury

High pressure mercury is raising

Low pressure mercury is following

Laredo is a high pressure system

Weather & Climate

Weather- day by day (hour by hour) change in stuff such as


-air pressure

-relative humidity

Climate - weaher averaged over a long period of time

Controls of climate

how much sunlight the earths sufrae recives

  1. the seasons

  2. solar angel

  3. Atmosphere thickness

  4. Greenhouse affect

the tilt does not change as we orbit the sun

Solstice- the tilt is toward or away from the sun

A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice a year, marking the times when the Sun is at its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, resulting in the longest and shortest days of the year. The summer solstice occurs around June 21st, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, resulting in the longest day of the year. Conversely, the winter solstice happens around December 21st, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, resulting in the shortest day of the

The summer solstice of June 21-22 is the longest day of the year, and the sun is the highest in the sky, this occurs when the earth is pointing at the sun

The winter solstice of Dec 21-22 is the shortest day of the year, and the sun is the lowest in the sky, this occurs when the earth is pointing away from the sun

March 21-22 is the spring equinox

Sept 22-23 is the fall equinox

In these equinox’s the tilts do not matter and the day and night have equal amount of time 12 hours each

365.25 days in a year ( every four years theres a leap year)

Solar Angle = sun’s height in the sky

The average solar angle is 90 degree - your latitude

Greenhouse Gases

Carbon Dioxide - CO2 - from burning fossil fuels

Methane - CH4 - cows fart it lol

Water Vapor - H20

The green house affect

Sunlight enters a greenhouse and infrared radiation kills us

The greenhouse effect is a natural process where certain gases in Earth's atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor), trap heat from the Sun. As sunlight enters the atmosphere, some of it is absorbed by the Earth's surface, and some is reflected back into space. Greenhouse gases then absorb and re-radiate some of this infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping back into space. This effect helps to keep the Earth's surface warm enough to support life. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have increased the concentration of these gases, which enhances the greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming.


Weather equation

Relative humidity Equation

Relative Humidity (RH) is a percentage where zero means there is no water in the air and one hundred means there is no more room for the water

water vapor content in air / water vapor capacity in air times that by 100 and you get the answer

W.V. = how much water vapor is currently present in air

=hygrometer and this is a device to record water vapor content

Water vapor capacity = how much water vapor can hold at a given temperature

Water vapor is a gas!!!!!!

At capacity

It can either condense as liquid or sublimate as solid

High temperatures can hold more water vapor

Colder can not

Direct Relationship

If temperature increases capacity increases, Relative Humidity decreases

If temperature drops capacity drops, Relative Humidity Increases

Raises to the point where content = capacity , Relative Humidity = 100%

Dew Point Temperature where temperature equals capacity

High Pressure (Mercury raising in barometer)

-air is sinking

-air is heating up

-sunny day!

Low pressure (mercury is falling in barometer)

-air is rising

-air is cooling

-air is condensing / sublimating

Relative Humidity = 100 on ground



Relative Humidity = just above the ground —> fog

Weather Makers

Relative Humidity Equation

RH(%) = Water vapor content in air / water vapor capacity in air then times that by 100

High pressure system = air is sinking, air is heating up,

Temperature increases, capacity increases relative humidity decreases

Low pressure system = air is rising which means air is cooling

This makes temperature drops and therefore capacity drops and relative humidity increases

Cloudy to Rainy Weather

  1. Orographic lifting refers to lifting mountains,

add the rest of tuesdays stuff here lol


Definition of minerals

  1. Naturally occurring

  2. Solid

  3. Inorganic - not living, never been alive

  4. Chemical compound

  5. Crystalline (made up of crystals)

Earth materials


Na - CL- Na

| | | =

Cl - Na - Cl

| | |

Na - Cl - Na


Crystal Shape

Physical property

2 categories of physical properties

1) controlled by chemical bonding

2) Controlled by chemical composition

Physical properties Controlled by Chemical Bonding

1) Crystal shape is controlled by the angle that atoms bond

Al2O3 = Corundum

Hory shit wtf put the electron drawings here 😭

Two minerals with hardness scratch eachother

Mohs Hardness scale

softest to hardest

  1. talc ← van der wars forces

  2. gypsum ← pure ionic bonds

  3. calcite

  4. apatitie

  5. fluorite

  6. orthoclase

  7. quartz

  8. topaz

  9. corundum ← pure covalent

  10. diamond ← each C has 4 covalent bonds
