Cognitive Approach - Cognitive Processes

Multi-Store Model of Memory

  • Sensory memory – iconic memory

    • Stores visual sensory information

    • Capacity: unlimited

    • Duration: 1/3 of a second

  • Short Term Memory

    • Capacity: 5-9 pieces

    • Duration: 20 seconds

    • Chunking can help increase the capacity

    • Move stuff from short term memory to long term memory through rehearsal

    • Maintenance rehearsal involves repeating information again and again

    • Elaborative rehearsal involves elaborating on the information in a meaningful way

    • Takes more effort, but it is more effective as it ensures that information is encoded into long term memory

  • Long Term Memory

    • Whenever we remember something we are retrieving it from what is stored in long term memory

    • Capacity: unlimited

    • Duration: unlimited

    • Procedural memory: “knowing how”, memory of how to do things (skills)

    • Declarative memory: “knowing that”, memory of information about the world (semantic memory) and personal experiences (episodic memory)

    • Episodic memory: stores events (episodes) involving personal experiences. Stores information about context (when and where), state (physical and psychological condition)

    • Semantic memory: LTM declarative memory that stores info about the world. E.g. facts (sun is a star), definitions, rules, concepts, everyday knowledge (a bus is a form of transport) and specialized knowledge (chess piece moves)

Working Memory Model

  • Central Executive

    • Replaces the sensory memory buffer

    • Responsible for monitoring an coordinating the operation of ‘slave systems’

    • The central executive directs attention to tasks

    • Allocates information based on modality

  • Phonological loop

    • Limited capacity (like STM in MSM of memory)

    • Deals with auditory info and language - both written and verbal

    • Baddley (1986) further divided it into the:

    • Phonological store; holds words for a brief period - can be thought as the inner ear

    • Articulatory process; holds words seen/heard and silently repeated like an inner voice

  • Episodic Buffer

    • Temporarily holds several sources of auditory, long-term and visual information active at the same time, while consideration of what is needed in present situation takes place

  • Visuospatial Sketchpad

    • Limited capacity (like STM in MSM of memory)

    • Visual component of short-term memory/inner eye

    • Temporary store for spatial and visual information about what things look like; form and colour

    • The inner scribe; processes spatial and movement information.

Dual Processing Model

  • System 1 Thinking

    • the one that is reliant on past information and schema, makes quick and effortless decisions based on limited information.

    • Tend to use mental short-cuts called heuristics

    • 90% of time we access system 1

    • System 1 thinking and take shortcuts - quick thinking, intuitive

  • System 2 Thinking

    • System 2 thinking - much more effortful and requires more conscious reasoning

    • 5% of the time we access system 2 where we slow down.

    • System 2 thinking - rational thinking
