Inspection Overview
Inspects both pharmacy members and operational sites.
Checks if pharmacies meet essential requirements such as:
Proper refrigeration.
Private counseling areas.
Clean spaces for compounding.
Record Keeping
Review of prescription records and operational management by the pharmacy manager.
Importance of accurate record-keeping is emphasized.
Definition of Controlled Acts
Specific acts exclusive to trained and authorized professionals (e.g., pharmacists).
Can only be performed by a pharmacist; pharmacy technicians can temporarily take instructions under supervision.
Delegation Process
Delegation must remain within professional limits to avoid liability.
OCP Control
The Ontario College of Pharmacists (OCP) issues and renews accreditation certificates post-inspection.
Requirements for Accreditation
Must meet all operational requirements and equipment standards.
Renewed annually and adjusted for changes, including adding online pharmacies or moving locations.
Technology Incorporation
Regulations updated (02/2006) to include mandatory computer and internet access in pharmacies.
Transition from manual to electronic record-keeping.
Storage Requirements
Minimum pharmacy space of 200 square feet with a designated counseling area.
Implementation of scanning systems for prescription records.
Hard copies stored for 2 years; digital records maintained for 10 years.
Regulation Updates
Pharmacists can now extend prescriptions in certain circumstances while documenting consultations with the prescriber.
Conditions for Extending Prescriptions
Must ensure patient stability and ongoing treatment need.
Exclusions for controlled substances or narcotics.
Definition of Professional Misconduct
Actions that jeopardize patient welfare or involve conflicts of interest.
Examples include self-referral for profits or misuse of patient data for personal gain.
Overview of Remote Dispensing
Approval for pharmacies to operate remote dispensing systems without pharmacists on site.
Patients access prescriptions through automated systems while being able to consult with pharmacists via technology.
Operational Considerations
Remote dispensing must be connected and supervised by a registered pharmacy to ensure regulatory compliance.