For each of the following terms related to the Internet, look up the definition, but explain it in your own words. Do not simply copy and paste the definition. We will go through these items and explore your explanations in depth over the next few class periods.
1. Network
a. My/our explanation: a group of connected computers that can send data to each other.
2. Internet
a. My/our explanation: a big web of connected computers and devices. It uses a set of rules called TCP/IP to allow them to talk to each other
3. IP Address
a. My/our explanation: a unique string of characters that distinguishes each computer using internet protocol to communicate with each other.
4. IPv4 and IPv6
a. My/our explanation of IPv4: the fourth version of the Internet protocol that uses a 32-bit address space which provides 2^32 unique addresses
b. My/our explanation of IPv6: most recent version of the internet protocol which uses 128-bit addresses, theoretically allowed 2^128 total addresses.
5. Packets
a. My/our explanation: a small part of a larger message. Data sent over networks is divided into these packets, and then recombined when the computer receives them.
a. My/our explanation: http(The Hypertext Transfer Protocol) an application protocol for hypermedia information systems which allows user to communicate their data on the World Wide Web. https is the secure version of this, which is mainly used to send data between the browser and website.
7. VoIP
a. My/our explanation: VoIP, or Voice over internet protocol, is the technology that allows us to make phone calls using internet bandwidth rather than standard phone lines. All mobile phones use VoIP.
8. Server
a. My/our explanation: A server is a computer or program that can provide service to another computer. It can be a physical or virtual machine.
9. Domain Name and subdomain
a. My/our explanation of a domain name: A domain name is the name of a particular website on the internet.
b. My/our explanation of a subdomain: Is contained inside a domain, often considered an extension in front of the domain name.
10. TCP and UDP
a. My/our explanation of TCP: Enables data transmission if the client and server have a connection. Verifies the delivery of the data and ensures that none is lost.
b. My/our explanation of UDP: Enables data transmission without a connection; delivery is not verified. It is quicker and uses less data than UDP, and can be used in real time.
11. URL
a. My/our explanation: The URL in theory is the address of a unique resource on the web. May fail if the website has been deleted or moved.
12. Router
a. My/our explanation: A device that connects network packets. It can forward data packets to their intended IP address and allows multiple devices to work on the same network. Is often used to create WiFi.
13. Switch
a. My/our explanation: The device that can channel data from multiple inputs into one specific output that can take it to its destination. More simply, it allows devices in a shared network to communicate.
14. Hub
a. My/our explanation: A hub is the device that links multiple computers and other devices together.
15. Latency
a. My/our explanation: Latency is the delay between a action from a person on a network and when a response is given.
16. Bit Rate
a. My/our explanation: Bit rate is the rate of how fast bits are transferred from one place to another.
17. Fault Tolerance
a. My/our explanation: Fault tolerance allows an operating system to respond to a failure in software or hardware.
18. DNS
a. My/our explanation: DNS, or Domain name system, turns domain names into IP addresses allowing browsers to get to websites.
19. Bandwidth
a. My/our explanation: Bandwidth is a range of frequencies within a given band that is used for sending a signal.
20. Cloud Computing
a. My/our explanation: Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet and allows users to access resources efficiently.