gives us a good understanding > of structure + process of STM > allows researchers to expand on this model - make it more valid and can prove what the stores actually do
the model is influential > generated a lot of research into memory
many memory studies provide evidence to support distinction between STM + LTM
model supports primary + recency effects
case of HM supports the model > he was unable to encode new LTMs after surgery (hippocampus removal) but STM was unaffected
b) weaknesses
oversimplified > suggests that both LTM and STM operate in a single and uniform fashion (this is not the case!!)
both STM + LTM are more complicated than previously thought > Working Memory Model
rehearsal > too simple to account for the transfer of info from STM to LTM > ignores factors such as motivation, effect, strategy
has been criticised for being a passive/linear model