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Chapter 2 Notes


  • Yellow : Things that are also in flashcards

  • Blue : Thing that I thought might be important / key words

  • Pink : Important times and their events


  • Muhammad’s death was in 632

  • Abbasid Caliphate was an Arab dynasty that had ruled the Islamic world in theory if not practice since 750

  • Abbasid capital was Baghdad

  • Sultan = ruler ( rather than using the turkish word Kaghan )

  • Ottoman Empire was created from a turkish war group

  • Abbasid Caliphate ended in 1258

  • Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453

  • The Ottoman Empire represented the emergence of the Turks as the dominant people of the Islamic world, ruling now over many Arabs

  • caliph = successor to the Prophet

  • The establishment of Sultanate of Delhi was in 1206

  • Sufis = Muslim Holy Men

  • Vijayanagar Empire ( 1336 - 1646 )

    • Sustained peaceful Hindu-Muslim encounters

  • al-Andalus = Muslim for Spain

  • Muslim Spain’s capital was Cordoba

  • Abd al-Rahman III ruled from 912 to 961

  • In 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella, the catholic monarchs of a unified Spain, took Granda, the last Muslim stronghold

  • The Spanish monarchy issued a series of edicts outlawing Islam in its various territories

  • Dar-al and Pan = Across all

  • Elite = Rich

    • The elite women had to do foot binding

    • The elite women had to have arranged marriages

    • The elite women could no longer raise their own children in their own parents house

  • The Song Dynasty brought Confucianism to China

  • Poor women were not affected by the input of Confucianism

  • Chine referred to themselves as the “ Middle Kingdom “

  • Ethnocentrism = meaning that China felt superior to all other societies and they were the center of the world

  • Sinification = the extensive adoption of the Chinese culture

  • Feudalism kept Japan from a centralized Government

  • Bushido was Japan’s code of Conduct for their citizens

  • Shintoism = everything has a spirit

  • The cultural diversity of the Abbasid Caliphate made their government strong

  • The Abbasid Caliphates were defeated by the Mongols in 1258

  • Islam was the “ Most Extreme “ Monotheistic religion

  • Hinduism was the “ Most Extreme “ Polytheistic religion

  • Delhi Sultanate = 5 short lived dynasties whose capitals were centered at Delhi

  • Islambol = “ full of Islam “

  • The Ottoman Empire was from 1299-1922 CE

  • Devshirme = tribute of Christian boys who were paid to serve in the Balkan Military

  • High Middle Ages ( 1000 - 3000 ) arguably opened the way for an accelerating tempo of economic and social change

  • Europeans developed the three-field crop rotation

  • The Crusades demonstrated a growing European capacity for organization, finance, transportation, and recruitment

  • Cross-cultural contacts born from crusading opened channels of trade,technology transfer, intellectual change, and it hardened cultural barriers between people

  • Europeans

    • cranks

    • flywheels

    • camshafts

    • complex gearing mechanisms

      • windmills

      • water mills

      • provided power for grinding grains

      • sieving flour

      • tanning hides

      • making beer

      • sawing wood

      • manufacturing iron

      • making paper

        Byzantine Empire

  • 1085 was the start of the slow downfall of the Byzantine Empire

  • The Byzantine Empire ended in 1453 when the Turkic Ottoman Empire took over Constantinople


  • Roman Taxation System

  • Roman Military Structures

  • Roman Centralized Administration

  • Roman Imperial Court “ Gods Heavenly Court “

  • Roman Laws

  • Roman Christian Church

  • Capital of Constantinople “ New Rome “

  • Caesaropapism = political system in which the head of the state is also the head of the church and supreme judge in religious matters

  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity = Legitimated the supreme and absolute authority of the emperor, for her was a God-anointed ruler, a reflection of the glory of God on earth

  • Orthodox = Right Thinking


  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity = Legitimated the supreme and absolute authority of the emperor, for her was a God-anointed ruler, a reflection of the glory of God on earth


  • Roman Roads

  • Roman Taxation System

    Other Stuff:

  • Crusades were in 1095 by the Catholic Pope against the forces of Islam



  • political ideals of imperial control of the church


  • The Cyrillic alphabet based on its greek counterpart

  • The extensive use of religious images known as icons

  • Byzantine architectural style


  • Monastic tradition that stresses prayer and service


  • Paris, Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge, and Salamanca became “ zones of intellectual autonomy “ in affect of the Renaissance

  • Aristotle laid the foundation of the Scientific revolution due to his human rationalism ideology

  • 1350-1500 ( roughly ) was the European Renaissance

  • The Elite men of the European Renaissance patronized the great artists of the time such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael whose paintings and sculptures were far more naturalistic, particularly in portraying the human body, than those of their Medieval counterparts

  • Renaissance culture reflected the urban bustle and commercial preoccupations of Italian cities. Its secular elements challenged the otherworldliness of Christian culture, and it's individualism signaled the dawning of a more capitalist economy of private entrepreneurs.

  • The Reconquista was a prolonged conflict to remove the Moors from the Iberian peninsula

Chapter 2 Notes


  • Yellow : Things that are also in flashcards

  • Blue : Thing that I thought might be important / key words

  • Pink : Important times and their events


  • Muhammad’s death was in 632

  • Abbasid Caliphate was an Arab dynasty that had ruled the Islamic world in theory if not practice since 750

  • Abbasid capital was Baghdad

  • Sultan = ruler ( rather than using the turkish word Kaghan )

  • Ottoman Empire was created from a turkish war group

  • Abbasid Caliphate ended in 1258

  • Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453

  • The Ottoman Empire represented the emergence of the Turks as the dominant people of the Islamic world, ruling now over many Arabs

  • caliph = successor to the Prophet

  • The establishment of Sultanate of Delhi was in 1206

  • Sufis = Muslim Holy Men

  • Vijayanagar Empire ( 1336 - 1646 )

    • Sustained peaceful Hindu-Muslim encounters

  • al-Andalus = Muslim for Spain

  • Muslim Spain’s capital was Cordoba

  • Abd al-Rahman III ruled from 912 to 961

  • In 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella, the catholic monarchs of a unified Spain, took Granda, the last Muslim stronghold

  • The Spanish monarchy issued a series of edicts outlawing Islam in its various territories

  • Dar-al and Pan = Across all

  • Elite = Rich

    • The elite women had to do foot binding

    • The elite women had to have arranged marriages

    • The elite women could no longer raise their own children in their own parents house

  • The Song Dynasty brought Confucianism to China

  • Poor women were not affected by the input of Confucianism

  • Chine referred to themselves as the “ Middle Kingdom “

  • Ethnocentrism = meaning that China felt superior to all other societies and they were the center of the world

  • Sinification = the extensive adoption of the Chinese culture

  • Feudalism kept Japan from a centralized Government

  • Bushido was Japan’s code of Conduct for their citizens

  • Shintoism = everything has a spirit

  • The cultural diversity of the Abbasid Caliphate made their government strong

  • The Abbasid Caliphates were defeated by the Mongols in 1258

  • Islam was the “ Most Extreme “ Monotheistic religion

  • Hinduism was the “ Most Extreme “ Polytheistic religion

  • Delhi Sultanate = 5 short lived dynasties whose capitals were centered at Delhi

  • Islambol = “ full of Islam “

  • The Ottoman Empire was from 1299-1922 CE

  • Devshirme = tribute of Christian boys who were paid to serve in the Balkan Military

  • High Middle Ages ( 1000 - 3000 ) arguably opened the way for an accelerating tempo of economic and social change

  • Europeans developed the three-field crop rotation

  • The Crusades demonstrated a growing European capacity for organization, finance, transportation, and recruitment

  • Cross-cultural contacts born from crusading opened channels of trade,technology transfer, intellectual change, and it hardened cultural barriers between people

  • Europeans

    • cranks

    • flywheels

    • camshafts

    • complex gearing mechanisms

      • windmills

      • water mills

      • provided power for grinding grains

      • sieving flour

      • tanning hides

      • making beer

      • sawing wood

      • manufacturing iron

      • making paper

        Byzantine Empire

  • 1085 was the start of the slow downfall of the Byzantine Empire

  • The Byzantine Empire ended in 1453 when the Turkic Ottoman Empire took over Constantinople


  • Roman Taxation System

  • Roman Military Structures

  • Roman Centralized Administration

  • Roman Imperial Court “ Gods Heavenly Court “

  • Roman Laws

  • Roman Christian Church

  • Capital of Constantinople “ New Rome “

  • Caesaropapism = political system in which the head of the state is also the head of the church and supreme judge in religious matters

  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity = Legitimated the supreme and absolute authority of the emperor, for her was a God-anointed ruler, a reflection of the glory of God on earth

  • Orthodox = Right Thinking


  • Eastern Orthodox Christianity = Legitimated the supreme and absolute authority of the emperor, for her was a God-anointed ruler, a reflection of the glory of God on earth


  • Roman Roads

  • Roman Taxation System

    Other Stuff:

  • Crusades were in 1095 by the Catholic Pope against the forces of Islam



  • political ideals of imperial control of the church


  • The Cyrillic alphabet based on its greek counterpart

  • The extensive use of religious images known as icons

  • Byzantine architectural style


  • Monastic tradition that stresses prayer and service


  • Paris, Bologna, Oxford, Cambridge, and Salamanca became “ zones of intellectual autonomy “ in affect of the Renaissance

  • Aristotle laid the foundation of the Scientific revolution due to his human rationalism ideology

  • 1350-1500 ( roughly ) was the European Renaissance

  • The Elite men of the European Renaissance patronized the great artists of the time such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael whose paintings and sculptures were far more naturalistic, particularly in portraying the human body, than those of their Medieval counterparts

  • Renaissance culture reflected the urban bustle and commercial preoccupations of Italian cities. Its secular elements challenged the otherworldliness of Christian culture, and it's individualism signaled the dawning of a more capitalist economy of private entrepreneurs.

  • The Reconquista was a prolonged conflict to remove the Moors from the Iberian peninsula