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  1. The nurse is completing a skin assessment on a patient with darkly pigmented skin. Which item should the nurse use first to assist with staging an ulcer on the patient? Halogen light

  2. The nurse is caring for a patient who is experiencing a full-thickness repair. Which type of tissue will the nurse expect to observe when the wound is healing? Granulation

  3. The nurse is caring for a patient in the burn unit. Which type of wound health will the nurse consider when planning care for this patient? Secondary intention

  4. The nurse is caring for a patient who has experienced a total abdominal hysterectomy. Which nursing observation of the incision will indicate the patient is experiencing a complication of wound healing? The site has a mass, bluish in color

  5. The nurse is caring for a patient with a healing stage III pressure ulcer. Upon entering the room nurse smells and odor and observes a purulent discharge, along with increased redness at the wound site. What is the next best step for the nurse? Complete the head-to-toe assessment, including current treatment, vital signs, and lab results

Urinary - 20 questions

GI/bowel - 24 questions

  1. Where does most absorption occur? Duodenum and jejenum

  2. What are the parts of the large intestine?  Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon

  3. What is a sign of an impacted stool? Small liquid stool

  4. What can help a patient have a bowel movement? Place them in a natural position while attempting a BM

  5. What is the main treatment for a paralytic ileus? NG tube (Salem Sump tube)

  6. What is the benefit of having the ostomy further into the large intestine? Better for patient hydration and formation of stool

  7. What does a guaiac test for?  Blood in the stool, blue=positive

  8. What is the danger of overusing laxatives? Patient becomes dependent on them and it won’t work anymore

  9. Why is a cathartic better than a laxative?  Stronger and faster effect on intestines

  10. What do you do if there is a repeated order for a tap water enema? Clarify order with the provider

  11. In order, what is the process of a digital removal? Identify patient, baseline vitals, place patient in left SIMS, apply gloves, lube finger and insert into the rectum

  12. What type of medication do you never use for GI infections? Antidiarrheals

Body Allignment/ROM - 13 questions

  1. A nurse is assessing body alignment. What is the nurse monitoring? The relationship of one body part to another while in different positions

  2. A nurse is providing passive ROM for a patient with impaired mobility. Which technique will the nurse use for each movement? Each movement is moved just to the point of resistance

Immobility (taken from the quiz) - 10 questions

  1. Upon assessment a nurse discovers that a patient has erythema. Which actions will the nurse take? Consult a dietitian, place on pressure-relieving mattress, and increase frequency of turning

  2. A nurse is caring for a patient with impaired physical mobility. Which potential complications will the nurse monitor for this patient? Foot Drop, impaired skin integrity, and hypostatic pneumonia

  3. A nurse is preparing to assess a patient for orthostatic hypotension, which piece of equipment will the nurse need to assess for this condition? A blood pressure cuff (orthostatic hypotension is a drop of blood pressure >20 systolic or >10 diastolic)

  4. A nurse reviews an immobilized patient’s lab results and discovers hypercalcemia. When considering this result which condition will the nurse monitor for most closely? Renal calculi

  5. A nurse is preparing a care plan for a patient who is immonile. Which psychosocial aspect will the nurse consider? Loss of hope

  6. The nurse is caring for an older-adult patient who has been diagnosed with a stroke. Which intervention will the nurse add to the care plan? Encourage the patient to perform as many self-care activities as possible

  7. The nurse is observing the way a patient walks. Which aspect is the nurse assessing? Gait

  8. The nurse is assessing an immobile patient for DVTs. Which action will the nurse take? Measure the calf circumference of both legs

  9. The nurse is caring for an elderly patient with a UTI. Upon assessment the nurse find the ateint confused and agitated. How will the nurse interpret these assessment findings? These are common manifestation with UTIs

  10. A nurse is developing an individualized plan of care for a patient. Which action is important for the nurse to take? Establish goals that are measurable and realistic

  11. Which behavior indicates the nurse is using a team approach when caring for a patient who is experiencing alterations in mobility? Consults physical therapy for strengthening exercises in the extremities

Jaundice lecture

  1. What is high when a person has jaundice? Bilirubin in the RBCs

  2. Why are the kidneys important for RBCs? Stimulates production

  3. What is the normal range for RBC levels? 4.7/mL-6.1mL (x106 )

  4. What are the signs/symptoms of jaundice? Yellow sclera, skin, high bilirubin (>1.0mg/dL), and s/s of anemia

  5. Where is bilirubin conjugated? Liver

  6. Where is conjugated bilirubin stored at? Gall bladder

  7. What do the intestinal enzymes convert bilirubin into? Urobiliogen

  8. What is a normal total bilirubin lab value? 0.3-1.0 mg/dL

  9. What is a normal unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin lab value? 0.2-0.8 mg/dL

  10. What is a normal conjugated (direct) bilirubin lab value? 0.1-0.3 mg/dL

  11. What is the total lab value for a newborn? 10 mg/dL

  12. What are the causes of jaundice? Hemolytic anemia, newborn jaundice, Gilbert’s syndrome, Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, obstruction in bile duct, and viral hepatitis

Pressure Points in Sims position

  1. What are the pressure points in the SIMS position?

  2. Ankles, heels, knees, hips, elbow, shoulder, ear

  1. The nurse is completing a skin assessment on a patient with darkly pigmented skin. Which item should the nurse use first to assist with staging an ulcer on the patient? Halogen light

  2. The nurse is caring for a patient who is experiencing a full-thickness repair. Which type of tissue will the nurse expect to observe when the wound is healing? Granulation

  3. The nurse is caring for a patient in the burn unit. Which type of wound health will the nurse consider when planning care for this patient? Secondary intention

  4. The nurse is caring for a patient who has experienced a total abdominal hysterectomy. Which nursing observation of the incision will indicate the patient is experiencing a complication of wound healing? The site has a mass, bluish in color

  5. The nurse is caring for a patient with a healing stage III pressure ulcer. Upon entering the room nurse smells and odor and observes a purulent discharge, along with increased redness at the wound site. What is the next best step for the nurse? Complete the head-to-toe assessment, including current treatment, vital signs, and lab results

Urinary - 20 questions

GI/bowel - 24 questions

  1. Where does most absorption occur? Duodenum and jejenum

  2. What are the parts of the large intestine?  Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon

  3. What is a sign of an impacted stool? Small liquid stool

  4. What can help a patient have a bowel movement? Place them in a natural position while attempting a BM

  5. What is the main treatment for a paralytic ileus? NG tube (Salem Sump tube)

  6. What is the benefit of having the ostomy further into the large intestine? Better for patient hydration and formation of stool

  7. What does a guaiac test for?  Blood in the stool, blue=positive

  8. What is the danger of overusing laxatives? Patient becomes dependent on them and it won’t work anymore

  9. Why is a cathartic better than a laxative?  Stronger and faster effect on intestines

  10. What do you do if there is a repeated order for a tap water enema? Clarify order with the provider

  11. In order, what is the process of a digital removal? Identify patient, baseline vitals, place patient in left SIMS, apply gloves, lube finger and insert into the rectum

  12. What type of medication do you never use for GI infections? Antidiarrheals

Body Allignment/ROM - 13 questions

  1. A nurse is assessing body alignment. What is the nurse monitoring? The relationship of one body part to another while in different positions

  2. A nurse is providing passive ROM for a patient with impaired mobility. Which technique will the nurse use for each movement? Each movement is moved just to the point of resistance

Immobility (taken from the quiz) - 10 questions

  1. Upon assessment a nurse discovers that a patient has erythema. Which actions will the nurse take? Consult a dietitian, place on pressure-relieving mattress, and increase frequency of turning

  2. A nurse is caring for a patient with impaired physical mobility. Which potential complications will the nurse monitor for this patient? Foot Drop, impaired skin integrity, and hypostatic pneumonia

  3. A nurse is preparing to assess a patient for orthostatic hypotension, which piece of equipment will the nurse need to assess for this condition? A blood pressure cuff (orthostatic hypotension is a drop of blood pressure >20 systolic or >10 diastolic)

  4. A nurse reviews an immobilized patient’s lab results and discovers hypercalcemia. When considering this result which condition will the nurse monitor for most closely? Renal calculi

  5. A nurse is preparing a care plan for a patient who is immonile. Which psychosocial aspect will the nurse consider? Loss of hope

  6. The nurse is caring for an older-adult patient who has been diagnosed with a stroke. Which intervention will the nurse add to the care plan? Encourage the patient to perform as many self-care activities as possible

  7. The nurse is observing the way a patient walks. Which aspect is the nurse assessing? Gait

  8. The nurse is assessing an immobile patient for DVTs. Which action will the nurse take? Measure the calf circumference of both legs

  9. The nurse is caring for an elderly patient with a UTI. Upon assessment the nurse find the ateint confused and agitated. How will the nurse interpret these assessment findings? These are common manifestation with UTIs

  10. A nurse is developing an individualized plan of care for a patient. Which action is important for the nurse to take? Establish goals that are measurable and realistic

  11. Which behavior indicates the nurse is using a team approach when caring for a patient who is experiencing alterations in mobility? Consults physical therapy for strengthening exercises in the extremities

Jaundice lecture

  1. What is high when a person has jaundice? Bilirubin in the RBCs

  2. Why are the kidneys important for RBCs? Stimulates production

  3. What is the normal range for RBC levels? 4.7/mL-6.1mL (x106 )

  4. What are the signs/symptoms of jaundice? Yellow sclera, skin, high bilirubin (>1.0mg/dL), and s/s of anemia

  5. Where is bilirubin conjugated? Liver

  6. Where is conjugated bilirubin stored at? Gall bladder

  7. What do the intestinal enzymes convert bilirubin into? Urobiliogen

  8. What is a normal total bilirubin lab value? 0.3-1.0 mg/dL

  9. What is a normal unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin lab value? 0.2-0.8 mg/dL

  10. What is a normal conjugated (direct) bilirubin lab value? 0.1-0.3 mg/dL

  11. What is the total lab value for a newborn? 10 mg/dL

  12. What are the causes of jaundice? Hemolytic anemia, newborn jaundice, Gilbert’s syndrome, Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, obstruction in bile duct, and viral hepatitis

Pressure Points in Sims position

  1. What are the pressure points in the SIMS position?

  2. Ankles, heels, knees, hips, elbow, shoulder, ear
