FORENSIC PATHOLOGY (Pathology – Study of disease) The ME determines the manner, cause, and mechanism of death and approximate time of death
Manner: Natural Causes, Accidental, Suicidal, Homicidal, or Undetermined.
Cause: The reason. (bludgeoning, heart attack, etc.)
Mechanism: The specific change in the body that brought about cessation of life. (loss of blood, pulmonary arrest, etc.)
Death: a process not an instantaneous event, irreversible cessation of circulation of blood; cessation of brain activity
Stages to death: Stoppage and Autolysis
Stoppage – Heart stops beating, no blood flow, no oxygen to cells, body; processes fail
Autolysis – Cells breakdown, cell contents spill out
Autopsy: literally means: to see for oneself, only done for suspicious and unnatural deaths
Time of Death
Post Mortem Interval (PMI): Time between death and when the body is found, in hours
1. LIVOR MORTIS (Color of Death)
blood settles to lowest part of body by gravity
heart stops pumping and with lack of pressure blood seeps out of capillaries
normally purplish–blue color (cherry red =carbon monoxide poisoning)
pressure against body prevents lividity in that area, scars also prevent lividity
begins in 20 minutes, noticeable after 2 hours, permanent after 8-12 hours
lividity occurs faster if hot and slower if cold (important to record environmental conditions)
Was the body moved? Does the position the body was found make sense compared to the lividity? Is there a pattern in the lividity that gives a clue to where the body was?
Dual Lividity: body was moved between 2 – 8 hours
Tardieu spots and Petechial hemorrhaging - capillaries burst and form pinpoint hemorrhaging
2. RIGOR MORTIS (Stiffness of Death)
muscles initially relax and then contract and then relax again
cells without oxygen produce energy through glycolysis and produce lactic acid and calcium ions accumulate causing muscles to contract (actin and myosin bridges lock)
begins with small muscles and progresses to larger muscles, then rigor is lost in the same order
Temperature: hot - faster (clothing, fever, direct sunlight)
Activity before death: aerobic exercise = faster, sleeping = slower
Weight: thin = faster, obese = slower
Drugs can speed (stimulants) or slow (depressants)
ALGOR MORTIS (Heat of Death)
body will cool to the temperature of its surroundings
take core body temperature (normal is 98.6F or 37C)
body cools on average 1.5F /hour during first 12 hours then 1F /hour after 12 hours
environmental factors: drugs, fever, ambient temperature, wind, body fat, and clothing
Stomach Contents
Ate 12-24 hours prior to death: Food in Large intestine, small intestine empty
Ate 4-6 hours prior to death: Food in Small intestine, stomach empty
Ate 0-2 hours prior to death: Undigested Food in stomach
Vitreous humor potassium
Level of potassium ion K+ increases as the body decays. The ocular fluid is cleanest.
Useful for days to weeks. Examine the stages of growth of the maggots.
Post Mortem Hair Bands
Hair continues “to grow” after death Skin is actually retracting.