Cellulose is synthesized in plasma membrane
Cellulase synthase (rosette pattern) creates microfibril of cellulose
Cellulose is formed as a crystalline ribbon composed of many (1,4)-linked beta-D-glucan chains
Cell wall assembly: Matrix components synthesized in Golgi apparatus and deposited into cell membrane via secretory vessels
Synthesis of cellulose microfibrils at plasma membrane surface
Synthesis and glycosylation of proteins and wall modifying enzymes at the rough ER
Synthesis of all non-cellulosic polysaccharides at Golgi apparatus
Orientation of cellulose microfibrils informs direction of expansion: cell walls “girdled” by cellulose
Microtubules, made of tubulin, lay under plasma membrane and signal directionality of cellulose microfibrils
When inhibited by oryzalin, the lack of microtubules cause cells to expand in all directions
Rosette complex is “fed” activated glucose (UDP-glucose) to generate cellulose
Embryogenesis: transformation of a single-celled zygote into a multicellular embryonic plant
Three essential features must be established:
Radial pattern of tissues
Apical-basal axial development pattern (aka. top and bottom)
The primary meristems (shoot, root)
Asymmetric cell division of zygote into small “proembryo” and long trailing “suspensor”
The proembryo begins to multiply and differentiate, while the suspensor anchors the embryo to the endosperm and conducts nutrients
Forms “heart stage”, then “bunny stage”.
Meristems are host to undifferentiated stem cells (called initials) which can divide and differentiate.
Meristematic Regions:
Apical meristems: located on tips of shoot and root, responsible for elongation. AKA. primary meristems, as they are responsible for primary growth
Size can vary from one cell to multiple
Distinct stratified arrangement can be apparent, where the two topmost layers (L1 and L2) are divided anticlinal while the bottom layer (L3) divides in all directions
SAMs have some cells with indeterminate identity, and some with determinate identity, that will become particular organs
Phytomeres occur in SAMs, but not RAMs
Phyllotaxy: arrangement of leaves around stem, determined by the activity of the SAM
Leaves can take alternate, opposite, decussate, whorled, spiral formation…
Every species has a distinct phyllotaxis, though it may change during development
Phyllotaxy affects the amount of light received by each leaf, and evolves due to evolutionary pressures to maximize light absorption.
Secondary meristems:
Axillary meristems: form later in development, in the axils of leaves
Lateral root meristems
Vascular cambium: forms both xylem and phloem (fusiform initials), and rays of pith (ray initials)
Primary root: very simple structure, no lateral roots
Radial patterning:
Pericycle: site of lateral root initiation
Casparian strip
“Forces” water and solutes through the cytoplasm of the cells, disallowing it from entering the apoplast
This blocks pathogens, forces solutes and nutrients to be acted upon by cells proteins, and prevents salts from directly entering stele of plant
Simple root tip: one apical cell
Root cap is only present when the root tip needs protection, i.e. in soil. In aquatic plants, there is often no root cap
Developmental zones of the root:
Root cap (stable, little-to-no change in cell comp.)
Meristematic zone (meristematic cells and quiescent center)
Elongation zone (where root cells become long and “root like”, where sieve tube elements differentiate)
Maturation zone (where root cells are differentiated and slow elongation, eventually having a fixed shape and identity)
Development in the dark leads to etiolation
When light is introduced, greening occurs and hypocotyl expansion is inhibited
Photoreceptors trigger a transducing mechanism or chain, which converts light signals into developmental response. Involves amplification of signal. Plant must be in a proper developmental state to respond to stimulus.
Cryptochromes and Phototropins: perceive blue and UV-A wavelengths
Phytochromes: far red and red wavelengths
Flowers have four whorls of organs
Anthers, the very most end of stamens, develops pollen
Pollen must be rubbed onto carpel to stimulate fertilization
When pollen is rubbed onto carpel, pollen tubes form, which travel between cells and interact with the ovary
Direct interaction occurs at the micropyle
These pollen tubes carry two sperm cells, which are deposited into the ovaries via the micropyle “orifice”
After this, the pollen tube can be removed and fertilization will still occur
Photomorphogenesis: development in light
Skotomorphogenesis: development in dark
Phytochrome: red absorbance
A pigment-protein complex, called a holoprotein (combination of chromophore and apoprotein)
Pr form: absorbs red light (approx. 660 nm)
Pfr form: absorbs far-red light (approx. 730 nm)
When Pr absorbs red light, it transforms into Pfr, which is active and produces a response
When Pfr absorbs far-red light, it transforms back into Pr, which is inert
- Absorption spectra for Pr and Pfr overlap slightly, resulting in an 85-15 distr. of Pr and Pfr even in red light treatment
They are competing reactions
In the dark, phytochrome is synthesized as Pr, meaning it is inert
This is photoreversible: if you shine red light, then far red light, then darkness on a seed, it will still etiolate because the majority of phytochromes are Pr
Absorption vs Action spectra:
Absorption: the degree to which a particular wavelength is absorbed by a pigment
Action: the degree to which a particular wavelength generates a response (e.g. seed germination)
Phytochrome responses:
Seed germination
Stem length control
Hook opening
Leaf and cotyledon expansion
Chlorophyll synthesis
Chloroplast development
Gene expression
Membrane potential (leaf movements)
Anthocyanin synthesis (red/purple pigment)
Photoperiodic floral induction
Some phytochrome (type phyA or type I) is photo-labile, and can be reverted or destroyed in far red light
Other types simply revert (phyB, phyC, phyD, phyE, or simply type II)
PhyA and phyB are the most important
phyB is responsible for stem shortening
Classes of reponses:
Very low fluence response (VLFR)
1-50 nmole/m^2
Not photoreversible
Low fluence response (LFR)
1-1000 micromoles/m^-2
Most classical physiological responses
High irradiance response (HIR)
1-1000 micromoles/m^-2, proportional to irradiance
Many LFR are also HIR
Phytochrome senses light quality as well as presence/absence
R/FR ratio is a reflection of ratio of wavelengths in ambient light
Different ratios can cause different responses
Ex. during the autumn, when there is less harsh blue light, carotenoids and anthocyanins are promoted to better absorb the light spectra (changing of leaf colors)
Phytochrome can sense end-of-day signals, shading, etc., allowing them to adjust growth rate
Phytochromes can upregulate or downregulate gene expression at the transcriptional level
Upregulate: genes involved in photosynthesis, e.g.
Downregulate: phyA itself (negative feedback loop)
Acts as a kinase, catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to a molecule
When in Pfr form, the phytochrome is able to move into the nucleus, where gene regulation can occur
Sunset: high red:far-red light ratio; twilight: about equal red:far red ratio, less light overall
Changes dramatically over the course of minutes
High red:far-red light = low Pr:Pfr
As sunset hits, many Pfr molecules convert to Pr
When shaded, the high concentration of inert Pr = taller growth to try and access light
Reflected light is also high in FRL, which encourages plants that receive a lot of reflected light from nearby neighbors to grow taller + gain more upright leaves, outcompeting them
PhyB = overexpression causes dwarf, and dark green appearance
Underexpression or mutant variants are long and skinny
PhyB in the nucleus:
PrB can only enter the nucleus after transformation into PfrB
PfrB upregulates genes involved in growth, photosynthesis, etc. by removing prohibitory PIF3 regulators
Assists in transcription of MYB, which itself assists in transcription of CAB (chlorophyll a/b-binding protein gene)
Phytochrome can slightly absorb blue light, but not the primary photoreceptor - BL absorbed by cryptochrome and phototropin
Blue light inhibits hypocotyl elongation (cryptochrome) and allows for phototropism (phototropin)
Phototropin (aka NPH1) is a flavoprotein associated with the plasma membrane
Blue light cases phosphorylation of phototropin, occurring in shoot tips
Two different fluence ranges are effective - “two pronged” action spectra
Phototropin consists of two light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domains each bound to a flavin mononucleotide, and a kinase domain
When exposed to blue light, the kinase domain unfolds, leading to each LOV domain and kinase domain binding to a phosphorus
This is reversible when no light is present
Light causes the hormone auxin to retreat to the shaded side, inducing cell expansion and tilting the shoot towards the light source. This is irreversible.
Two phototropins: PHOT1 and PHOT2
PHOT2 function: chloroplast movement
The actions of PHOT1 and PHOT2 are considered additive
The presence of low light triggers chloroplast accumulation, while high light triggers avoidance
In the dark, chloroplasts pool together
Blue light is also responsible for stomatal opening and closing
When phototropin is activated, CBC kinase stops Cl- export and H+ pumps allow K+ in
Cl- and K+ accumulate in vacuole, causing an increase in solutes and expansion due to water potential
This expansion creates turgor, which opens the stomata
PHOT1 and PHOT2 are both partially responsible for stomatal opening, but PHOT1 is mostly responsible for bending and PHOT2 is mostly responsible for chloroplast migration, especially in high intensities
Cryptochromes have two different chromophores to allow blue light absorption (pterin and FAD)
Cryptochromes evolved from photolyases, involved in blue-light activated DNA repair
Both cryptochromes and photolyases are blue-light activated, and present in mammals and insects.
When activated, cryptochrome dimerizes and is able to enter the nucleus, performing gene regulation in a similar manner to phyA and phyB - this is not photoreversible
Cryptochrome inhibits hypocotyl elongation and sequesters auxin response factors, limiting growth
Similar to phototropin, but cryptochrome does NOT have a kinase - therefore it does not cause phosphorylation, and instead directly affects gene expression by entering the nucleus
- UVR8 is the UV light receptor for plants and protects plants from high intensity UV
- UV light causes inactive dimers to monomerize and move to the nucleus, changing gene expression, inhibiting hypocotyl growth, and acclimating the plant to UV-B
Note: phytochrome and cryptochrome both have to dimerize before they enter the nucleus. UVR8 has to monomerize
Root gravitropism refers to the directional shift of root to grow downwards with gravity
Four phases:
Perception (1st second)
Transduction (first 10 seconds)
Transmission (10 sec-10 mins after stimulus)
Growth response
Starch grains located within amyloplasts in the columella, which are inside organelles called statocytes
Starch is heavy, and sinks to the bottom of the cell, interacting with pressure on the endoplasmic reticulum to elicit a response regarding gravity
Gravitropism is achieved by increased growth on lower side of cell, and decreased growth on other - “trapezoid” shape
Experiments show root cap is involved in inhibition of growth
When cap is removed, the vertical root grows slightly faster
When cap is removed on one half, that half grows faster, causing the root to bend towards the side with the remaining half-cap
When the cap is removed on a horizontally growing root, the root no longer responds to gravity and will not grow down
The change in cell shape is due to auxin, which pools on the side of gravity in response to signals from the statoliths + ER; remember: auxin = longer cell walls!
Response to gravity in shoot, called “negative gravitropism” because shoots grow opposing gravity (up, not down)
Relies on amyloplasts found in the endodermis (between cortex and pericycle/vascular bundles)
Similar auxin-based response, but this time with an opposite growth response - bottom side has increase in growth, not decrease
Nastic movements do not relate to a vectorial component of the stimulus
Occur faster than tropisms
Some are reversible, others are not
Some involve growth responses, others are turgor driven
Turgor driven: slower (nyctinastic) or rapid (seismonastic/thigmonastic)
Involve a motor organ called a pulvinus
Nutation: bending movement executed by some plant organs
Nutational movements in vines = spiraling motion to try and grab onto a support
If shoot rubs against support, the spirals will become tighter as the shoot begins wrapping upwards around the support, a touch-based tropic response called thigmotropism
Nutational movements in Venus Flytraps: stimulus causes plant to “snap closed”
Nyctinastic movements are associated with plants that take up different positions during night and day
Ex. open leaf during the day, closed leaf at night
Pulvinus allows leaf to undergo reversible positional changes by altering turgor
The outer cortex of the pulvinus has thin elastic cell walls that can change shape
Extensor cells are opposite flexor cells: extensor cells lose turgor during closing and gain turgor during opening, flexor cells gain turgor during closing and lose turgor during opening
Adaxial: upper surface, facing toward stem
Abaxial: lower surface, facing away from stem
Seismonastic movements: occur in response to mechanical stimulation (i.e. shaking or vibration, NOT touch), wounding, and heat
Extremely rapid, all-or-none (not proportional to stimulus)
Ex. Mimosa pudica rapidly closes in response to vibration
Time-measuring in plants is done with the endogenous (internal) circadian clock
Rhythms can persist in the absence of external cues, be reset by external signals, and maintain periodicity independent of temperature
Free-running rhythms persist for several diurnal cycles under constant conditions (not driven by sunset/sunrise!)
Circadian: 24 hr period
Lunar: 28 day period
Annual: 365 day period
Ultradian: <24 hrs
Some nyctinastic movements controlled by circadian rhythms (open during day, closed at night, or only open for a few hours during the day)
Luciferase gene from fireflies used to track activity of the clock without disturbing/destroying plants - some are mutants with circadian rhythms slower or faster than 24hrs (ex. ZEITLUPE mutant)
Circadian rhythms allow for anticipation of daily events and buffering of daily changes, and allow for timing of particular occurrences throughout the day
Phase shifting: altering the phase of a rhythm with a single light pulse:
I.e. circadian rhythm is at low, but short burst tricks it into restarting at medium
Circadian rhythms are “entrained” with light/dark or temperature cycles
Temperature compensated: period stays similar even at different temperatures
Principles of Operation:
Circadian oscillator: generates a rhythm with a 24 hr period within a cell
Entrainment/input pathways: synchronize the oscillator with the external time of day so the clock stays accurate - “retuning”
Output pathways: communicate temporal information from the oscillator to other parts of the cell
Circadian gating: adjusts sensitivity of entrainment and output pathways, depending on time of day
Environmental inputs -> entrainment pathways -> circadian oscillator -> output pathways
Affected by circadian clock: gene expression, enzyme activity, ion fluxes, cell volume changes, flowering time
Chlorophyll synthesis generally peaks just before dawn (anticipating light activity)
Starch breakdown peaks around dusk
It’s been proven through competitive testing that plants with accurate circadian rhythms perform better
Circadian rhythms reflect biorhythms of predator species (i.e. less defenses when eggs, more defenses when caterpillars)
Jasmonate levels peak during the day to deter predators
Circadian oscillator: autoregulatory negative feedback loop
Gene A encodes protein A
Protein A activates Gene B
Gene B encodes protein B
Protein B represses gene A
Allows for rhythms of transcriptional abundance
Current circadian rhythm model is highly complex:
At its core: CCA1 and TOC1 code for proteins that repress one another
Experimental evidence showing sequential PRR protein action could also suppress CCA1
Post-Transcriptional Processes:
Control of protein stability
Nuclear import
The formation of reproductive structures in angiosperms
Floral evocation: the events in the apex that commit the SAM to produce flowers instead of leaves
Phase change; movement from juvenile to adult (sort of a prerequisite)
Induction; plant becomes determined to flower (will continue to flower, even if removed from circumstances that triggered flowering: no going back)
Expressed; the apical meristem undergoes morphogenesis (the plant actually makes flowers)
Some stimuli triggering induction are environmental (e.g. photoperiod) while some are developmental (e.g. plant size, number of leaves)
Signaling molecules produced in response to stimuli are carried to SAM via phloem vasculature
Certain signs indicate when a plant is matured, or “determined to flower”
Make this decision primarily using photoperiod and changes in temperature
Long-day plants (LDP) flower only in long days
Flowering occurs when day length is greater than critical
Flower in spring
Short-day plants (SDP) flower only in short days
Flowering occurs when day length is sub-critical
Flower in late summer or early autumn
Day-neutral plants are unaffected by day length
Experimental evidence suggests that flowering in SDP and LDPs are determined by length of unbroken darkness
LDPs typically only flower in response to short nights, when presented with a long night with a short interruption of light in the middle, they will perceive it as a short night and flower, while SDPs will not
Plants are more sensitive to the night break when it comes in the middle of the night
Evidence suggests that the photoreceptors involved in perceiving and signaling night break are phytochromes
How is changing night length measured?
Hourglass (less likely)
Daylight is measured by some accumulating product. When enough is accumulated, i.e a day is long enough, flowering is triggered
External coincidence (more likely)
Daylight measurement relies on a circadian oscillator that controls the activity of a regulatory molecule. Flowering occurs when the daylight overlaps with a phase of the cycle during which the levels of the molecule are above a particular threshold
Flowering time is a highly regulated event centered on flowering locus T (FT)- later determined to be florigen
Photoperiod causes induction of FT in leaves, FT protein moves to the SAM, flowering is initiated
In SDPs, flowering is controlled by Hd1 genes and Hd3a protein, in a similar manner to FT but with a negative feedback loop
The effect of temperature treatments on flowering time - extended periods of cold promotes flowering by changing the responsivity to photoperiod
Most common in winter annual cereals (wheat, barley, rye) which are planted in the fall, overwinter as seedlings or young plants, and grow in spring
Perceived in shoot apex
FLC is a key regulator, repressing flowering until it is turned off by low temperatures
Evidence for florigen being FT protein: when an activated leaf is grafted onto the stalk of an uninduced plant, the plant will flower
Journey of florigen:
Photoperiodic stimulus stabilizes CO (clock genes), which acts as a transcription factor
CO transcribes florigen, which leaves companion cell and enters adjacent sieve tube
Florigen transported through phloem to terminal bud
Florigen combines with FD (flowering locus D), and acts as a transcription factor for AP1 (APETALA1)
AP1 is made, and initiates flowering
Four pathways control flowering (in Arabidopsis)
Photoperiod (florigen)(sensed in leaf)
Vernalization (FLC) (sensed in meristem)
Autonomous (i.e. number of leaves, size of plant, sensed in meristem)
Gibberellins (regulated by phytochrome and other triggers, meristem)
When these pathways hit a certain point, promotion of meristem identity genes causes the meristem to be IDed as flowering, and formation of flower organs can begin
Started with the sepals and traveling inwards (sepals -> petals -> stamen -> carpels) in whorls
ABC Model:
Three classes of genes, in combination, define the formation of four organs
A alone = sepals
A + B = petals
A + C = stamen
C alone = carpel
A and C cannot coexist, and B cannot be by itself
A is known as apetala2, B is known as apetala3/pistillata, and C is known as agamous
If one or more of these gene classes is missing, we will see homeotic transformation, like 4 whorls of just sepals, or a carpel-stamen-stamen-carpel design
Examples: No A, Carpel-stamen-stamen-carpel
No B: sepal-sepal-carpel-carpel
No C: sepal-petal-petal-sepal
No B or C: sepal-sepal-sepal-sepal
C, or agamous, is also required for determinacy, so if there is no C, the flower may continue to create new whorls (“flower-within-a-flower”) - the fourth whorl is replaced by a new flower
Humans will breed flowers with agamous down-regulation to get more beautiful, petal-filled flowers
Absence of all three genes (A+B+C) results in the reversion of floral organs to leaves.
Hormones are generally small
Classified into six classes: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid, brassinosteroids
Effective even in small quantities
Hormones in plants are typically:
Growth stimulators: cell division; cell elongation; organ initiation; differentiation
Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, brassinosteroids
Growth inhibitors, or stimulator antagonists: involved in senescence; abscission; flower fading; fruit ripening
Abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene
Auxin: indole ring with various side chains
Primarily found in plants as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
Essential features: at neutral pH, intensely polar with charges separated by about 0.55nm
Cytokinin: derived from adenine
Abscisic acid: resembles terminal protein of some carotenoids
Gibberellic acid: terpenoid
Ethylene: a gas
Brassinosteroid: plant steroid
Auxin (IAA) directly correlated with phototropism, can persist in gelatin (most important on side facing away from light, that’s the side that grows)
Auxin controlled via…
biosynthesis (tryptophan dependent or independent)
Tryptophan dependent: IAA forms from transformations in tryptophan molecules
Tryptophan independent: IAA forms from reactions occurring to chorismate
Primarily through oxidation and decarboxylation
Free IAA is active, but most IAA is covalently bound
Conjugated auxins are metabolized to free auxin and the bound/free auxin ratio is a mechanism of regulation
Free IAA can be found in chloroplasts & cytosol
Conjugated can be found in cytosol
Auxin is the only hormone known to be transported in a polar manner
Nonpolar via phloem (passive, with gravity, fast)
Polar, from root tip short distances back up the root (basipetally) (slower, requires energy)
Via auxin transport proteins
Chemiosmotic model:
In apoplast, IAA is protonated, resulting in IAAH, being lipophilic and crossing membranes easily into cytosol
IAAH diffuses into cytosol, disassociate to IAA-, which accumulates in cytosol because it is less able to cross membrane
Polar transport due to auxin efflux and influx transporters at basal end of cells (at basal end of cells, transporters force out IAA-, which will move to the apex end of the following cell to be protonated and enter)
Not sure why but this allows it to move from apex to base at a rate of 1 cm/hr
Auxin influx carrier (AUX1) codes for a protein that is localized at apex of protophloem cells
Columella, lateral root cap, and stele tissues
Location of AUX1 determined through antibody testing, where rabbit (example) antibodies are trained to recognize AUX1 as an antigen, and another, fluorescent antibody is trained to recognize rabbit antibodies as antigens, resulting in fluorescence of AUX1 locale. This is called immunolocalization
Auxin efflux carrier (PIN family) codes for transmembrane efflux carriers (mutants for PIN1 grow uncontrollably because auxin cannot be removed)
PIN1 directs vertical auxin movement from shoot-root, and is responsible for recirculation at the SAM
PIN3 redirects auxin laterally back into vascular tissue
Creates directional flow
Auxin generally restricted to vascular tissue via PIN3 and ABCB19
Physiological effects of auxin:
Cell elongation (via increasing extensibility of wall)
Apical dominance
Lateral root formation
Fruit development
Vascular differentiation
Cell elongation occurs through acid growth hypothesis
Auxin increases rate of protein extrusion into cell wall
Low pH activates apoplast-localized growth hydrolases called expansins
Expansins loosen H-bonds between polysaccharides in cell wall, allowing for growth
This, in turn, allows for more water to enter cell, inducing even more cell growth
Lateral and adventitious roots:
Horizontal root growth, induced by auxin
Originate from pericycle of primary root
DR5:GUS reporter indicates that auxin levels are high during lateral growth
Phloem: part of the vascular bundle, transports sugars, proteins, and organic compounds produced via. photosynthesis up and down. Allows for two-way travel
Xylem: part of vascular bundle, transports water and water-soluble nutrients from roots to leaves in only one direction. Composed of dead cells.
Cortex: Tissue layer between epidermis and vascular tissue
Parenchyma: soft tissue making up the cortex and pith of stems. In leaves, contains cells for photosynthesis. Also stores starches, proteins, water, and oils.
Pericycle: layer of cells surrounding the vascular tissue, providing support and structure, site of lateral root initiation
Apoplast: extracellular space between plant cell membranes
Apoplastic pathway: water traveling through cell walls
Symplastic pathway: water traveling through cytoplasm
Stele: central core of stem and root, consisting of vascular tissue and associated supporting tissue
Cellulose: polysaccharide composed of long fibers of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen - allows for structural integrity in cell walls
Microtubules: lay underneath plasma membrane and dictate the orientation of cellulose microfibrils
Embryogenesis: transformation of a single-celled zygote into a multicellular embryonic plant
Cotyledon: aka “seed leaves”, leaf-like structure that is part of a plant's embryo and is often the first leaf to appear when a seed germinate, not real leaves
Monocot: one seed leaf (i.e. grass)
Dicot: two seed leaves (i.e. trees)
Hypocotyl: area between cotyledon and root
Plant meristems: similar to human stem cells. Zones of actively dividing cells, and sole occurrence of cell division.
Apical meristems: located on tips of shoot and root, responsible for elongation. AKA. primary meristems, as they are responsible for primary growth
Anticlinal division: division to the left or right, perpendicular to the surface
Periclinal division: division up or down, towards or away from the surface
Tunica: layers 1 and 2 of a shoot apical meristem, where cell division occurs apically
Corpus: layers below the tunica, where cell division occurs in all directions
Phytomere: repetitive developmental unit that a shoot is constructed from, generated from repeating SAM activity
Usually consisting of bud, internode, node, leaf
Node: connection between leaf and stem
Internode: elongated stem portion between nodes
Phyllotaxy: arrangement of leaves around stem, determined by the activity of the SAM
Axillary meristems: form later in development, in the axils of leaves
Axil: position along shoots where leaves develop (aka base of node)
Vascular cambium: forms both xylem and phloem (fusiform initials), and rays of pith (ray initials)
Fusiform initials: elongated initial cells
Ray initials: smaller, forms rays of pith
Quiescent center: collection of proto-differentiated cells surrounding meristematic cells that determines identity of adjacent cells
Etiolation: result of dark development. Bleached, yellow appearance (no chlorophyll), unexpanded cotyledons, and tall appearance
Sepals: small leaf-like structures on the outside of the flower
Petals: decorative and colorful leaf-like structures surrounding reproductive organs
Stamens: consist of a long filament and an anther, which develops pollen
Carpels: the site for fertilization, connects to ovaries
Photomorphogenesis: development in light
Skotomorphogenesis: development in dark
Chromatophore: blue-green pigment cell that absorbs particular wavelengths of color
Apoprotein: protein that is involved in structural changes during the photoreversible phototransformation of phytochrome
Seed germination: the process by which a seed grows into a seedling and eventually a plant
Membrane potential: the difference in electric potential between the interior and the exterior of a biological cell
Fluence: amount of light (mole/m^-2), time independent
Irradiance: fluence rate (mole/m^-2/s)
Kinase: an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to a molecule
Phototropism: directional growth in response to light (controlled by phototropin)
Stomata: microscopic pores in the epidermis of leaves responsible for gas and moisture exchange, opening during the day and closing at night
Amyloplast: double-enveloped plastid in plant cells that stores, produces, and breaks down starch
Statocytes: gravity sensing cells that contain amyloplasts
Columella: the central portion of the root cap
Nastic: non-directional plant responses, i.e. response to temperature, wounding, mechanical shocks, touch, heat
Nutation: bending movement executed by some plant organs
Pulvinus: bulbous structure at the juncture between the petiole and the stem. It has large specialized thin-walled cells which alter the position of the leaf by undergoing reversible changes in turgor.
Adaxial: upper surface, facing toward stem
Abaxial: lower surface, facing away from stem
Seismonastic movements: occur in response to mechanical stimulation, wounding, and heat
Thigmonastic movements: occur in response to touch
Circadian oscillator: generates a rhythm with a 24 hr period within a cell
Entrainment pathways: synchronize the oscillator with the external time of day so the clock stays accurate - “retuning”
Output pathways: communicate temporal information from the oscillator to other parts of the cell
Circadian gating: adjusts sensitivity of entrainment and output pathways, depending on time of day
Jasmonate: molecule that stimulates herbivorous defense mechanisms, i.e. production of toxins
Floral evocation: the events in the apex that commit the SAM to produce flowers instead of leaves
Apex: very tip of leaf
Florigen: protein that promotes flowering, generated in the leaf apex and moving to the meristem through the phloem
Gibberellins (GA): promotive hormone that allows for flowering in SDP
Homeotic transformation: expression of the right organ in the wrong place
Cadastral function: acting to limit the range of action of certain genes
Hormones: chemical messengers that mediate intercellular communication
Receptors: specific proteins within cells that hormones interact with to create active hormone-receptor complexes
Basipetal transportation: from apex of leaf or root to base of shoot
Acropetal transportation: towards root tip
Expansins: growth-specific hydrolases that are localized to the apoplast and are activated by low pH