What is Palpation? : Tapping of the body to listen to vibrations and figure out discrepancies
Reflex vs Reflex Arc vs Instinct
Reflex : involuntary response that could be or could not be fast
Reflex Arc : message processed by spinal cord + brain
Instinct : innate action that you have to chose to do, requires some form of processing
Anabolism vs catabolism
Positive vs Negative feedback systems’
Positive feedback : always an increase in action or enabling a repetition of a system of actions
Negative feedback : always a decrease in action, Ex. hormone stabilization
What are the only three options if someone is flat lined?
Specialization of something helps it have more function, just not mean that it is stronger or “heartier”
Growth Vs. Development
Have an understanding of the different planes - sagittal ( longitudinal), coronal (frontal), Transverse (axial), para____
Coronal ( frontal) : seperates the front (anterior) and back (posterior) of the body
Sagittal ( longitudinal) : seperates the left and right sides of the body
Transverse (axial) : seperates upper (superior) and lower ( inferior) half of the body
Para___ : not aligned with the x and y axis but still seperates the body