Confederacy Prior to Conflict 

**The Confederacy's Status ‘**


•     This would be the first significant battle Lee's army had fought since the loss of Stonewall Jackson, and his replacement was untested

•     Lee's army had 75,000 men

**What They Were Bringing**


•     The 75,000 men had been augmented by volunteers and conscripts from all over the South.

•     Approximately 5,000 artillery men.

•     10,000 cavalry men served as scouts, skirmishers, and mobile fighters.

•     60,000 infantrymen made up of bulk of Lee's army

The Critical Blunder


•     Invincible Confederate General "Jeb" Stuart, Lee's cavalry commander and responsible for scouting the Union's positions, had been nearly defeated as the army began moving north.

•     To redeem himself, he pushed North, and failing to discover the Union forces and notify Lee of the nearby presence of the AotP

In the Beginning…


•     Seeking room to maneuver, Lee swept NW, then began to circle back towards Baltimore and Washington.

•     Confederate troops followed one of several highways that converged in the town of 3500

It Started Because of Shoes


•     On the morning of July 1, 1863, Confederate soldiers entered the small town of Gettysburg, searching for some shoes.

•     The Rebels discovered Union cavalry in the town, and a quick skirmish preceded a battle between the lead elements of both armies

•     The bulk of the Union army would not arrive until nearly midnight

Deceptive Success-Day One


•     Lee's army defeated the understrength Union forces, and occupied the town, preparing to finish the job on the following day

•     Union forces dug in unmolested on Cemetery Ridge, Big Round Top, and Little Round Top, all areas of high ground, as reinforcements arrived
