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AP Lit Vocab 4


Implore Definition: 1) to make an earnest request to someone 2) to say something as a request in a sincere or urgent manner 3)to ask or beg for something earnestly

Implore Forms: 1) implore (transitive verb) 2) imploringly (adverb)

Implore Synonyms: beg, petition, appeal, beseech, conjure, entreat, pray, solicit, importune

Implore Antonyms: suggest, imply, please


Sagacious Definition: 1) of keen and farsighted penetration and judgement 2) caused by or indicating acute discernment 3) keen in sense of perception

Sagacious Forms: 1) sagacious (adjective) 2) sagaciously (adverb) 3) sagaciousness (noun)

Sagacious Synonyms: wise, prudent, insightful, perceptive, sage, clever, discerning, thoughtful, intelligent, brilliant, scholarly

Sagacious Antonyms: unwise, unperceptive, purblind, obtuse, foolish, dense, dumb, thoughtless, stupid


Discern Definition: 1(transitive)) to detect with the eyes or with senses other than vision 2) to recognize or identify as separate and distinct 3) to come to know or recognize mentally 4(intransitive)) to see or understand the difference

Discern Forms: 1) Discern (transitive and intransitive verb) 2) discerner (noun)

Discern Synonyms: notice, spot, see, eye, regard, perceive, distinguish, view, observe, note, identify

Discern Antonyms: ignore, disregard, neglect, miss, overlook, passover, overpass


Venerable Definition: 1) calling forth respect through age, character, and attainments 2) conveying an impression of aged goodness and benevolence 3) impressive by reason of age 4) deserving to be venerated→used as a title for an Anglican archdeacon or for a Roman Catholic who has been accorded the lowest of three degrees of recognition for sanctity 5) made sacred especially by religious or historical association

Venerable Forms: 1) venerable (adjective) 2) venerability (noun) 3) venerableness (noun) 4) venerably (adverb)

Venerable Synonyms: venerated, revered, respected, respectable, sacred, distinguished, honorable

Venerable Antonyms: notorious, infamous, ignominious, loose, bad, disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable


Apt Definition: 1) unusually fitted or qualified 2) having a tendency 3) ordinarily disposed 4) suited to a purpose, especially being to the point 5)keenly intelligent and responsive

Apt Forms: 1) apt (adjective) 2) aptness (noun) 3) apt (abbreviation for apartment and aptitude)

Apt Synonyms: prone, inclined, tending, willing, suitable, appropriate, fitting, proper, good, applicable, happy, needed

Apt Antonyms: unwilling, loath, averse, improper, wrong, unsuitable, unfit


Tenet Definition: 1) a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true, especially one held in common members of an organization, movement, or profession

Tenet Forms: 1) tenet (noun)

Tenet Synonyms: principle, rule, standard, law, doctrine, belief

Tenet Antonyms: NONE


Ignominy Definition: 1) deep personal humiliation and disgrace 2) disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action

Ignominy Forms: 1) ignominy (noun)

Ignominy Synonyms: disgrace, shame, humiliation, infamy, contempt, dishonor

Ignominy Antonyms: respect, esteem , honor


Austere Definition: 1) stern and cold in appearance or manner 2) morally strict 3) markedly simple or unadorned 4) giving little or no scope for pleasure 5) of a wine: having the flavor of acid or tannin predominant over fruit flavors usually indicating a capacity for aging

Austere Forms: 1) austere (adjective) 2) austerely (adjective) 3) austereness (noun)

Austere Synonyms: strict, harsh, tough, rigid, authoritarian, stern, rigorous, severe, intimidating, grim, fierce, bleak, forbidding, hostile, spartan

Austere Antonyms: gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant, easy, mild, easygoing, undemanding, mild, benign, soft, mellow, meek, quiet, luxurious


Materialize Definition: 1(transitive)) to make material/cause to appear in bodily form 2) to cause to be materialistic 3 (intransitive)) to assume bodily form 4) to appear especially suddenly 5) to come into existence

Materialize Forms: 1) materialize (transitive and intransitive verb) 2) materializer (noun)

Materialize Synonyms: begin, originate, arise, appear, start, commence, emerge, be, actualize, exist, show, surface, occur, embody, manifest

Materialize Antonyms: cease, stop, end, vanish, conclude, disappear, finish, disembody

3 Verbs- implore, materialize, and discern- all of which are transitive

1 Verb that is transitive only- implore

2 Verbs that are both transitive and intransitive - materialize and discern

4 Adjectives- sagacious, sagacious, venerable, and austere

2 Nouns- tenet and ignominy

2 Adverbs made simply by adding ly - austere and sagacious

2 Adverbs that require more than just adding ly - venerable (drop the e: venerably) and implore (replace e for ing: imploringly)

Related Terms: Sagacious, apt, and discern all involve a keenness. Ignominy and Venerable are opposites

Positive Connotation words: venerable, sagacious

Negative Connotation words: austere

AP Lit Vocab 4


Implore Definition: 1) to make an earnest request to someone 2) to say something as a request in a sincere or urgent manner 3)to ask or beg for something earnestly

Implore Forms: 1) implore (transitive verb) 2) imploringly (adverb)

Implore Synonyms: beg, petition, appeal, beseech, conjure, entreat, pray, solicit, importune

Implore Antonyms: suggest, imply, please


Sagacious Definition: 1) of keen and farsighted penetration and judgement 2) caused by or indicating acute discernment 3) keen in sense of perception

Sagacious Forms: 1) sagacious (adjective) 2) sagaciously (adverb) 3) sagaciousness (noun)

Sagacious Synonyms: wise, prudent, insightful, perceptive, sage, clever, discerning, thoughtful, intelligent, brilliant, scholarly

Sagacious Antonyms: unwise, unperceptive, purblind, obtuse, foolish, dense, dumb, thoughtless, stupid


Discern Definition: 1(transitive)) to detect with the eyes or with senses other than vision 2) to recognize or identify as separate and distinct 3) to come to know or recognize mentally 4(intransitive)) to see or understand the difference

Discern Forms: 1) Discern (transitive and intransitive verb) 2) discerner (noun)

Discern Synonyms: notice, spot, see, eye, regard, perceive, distinguish, view, observe, note, identify

Discern Antonyms: ignore, disregard, neglect, miss, overlook, passover, overpass


Venerable Definition: 1) calling forth respect through age, character, and attainments 2) conveying an impression of aged goodness and benevolence 3) impressive by reason of age 4) deserving to be venerated→used as a title for an Anglican archdeacon or for a Roman Catholic who has been accorded the lowest of three degrees of recognition for sanctity 5) made sacred especially by religious or historical association

Venerable Forms: 1) venerable (adjective) 2) venerability (noun) 3) venerableness (noun) 4) venerably (adverb)

Venerable Synonyms: venerated, revered, respected, respectable, sacred, distinguished, honorable

Venerable Antonyms: notorious, infamous, ignominious, loose, bad, disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable


Apt Definition: 1) unusually fitted or qualified 2) having a tendency 3) ordinarily disposed 4) suited to a purpose, especially being to the point 5)keenly intelligent and responsive

Apt Forms: 1) apt (adjective) 2) aptness (noun) 3) apt (abbreviation for apartment and aptitude)

Apt Synonyms: prone, inclined, tending, willing, suitable, appropriate, fitting, proper, good, applicable, happy, needed

Apt Antonyms: unwilling, loath, averse, improper, wrong, unsuitable, unfit


Tenet Definition: 1) a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true, especially one held in common members of an organization, movement, or profession

Tenet Forms: 1) tenet (noun)

Tenet Synonyms: principle, rule, standard, law, doctrine, belief

Tenet Antonyms: NONE


Ignominy Definition: 1) deep personal humiliation and disgrace 2) disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action

Ignominy Forms: 1) ignominy (noun)

Ignominy Synonyms: disgrace, shame, humiliation, infamy, contempt, dishonor

Ignominy Antonyms: respect, esteem , honor


Austere Definition: 1) stern and cold in appearance or manner 2) morally strict 3) markedly simple or unadorned 4) giving little or no scope for pleasure 5) of a wine: having the flavor of acid or tannin predominant over fruit flavors usually indicating a capacity for aging

Austere Forms: 1) austere (adjective) 2) austerely (adjective) 3) austereness (noun)

Austere Synonyms: strict, harsh, tough, rigid, authoritarian, stern, rigorous, severe, intimidating, grim, fierce, bleak, forbidding, hostile, spartan

Austere Antonyms: gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant, easy, mild, easygoing, undemanding, mild, benign, soft, mellow, meek, quiet, luxurious


Materialize Definition: 1(transitive)) to make material/cause to appear in bodily form 2) to cause to be materialistic 3 (intransitive)) to assume bodily form 4) to appear especially suddenly 5) to come into existence

Materialize Forms: 1) materialize (transitive and intransitive verb) 2) materializer (noun)

Materialize Synonyms: begin, originate, arise, appear, start, commence, emerge, be, actualize, exist, show, surface, occur, embody, manifest

Materialize Antonyms: cease, stop, end, vanish, conclude, disappear, finish, disembody

3 Verbs- implore, materialize, and discern- all of which are transitive

1 Verb that is transitive only- implore

2 Verbs that are both transitive and intransitive - materialize and discern

4 Adjectives- sagacious, sagacious, venerable, and austere

2 Nouns- tenet and ignominy

2 Adverbs made simply by adding ly - austere and sagacious

2 Adverbs that require more than just adding ly - venerable (drop the e: venerably) and implore (replace e for ing: imploringly)

Related Terms: Sagacious, apt, and discern all involve a keenness. Ignominy and Venerable are opposites

Positive Connotation words: venerable, sagacious

Negative Connotation words: austere