Dwight Eisenhower leader of Allied forces in the European Theater. Planned D-Day invasion
Marian Anderson African American singer disallowed from singing by the Daughters of the American Revolution; later sang at Lincoln Memorial as invited by Eleanor Roosevelt
Al Smith Democratic candidate for Pres. In 1928, first Roman Catholic Presidential candidate
Frances Perkins first female Cabinet Secretary; Secretary of Labor under FDR
A. Phillip Randolph demanded that FDR ban discrimination in the federal government by threatening a March on Washington in 1941
Francis Townsend opponent of New Deal who focused on paying elderly to retire, as long as they spent money each month
John Steinbeck wrote most prominent novels of Great Depression era The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men
Father Charles Coughlin attacked Roosevelt's New Deal as not being helpful enough to citizens; used his radio program to also promote his anti-Semitic views
AAA controversial part of FDR's New Deal which attempted to raise crop prices by cutting the supply of food; later overturned by Supreme Court
FDIC Insured bank accounts in member banks which would hopefully prevent bank failures; crafted by FDR during the planning of the Bank Holiday
TVA New Deal program focused on bringing electricity to rural areas by building dams. These rural areas went from 10% having electricity before, to 90% after
CCC New Deal program which employed young men to work on National Parks projects; planted billions of trees but cancelled in 1942 due to WWII
WPA Second New Deal program that hired artists, writers, actors, and photographers to build new bridges, roads, airports, and public buildings
PWA program of First Hundred Days that gave money to state & local gov'ts for building roads, bridges and dams
NRA attempt to guarantee reasonable profits for business and fair wages & hours for labor; gave workers right to collectively bargain; ruled unconstitutional
RFC President Hoover's late reaction to the Great Depression; gave $2 billion to corporations and banks in hopes it would trickle down to the masses
Huey Long New Deal opponent from Louisiana who proposed Share Our Wealth program; viewed as dangerous by FDR; assassinated in 1935
Court Packing Plan FDR's attempt to have greater influence over the Supreme Court by adding 6 justices; rejected by Congress and unpopular with citizenry
Bonus Army World War I veterans seeking early payment of a raise from Congress; attacked by President Hoover in 1932; treated respectfully by FDR
Keynesian Economics deficit spending was helpful in difficult times b/c the gov't needed to spend well above its tax revenues in order to promote economic growth
Fireside Chats radio broadcasts of FDR that captivated Americans and explained his positions and world view
Dust Bowl weather drought affecting the Great Plains; led to mass migration of Okies to California
Indian Reorganization Act 1934 act of Congress in which they repealed the Dawes Act and returned lands to the control of tribes and supported preservation of Indian cultures
Hawley Smoot Tariff 1930-highest tax on foreign imports ever passed; resulted in reduced trade of all nations and worsened worldwide depression
Black Cabinet informal group of advisors to President Franklin D. Roosevelt that raised the concerns and issues of African Americans in the Great Depression
Social Security Act 1935 law creating federal insurance program from workers' wages to aid elderly retired persons over the age of 65
Good Neighbor Policy FDR's proposed theory of dealing with other nations in the Western Hemisphere by seeking Latin America's cooperation to protect the region
America First Committee wanted to mobilize American public opinion against WWII; used speakers like Charles Lindbergh and were supported by Henry Ford
Lend Lease Act 1941 legislation that allowed Great Britain to obtain weaponry from the US on credit; FDR used garden hose example to explain it
Atlantic Charter general peace plan for after the war signed by FDR and Churchill in 1941 which principles of universal self-determination, free trade, and no territorial expansion
Zoot Suit Riots fighting occurring between Navy and Hispanic youth in California during 1940's largely based upon clashing cultures
Manhattan Project American scientists gathered together in New Mexico desert to build an atomic bomb to counter the threat of a German superbomb
War Production Board established in 1942 to manage war industries; nationalized many consumer industries
Japanese Internment Executive Order 9066 issued by FDR moving Japanese-Americans from West Coast to retention centers where they could be watched.
Rosie the Riveter model for women working in the defense industry
D-Day invasion by Allies on French beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944; largest land, air, sea invasion in history; marked American presence on European front
Island hopping Marines would capture key islands, w/ hope to surround Japanese strongholds & cut them off from supplies
Yalta meeting between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin to decide how to divide up Germany after the conclusion of the European theater; occurred in Feb. 1945
Potsdam meeting between Clement Atlee, Josef Stalin, and Harry Truman in July 1945 to discuss postwar arrangements for the fight with Japan
Braceros Program 1942 law allowing Mexican Americans to enter US during harvest season w/out formal immigration procedures
xenophobia intense dislike of individuals from other nations; prominent after WWI
Teapot Dome scandal Secretary of Interior leased US oil reserves to private companies; scandal rocked President Harding's administration
Harlem Renaissance popularization of African American culture through music and literature in the 1920s
Margaret Sanger arrested for teaching and promoting the use of birth control in New York City
Marcus Garvey advocated black separatism and back-to-Africa movement; indicted for fraud and deported to Jamaica
Scopes Monkey Trial involved the teaching of evolution in a public classroom in Tennessee; brought worldwide attention and lawyers Bryan and Darrow; religious values challenge
Sacco and Vanzetti Two Italian immigrants were convicted of murder and robbery despite flimsy evidence; executed in 1927 despite worldwide protest; example of nativism
Kellogg-Briand Pact ineffective agreement in 1928 that outlawed aggressive use of force to achieve national ends (allowed for defensive wars and didn't punish violators)
Volstead Act federal law enforcing prohibition in 1919; many individuals defied the law
Lost Generation authors of the 1920s like Hemingway, Lewis, and Fitzgerald whose works focused on middle class conformity; labeled by Gertrude Stein
fundamentalism the belief in notions from the past; focused on upholding religious values
modernism movement emphasizing newer, more scientific ideas; challenged traditional values of the South and rural areas
Andrew Mellon Secretary of Treasury in the 1920s who advocated economic policies that favored wealthy individuals and corporations
19th Amendment granted womens' suffrage in 1920
assembly line workers completed one task repeatedly; led to mass assembly, cheaper products; especially useful for automotive industry
Al Capone famous bootlegger whose organized crime syndicate in Chicago demonstrated public contempt of prohibition laws
consumerism movement of the 1920s focused on purchasing power and products available; middle class value of possessions
flappers women of the 1920s who had shorter hair and skirts, smoked & drank, wore makeup and cursed challenging traditional roles
Gibson Girl more traditional model of woman prior to the 1920s
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby which glamorized 1920's high class society but also demonstrated discontent of common culture
Duke Ellington most prominent jazz musician of the 1920's; popularized jazz music
National Origins Act of 1924 laws intended to limit the number of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe; ended traditional US policy of unlimited immigration; nativism example