Untitled Flashcards Set

  1. Adaptation – Living things change over time to survive and have babies. These changes can be:

    • Physical (body parts, like a giraffe’s long neck).

    • Behavioral (actions, like birds migrating).

    • Physiological (how their bodies work, like sweating to cool down).

  2. Evolution and How It Happens – Evolution is how living things slowly change over generations. This happens because of:

    • Natural selection (stronger traits help survival).

    • Genetic drift (random changes in genes).

    • Gene flow (genes mixing between groups).

    • Mutations (random changes in DNA).

    • New species form when groups become too different to have babies together.

  3. Do Individuals Evolve? – No! Individual animals or people don’t evolve. Evolution happens in groups over long periods when genes change in the population.

  4. Sustainability – Using resources wisely so future generations have what they need too. This means balancing nature, money, and people’s needs.

  5. Fairness in the Environment –

    • Social justice – Making sure all people have equal access to resources and opportunities.

    • Environmental justice – Making sure no one suffers more from pollution or environmental harm.

  6. Precautionary Principle – If something might be harmful, it’s better to be safe and take action, even if we don’t have all the scientific proof yet.

  7. Natural Resources – Things we get from nature:

    • Renewable (won’t run out if used wisely – like sunlight, wind, and forests).

    • Non-renewable (can run out – like oil and coal).

    • Sustainability means using them in a way that won’t deplete them.

  8. Different Ways People View Nature –

    • Human-centered (nature exists for us to use).

    • Life-centered (all living things matter).

    • Ecosystem-centered (the whole system, including land and water, is important).

  9. Science in Ecology – Scientists study nature by:

    • Watching and collecting information.

    • Making guesses (hypotheses).

    • Testing ideas with experiments.

    • Analyzing results.

    • Getting other scientists to check their work (peer review).

  10. Energy and Matter in Nature –

  • Energy moves through food chains (sun → plants → herbivores → carnivores).

  • Matter is recycled (like water, carbon, and nutrients going through the environment).

  1. Important Nature Cycles –

  • Carbon Cycle – How carbon moves through air, plants, animals, and back (like breathing and burning fuel).

  • Water Cycle – Water moves through evaporation, rain, and soaking into the ground.

  • Nitrogen Cycle – Nitrogen moves through soil, plants, and animals.

  • Phosphorus Cycle – Slowly moves from rocks into soil and living things.

  • Sulfur Cycle – Sulfur moves through the air, rain, and soil.

  1. Food Chain Levels –

  • Producers (plants make their own food).

  • Primary consumers (herbivores eat plants).

  • Secondary consumers (carnivores eat herbivores).

  • Tertiary consumers (top predators).

  • Decomposers (break down dead stuff and recycle nutrients).

  1. Roles in Nature & Biomes –

  • Niche – What an organism does in its ecosystem (like wolves hunt, mushrooms decompose).

  • Biomes – Large natural areas with different climates, like:

    • Rainforest (hot, rainy, lots of trees).

    • Desert (hot, dry, few plants).

    • Tundra (cold, little plant life
