THMT | 1984 |
“Remember that forgiveness too is a power. To beg for it is a power, and to withhold or bestow it is a power” Offred, Chapter 23 (talking about the temptation to forgive men as a woman) | “The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men” – O’Brien, Part III, Chapter 3 |
“It’s difficult for me to believe I have power over him, of any sort, but I do; although it’s of an equivocal kind” Offred, Chapter 32 about the commander | “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power.” O’Brien part 3 chapter 3 |
“If it’s a story I’m telling, then I have control over the ending” - p.45 (power over the narrative) | “‘We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us. . . . We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him.’” O’Brien |
“I move my hips a little… I enjoy the power.” Chapter 4 | “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” |
“They are defeated women.” Chapter 8, relates to the position of the wives. Exemplifies the futility of their power. They are so defensive and hostile because they are jealous and resent how powerless they have become. | “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” |