Terms - HART Midterm



"<img src=""paste-ad0bbebfcab3e95383d51101bde9a687b2a4dc22.jpg"">" Name: Standing figure from Amorgos<br>Date: 2600-2300 BCE&nbsp;<br>Period: Cycladic&nbsp;<br>Material: Marble<br>Signficance: Depicts nude women, shows breast and pubic shape like many other Cycladic figures

"<img src=""paste-da80fd418bbb20f04fc1a78b99e4b95564ba61f4.jpg"">" Name: Seated harp-player from Keros&nbsp;<br>Date: 2600-2300 BCE<br>Period: Cycladic<br>Material: Marble<br>Significance: Depicts a man, shows harp playing but can't be sure of meaning or story

"<img src=""paste-60c7faa0626c250b04acfa759c2f819599fb3384.jpg"">" Name: Bull-leaping fresco<br>Time: 1500 BCE<br>Period: Minoan&nbsp;<br>Material: Fresco, paint to wet plaster<br>Significance: Shows a man (usually in red/dark paint) and two women (with lighter skin), generally during this period the palaces that were destroyed were rebuilt&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-de7944be10adace062f676ae2045dcc55c62aa19.jpg"">" Name: Snake Goddess<br>Date: 1700 BCE<br>Period: Minoan<br>Material: (?)<br>Significance: Found in a pit and was restored generally reflective of her power over nature, the cat on her head is completely new

"<img src=""paste-0cc3009f7a881c4f318710320bd788dcc6203a0f.jpg"">" Name: Lion Gate<br>Date: 1300-1250 BCE<br>Culture: Mycanean<br>Material: Limestone<br>Significance: Reflective of the thick walls of Mycenae, nicknamed Cyclopian, many religious connotations because of its initimadation and protection, missing the heads

"<img src=""paste-4114684a6ff4ecc02fa923f6b1bf2a568db6c8a1.jpg"">" Shows the expansion of the Mycenae sites

"<img src=""paste-7329777a5e75d1dfd21dc2f264ee04c83ca4f338.jpg"">" Name: Mycenae Grave Circle A<br>Date:<br>Significance: Grave Circle A was typically richer and had more gold, shaft graves held multiple people

"<img src=""paste-13017ad2d24b961dba468cad14b3e3fb5c14bb1d.jpg"">" "Name: Funerary mask ""Mask of Agamemnon""<br>Date: 1600-1500 BCE<br>Culture: Mycenae (Grave Circle A)<br>Material: Beaten gold<br>Significance: showed high wealth and individualized masks"

"<img src=""paste-858eb2bf520397abca00beea261844678a6dbebf.jpg""><img src=""paste-2e071053e2b631d266c70e1dcf42d8696f93cdde.jpg"">" Name: Treasury of Atreus&nbsp;<br>Time: 1250 BCE<br>Culture: Mycenae&nbsp;<br>Material: Ashlor Masonry (similar sized stones)<br>Significance: Was a place of wealth and was looted, named after father of the Kings of the Trojan War

"<img src=""paste-377a641378c5270a5be5718b5ae74a6cfe50d9e4.jpg"">" Name: Warrior Vase (krater)<br>Time: 1200 BCE<br>Culture: Mycenae&nbsp;<br>Significance: Themes of war were often seen in Mycenaean art

"<img src=""paste-4a2930e32785e7454e07c1d0ee43f5634fdb3d75.jpg"">" Name: Maniklos Apollo<br>Time: 700-650 BCE (Iron Age)<br>Culture: Thebes<br>Significance: (?)

"<img src=""paste-5b7b5400742afcd74caa658e6b52f5a83ecfc970.jpg"">" Name: Temple of Apollo at Dreros&nbsp;<br>Time: End of 8th century&nbsp;<br>Culture: (?)<br>Significance:<br>

"<img src=""paste-580c6364d250fe9520383b4351e04c7467d0b515.jpg"">" Name: Terracotta centaur from Lefkandi&nbsp;<br>Time:950-900 BCE<br>Significance: (?)

"<img src=""paste-441ec0d00f3a4f19e3926d264dcde02340896aa9.jpg"">" Name Centaur fighting man&nbsp;<br>Time: 750 BCE<br>Culture:<br>Material: Bronze<br>Significance: Could be a retelling of Heracles, but without symbols we cannot know

"<img src=""paste-221458d76492200a55a344f4004de091994a2428.jpg"">" Name: Dipylon amphora&nbsp;<br>Time: 750 BCE<br>Culture: Athens&nbsp;<br>Significance: (?)

"<img src=""paste-2788d1bc3ee27af3e050ba8853d430f3a48a8d31.jpg"">" "Name: Protocorinthian ""Chigi olpe""<br>Time: 650 BCE<br>Significance: The art was incised into the clay, they showed foot soldiers and military formation, off to war and showed the stages of life at times"

"<img src=""paste-8be9e3ad1293b5a48afb11e145a5195afa30d8c7.jpg"">" Name: Protoattic amphora from Eleusis&nbsp;<br>Time: 670-650 BCE<br>Material: Clay<br>Significance: Showed the blinding of Polyphemus, connected to the idea of Xenia (the proper guest courtesy), also didn't mix wine properly&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-759db739821d836aee2008cce3001ae810bf0c87.jpg"">" Name: Proattic black-figure amphora&nbsp;<br>Time: 625 BCE<br>Material: Attic Clay<br>Significance: Nettos v. Heracles (the centaur that tricked Heracles wife) along with the Medusa imagery

"<img src=""paste-2fcf58b32030ccd9c51db472d04272ed18b4ba80.jpg""><img src=""paste-8d311d799d400a5358d963d3994f75b1f2a9ccb8.jpg""><img src=""paste-e8e08980a2a0ec9e3c91944312050411cb9ff6c9.jpg"">" Name: Prinias temple<br>Time: 625 BCE<br>Significance: Found with drinking cups and animal bones --&gt; religious gathering; Sculptural decoration and Dynalic style as well as Sphinx

"<img src=""paste-7985ddb1c7fcc33a78f52da8416706977868d616.jpg""><img src=""paste-9fde2831890cff726fe8318a6ca4ca39fa8e18ff.jpg"">" Name: Heraion at Olympia<br>Time: 600 BCE<br>Material: Terracotta roof tiles, over time columns got replaced by Doric tiles (all different)<br>Significance: FIrst major building at Olympia,&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-dec6c2bf2ae7f553fca2924bf004142c37f4b8a7.jpg""><img src=""paste-cb38049766de2eaac74bb80916e4bb9120be37a4.jpg"">" Name: Basilica (Temple of Hera) at Paestum<br>Time: 550 BCE<br>Significance: Hearth and columns&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-eb802a50550a1add08236353b5e8f4b7baac283f.jpg""><img src=""paste-2b708399feb8b710cdee9fab59c341ab8193ae58.jpg"">" Name: West pediment, Temple of Artemis&nbsp;<br>Time: 580 BCE<br>Material: Limestone<br>Significance: showed Medusa, pinwheel posture showing movement, viewed as Atropaic (ie warding off evil)

"<img src=""paste-661ed046c37457eac40c5c95ee7c11da8d225e66.jpg""><img src=""paste-599aa100cb00073f2f70b1d2627d80c62242577a.jpg"">" Name: Restored plan of Temple of Artemis at Ephesus<br>Time: 560-550 BCE<br>Significance: the necessity of many columns, the central hearth

"<img src=""paste-c3785891d66f0a50d62464f410552138e2f6642b.jpg""><img src=""paste-fab8f84a74283d951564cf10ca4b85e933cc1ec0.jpg"">" Name: Siphnian Treasury<br>Time: 525 BCE<br>Significance: Like many other small buildings at important sanctuaries, made to win favor with the gods, hosted offerings

"<img src=""paste-da7dda77e3f933f754741535c71111d666ce0075.jpg"">" Name: Gigantomachy, detail of the north frieze of the Siphinian Treasury&nbsp;<br>Time: 525 BCE&nbsp;<br>Material: Marble<br>Significance: showed the motion and depth of figures

"<img src=""paste-c6dcc03102e34cd7a57c7b0322c6a5ed2f996e67.jpg"">" Name: Nikandre kore from Delos&nbsp;<br>Time: 640 BCE<br>Material: Marble<br>Significance: showed a maidan figure, drilled holes for attachments, dedicated to Apollo/Artemis, height might be connected to godliness

"<img src=""paste-5c081cc7112de58df50a44bc9250ca3f12fa6e95.jpg"">" Name: Lady of Auxerre from Crete<br>Time: 650-625 BCE<br>Material: Limestone<br>Significance: part of Diadallic sculpture indicated by the triangle hair, U-shaped hair, most likely not a goddess based on hand gesture, belt was a status symbol, almost a half smile that would be a part of the Archaic period (adds vitality to face)

"<img src=""paste-40130b43f4437ebbeea2dbdd66bd24c292886c34.jpg"">" Name: New York Kouros from Attica<br>Time: 600 BCE<br>Material: Marble<br>Significance: naked man unlike Kore, similar to Egyptian art through the hands on the side and the foot distance, Greeks were more interested in naturalism and its movement (over the long lasting nature of Egyptian sculpture)

"<img src=""paste-a60eed521cfccc8187d2866511d5d7bae659c4a8.jpg"">" Name: Sounion kouros<br>Time: 590 BCE<br>Material: Naxian marble<br>Significance: 10ft tall, insizing in the body, geometric, face carved on the front

"<img src=""paste-efec44858fa008a62df8ecdfc54b63d5bdd62f33.jpg"">" Name: Anavysos kouros from Anavysos<br>Time: 530 BCE<br>Material: Parian marble&nbsp;<br>Significance: showed the transition to naturalism, more rounded and life-like, sculpted not incized, more wrap around features

"<img src=""paste-5232de1e4c72fd907f2f04654811519ceb56e82c.jpg"">" Name: Phrasikleia from Merenda<br>Time: 550-540 BCE<br>Material: Parian marble<br>Significance: buried and found in good condition, Kore means a foreer maidan, ornate dressing, and pulling at fabric; clothing connected to wedding and funderary for the young and unmarried

"<img src=""paste-8d90f3ae8fdfc6b98ae65efc6d5b4d21519ae055.jpg"">" Name: Peplos Kore from Acropolis<br>Time: 530 BCE<br>Material: marble<br>Significance: heavy clothing of four different garments, could have been wearing a crown

"<img src=""paste-50c74795e1ac5099463ad6db504cfe1826f0c053.jpg"">" Name: Antenor Kore<br>Time: 525-510 BCE<br>Material: Marble<br>Significance: in motion, shows fabric folds, outlines of legs, stick on her head (but don't know what it's for), 7ft tall

"<img src=""paste-3f12b6a2163c877f8ea5e83594bc475c8bd8f063.jpg"">" Name: Francois vase<br>Time: 570 BCE<br>Material: Black figure&nbsp;<br>Signifance: krater, similar to Corinthian style despite being Athenian (Attic was just one big scene typically), found mostly in South Italy because it was placed with burial, early example of black figure, rare distinction of potter and painter, shows wedding of Achilles parents, over 200 figures and 100 inscriptions, shows a variety of drinking events

"<img src=""paste-c0042d979b21dd5903e5c3f9d01bea5fb33ad223.jpg"">" Name: Attic black-figure amphora signed by Exekias<br>Time: 530 BCE<br>Material: Clay and slip<br>Significance: showed Achilles and Ajax and foreshadowed their fates, Achilles winning and being a warrior whereas Ajax has a more tragic fate,&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-e5636a0ef5fbfea93b26caff94377d93bab849f0.jpg"">" Name: Kylix with Dionysus and dolphins by Exekias<br>Time: 530 BCE<br>Material: clay black-figure<br>Significance: drinking cup and showed a lighter mood for the symposium,&nbsp;

"<img src=""paste-d838aaca178fc4ee870b5055589d6072cbc35c03.jpg"">" Name: Attic red-figure kalyx krater&nbsp;<br>Time: 510 BCE<br>Material: clay red figure<br>Significance: Euphronious made many over his time, shows the death of warrior in Trojan War, depicts sleep, death, and Hermes

"<img src=""paste-26b48679ed0b1ffc6803547bd6389b91a9281093.jpg"">" Name: Attic red figure amphor signed by Euthymides<br>Time: 510 BCE<br>Significance: preferred the military scenes over those of mythology

Cyclopean masonry&nbsp; type of building that used large stones, limestone boulders<br>ex. Mycenae with their large walls that others believed could only be moved by Cylclopes

Ashlar Masonry stone construction of uniform and small stones<br>ex. Treasury of Atreus (tholos tombs)

Tholos tomb beehive tomb, burial sites characterized my false domes<br>ie. Treasury of Atreus

Megaron the great hall of Mycenaen architecture that supported the hearth<br>ex. Palace of Knossos with winding hallways but central hall

Wanax Usually used as the name for a king/military leadem it was famously used for Agememnon during the Mycenaean late bronze age

peristyle/peripteral <div><div><div><div><div><div>a row of columns surrounding a space within a building such as a court or internal garden or&nbsp;edging&nbsp;a&nbsp;veranda&nbsp;or porch.</div></div></div></div></div></div><div>ex. Temple of Artemis</div>

cella/naos A cella or naos is&nbsp;the inner chamber of an ancient Greek or Roman temple.&nbsp;It was the main part of the temple that contained statues of the deity being worshipped there

pediment the&nbsp;triangular&nbsp;upper part of the front of a building in classical style, typically&nbsp;surmounting&nbsp;a&nbsp;portico&nbsp;of columns

frieze &nbsp;a horizontal band of decoration that runs above columns and below the roofline.<br>ex. Doric &amp; Ionic

Doric Order type of columns that was shorter, simpler&nbsp;

Ionic Order type of column that was taller, slender, and much more intricate with more flutes

Triglyphs a tablet in Doric frieze with three vertical grooves<br>ex. Temple of Artemis at Corfu

metopes the square space between triglyphs on Doric frieze<br>ex. Temple of Artemis at Corfu

Apotropaic&nbsp; supposedly&nbsp;having the power to&nbsp;avert&nbsp;evil influences or bad luck.<br>ex. West pediment at Temple of Artemis at Corfu

Horror vacui The fear of empty space<br>ex. geometric vases ie. Dipylon amphora from Athens

Kore sculptures of women in Archaic time typically clothed depicting young women and girls

Kouros Archaic sculpture of men&nbsp;

Archaic smile a slight upturned smile that showed vitality, part of naturalist transition&nbsp;
