Science 9: Space Exploration

SE1: Ancient Knowledge & Understanding Space

SE1.1: What do we understand about celestial bodies?

  • Ancient People:

    • Watched the motion of celestial bodies

    • Believed stars revolved around the Earth

    • Observed patterns and cycles

    • Used this knowledge to predict seasons, and create myths

  • Constellations:

    • Many ancient cultures recognized and named constellations (groups of stars)

      • Ursa Major is well known in most world cultures and associated with a number of myths

    • The position of constellations appears to change with the seasons. This is due to the Earth’s rotation and orbit around the Sun.

  • Sky Coordinates: Early astronomy concentrated on finding accurate positions of the stars and planets. There are a couple of popular ways of specifying the location of a celestial object.

    • Equatorial Coordinates (Longitude and Latitude)

    • Altitude and Azimuth

SE1.2: How have views of our solar system changed?

  • Aristotle: Proposed Geocentric Model of the Universe

  • Ptolemy: Attempted to explain retrograde motion (Actual or apparent motion of a body in a direction opposite to that of other bodies in its system) by including small epicycles

  • Copernicus: Proposed Heliocentric Model of the Universe

  • Hans Lippershey: Invented the telescope in 1608

  • Galileo Galilei: Improved the telescope and contributed to the Heliocentric Model

    • Observed that the moon has mountains and craters on it, which had shadows depending on the Sun’s angle on them

    • The Sun rotates on its own axis

    • Jupiter is accompanied by four small moons

    • Stars are much farther away than the planets

  • Johannes Kepler: Predicted that the planets moved in elliptical orbits rather than circular orbits, explained retrograde motion

  • Newton: Law of Universal Gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other, which provides an explanation for Kepler’s idea of elliptical orbits

  • Jansky/Reber: Invented Radio Telescopes in 1930s

SE1.3: How have telescopes been used to increase our understanding of space?

  • Types of Telescopes

    • Refracting: Have objective and eyepiece lenses

      • Good for planetary viewing

      • Expensive

    • Reflecting: Have objective mirrors and an eyepiece lens

      • Good for deep sky viewing

      • Cheaper

    • Combination: Have an eyepiece lens and objective mirrors

      • Best overall design

      • Excellent for planetary and deep sky viewing

      • Expensive

    • Radio

      • Invented by Jansky/Reber in the 1930s

        • Can penetrate dust clouds

        • Computers false colour the radio wave data to product images

        • Lower resolving power than optical telescopes

        • Can be used day and night

  • Magnification: (Refracting telescope)

    • Focal length of OBJECTIVE LENS/Focal length of the EYEPIECE LENS

  • Resolving Power: Determines the fineness of detail a telescope can product of an object in view

  • Interferometry: A technology that connects 2 or more telescopes to combine their images

  • Adaptive Optics: A technology for ground based telescope that adjusts the mirrors of a telescope or the image they product to cancel the effects of atmospheric distortion

  • Ground Based Telescope:

    • Often built in elevated locations

    • Cheaper

    • Easier to maintain

  • Space Telescope:

    • Can view distant planets, galaxies, and astronomical objects

    • Clearer images (Outside of Earths’s atmosphere)

    • Expensive

    • Difficult to maintain

    • Hubble (1990)

    • James Webb Telescope (2021)

SE1.4: How can you determine the composition of a star using spectroscopy?

  • Life cycle of a star

  • Isaac Newton (1672):

    • Refracts white light with a prism, resolving it into its components (ROYGBIV)

    • Passed light through 2 prisms to prove that light was made up of colours rather than prisms being responsible for colouring the light

  • Spectroscopes:

    • A scientific instrument that splits light into its different wavelengths, which humans see as different colours

    • Originally used prisms, but now use a series of closely spaced slits called a diffraction grating

    • First invented by Joseph von Fraunhofer in 1814 to observe the sun’s spectrum, observed dark lines in the sun’s spectrum (spectral lines)

SE2: Modern Technologies & Space Exploration

SE2.1: What other techniques are used to determine more accurate information about celestial bodies?

  • Triangulation

    • A very old method to indirectly measure the distance to an object

    • Used in surveying, navigation, astronomy, rocketry, and weaponry

  • Triangulation Method

    • Step 1: Create and measure a baseline

    • Step 2: Measure the angles from the ends of the baseline to the distant object

    • Step 3: Create a scale drawing from your measurements

    • Step 4: Using your drawing, measure the shortest distance from the baseline to the object

    • Step 5: Convert that distance from scale to real units\

  • Parallax

    • Astronomers estimate the distance of nearby objects in space by using a method called staller PARALLAX

    • They measure a star’s apparent movement against the background of more distant stars as Earth revolves around the sun

    • Parallax is similar to using triangulation to locate a nearby object on Earth

    • Measurements are made 6 months apart which creates a very long baseline
