Presentation contains hyperlinks accessible for JAWS users via INSERT+F7.
Defined as programs designated for specific file types (e.g., .wav, .mpg).
Operate in a separate window from the browser.
A more modern approach compared to helper applications.
Allow media objects to integrate directly within the browser window.
Adobe Flash Player (now obsolete)
Adobe Reader
Java (Java Virtual Machine)
Windows Media Player
Apple Quicktime
Native to browsers; no plug-ins required.
Compatibility issue: Different browsers support different codecs.
Identified by file extension, contains media and metadata (considered an envelope).
Compression algorithm that reduces the size of media files.
.wav: Wave File (large size)
.aiff: Audio Interchange File Format
.mid: Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
.a1u: Sun UNIX sound file
.mp3: MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
.ogg: Ogg Vorbis (open-source)
.m4a: Audio-only MPEG-4, supported by QuickTime and iTunes.
.mov: QuickTime
.avi: Microsoft Audio Video Interleaved
.wmv: Windows Media File
.flv: Flash Video File
.mpg: MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
.m4v/.mp4: MPEG-4 formats.
.ogv: Ogg Theora (open-source)
.webm: VP8 codec (open video format, free)
Only publish original web content or media licensed for use.
Permission required to use media created by others.
All works automatically copyrighted even without a notice.
Fair Use Clause of the Copyright Act (Page. 489).
Creative Commons: New copyright approach allowing shared use.
Basic hyperlink method
Use of the "embed" element for multimedia (decreasing in use)
HTML5 audio and video elements are becoming the standard.
Hyperlink is the basic method for linking audio/video files:
Example: <a href="wdfpodcast.mp3" title="Web Design Podcast">Web Design Podcast</a>
Adobe Flash: Multimedia application adding interactivity.
Flash movies saved as .swf
Requires Flash Player plug-in, support declining after 2020.
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="fall5.swf" width="640" height="100" quality="high">
HTML5 allows native audio/video playback without plug-ins.
Audio Element: Use source
for multiple audio formats (e.g., .ogg and .mp3).
Video Element: Utilize source
for multiple video formats (e.g., .ogg/ogv and .mp4).
Important to consider codec and container compatibility.
Example structure:
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="soundloop.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<source src="soundloop.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<a href="soundloop.mp3">Download the Audio File</a>
Example for a video setup:
<video controls="controls" poster="sparky.jpg" width="160" height="150">
<source src="sparky.m4v" type="video/mp4">
<source src="sparky.ogv" type="video/ogg">
<a href="">Sparky the Dog</a>
Provide alternate content such as:
Transcripts for audio files
Captions for video files
Text format for accessibility.
Long download times are the leading cause of visitors leaving web pages.
Use multimedia judiciously to avoid slow loading.
Configure navigation container with relative positioning.
Code submenu (drop down) using ul
and li
Ensure submenu ul
is initially hidden and employs absolute positioning.
Allows rotations, scaling, skewing, or moving of elements.
Example: transform: rotate(3deg);
Changes in property values can transition smoothly over time.
Creates interactive widgets by combining details
and summary
Example structure:
<summary>List of students enrolled</summary>
<li>John Smith</li>
<li>Jane Doe</li>
<li>Richard Roe</li>
<li>Amy Smith</li>
Configure thumbnail images with proper li
and img
tags and attributes.
Critical CSS settings for the gallery:
#gallery span { position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 3s ease-in-out; left: -1000px; }
#gallery a:hover span { position: absolute; top: 16px; left: 320px; text-align: center; }