Introduction to Deductive Reasoning
Focus on deductive reasoning or deduction.
Core notion: logical entailment.
What is an Argument?
Sequence of assertions (premises) supporting a conclusion.
Different types of arguments lend support in different ways.
Deductive Arguments
Support conclusions via entailment.
Premises guarantee the truth of the conclusion.
Examples of Valid Deductive Arguments
"All bachelors are unmarried, Steven's a bachelor, therefore Steven is unmarried."
"Kai Lin's either from China or Taiwan; not China, so Taiwan."
More complex example: "If more asylum seekers than host countries exist, we need a developed system. There are more asylum seekers; thus, we need this system."
Non-Deductive Arguments
Do not lend support via entailment.
Example: Enrollment predictions based on past data do not entail the conclusion.
Imagining Consequences
If premises true, can conclusion be false?
Consider conceivable worlds for testing entailment.
Different Tests for Entailment
Test 1: Imagine premises true, can the conclusion be false?
Test 2: Assume conclusion false, can premises all be true?
What Makes an Argument Valid?
Truth of premises guarantees truth of conclusion.
Importance of Form
Validity based on the relationship between premises and conclusion.
Examples of Valid Arguments
Different content but share the same form (disjunctive syllogism).
Valid Argument Forms
Modus Ponens: If P, then Q; P; therefore Q.
Modus Tollens: If P, then Q; not Q; therefore not P.
Disjunctive Syllogism: P or Q; not P; therefore Q.
Hypothetical Syllogism: If P, then Q; if Q, then R; therefore if P, then R.
Soundness Defined
Argument must be valid and all premises true.
Example of Soundness
"All mammals give live birth; platypus are mammals; thus, platypus give live birth." (Sound only if premises are true)
Recognizing Invalid Arguments
Affirming the Consequent: Invalid form that fails tests for validity.
Denying the Antecedent: Another common fallacy.
Overview of Deductive Reasoning
Focus on entailment, validity (truth of premises necessitating conclusion), soundness (valid + true premises), and logical forms.
Introduction to symbolic logic for formalizing arguments.