Poetry is much more complicated than we think. Ex: Me, Wee.
Poetry emphasizes Musical quality. = Rhyme, Meter, Rhythm
Poems used Condensed language (very basic) This means poems use word play.
Poems often feature intense feelings
Poems were used to remember or tell a story. Ex: the bible
Poems do NOT have to be lyrical. They don’t always have to rhyme or be musical, but it can be artistic
Poetry has line breaks to help readers navigate and understand the rhythm of the poem
Pose poetry uses vivid imagery and word play.
Despite evolving forms, poetry remains a unique human creation.
The origin of the word "poetry" from the Greek poiesis, meaning to create, highlights the essence of poets as creators.
When we write pose poems, we use our 5 senses. Taste, Hear, Smell, Sight, and Touch.