Data processing: Handling information, especially facts. Converting facts and figures into useful information. Analyzing collected facts and figures and putting them into formats useful to a business.
Data: Facts and figures.
Hardware: The physical components of a computer system (e.g., the central processing unit, hard drive, modem).
Information system: set of coordinated network of components, which act together towards producing, distributing and/or processing information.
Information technology: integration of computer with telecommunication equipment for retrieving, manipulating, and storage of data.
Intranet: an internal network similar to the Internet that is accessible only by authorized personnel; used to access information and communicate with others within an organization.
Software: Programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations.
Address book: Store your contacts, which makes it easy to correspond and share contact information with others.
Attachments: Files included with emails.
Browsers: Software programs that allow you to view webpages, such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome.
Database software: Designed to create databases and to store, manage, search, and extract the information contained within them.
Distribution lists: Help you email multiple people at once.
Email application: an application that allows users to send, receive, and read electronic messages between users
Presentation Software: Software used to create a sequence of text and graphics, and often audio and video, to accompany a speech or public presentation.
Search engines: A software program on the Internet that allows you to search documents and files for keywords and returns files that match.
Spreadsheet software: File made of rows and columns that help sort, organize, and arrange data efficiently, and calculate numerical data.
Uniform resource locator (URL): Used to identify and link to a web page.
Viruses: A pieces of code which is capable of copying themselves and typically have a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.
Word processing software: Enables users to enter and store written work into many types of documents.
World Wide Web (WWW): A collection of websites or web pages stored in web servers and connected to local computers through the Internet
Computer-aided design (CAD): The use of computer technology to plan, design, test, and alter products
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM): The use of computer software to control machines, tools, and processes involved in manufacturing products
Database: Computerized storage for information and facts
Expert system: Computer software designed to mimic the knowledge of a human expert
Global positioning system (GPS): A navigational system that uses satellite technology to determine location and provide directions
Hardware: The physical components of a computer system (e.g., the central processing unit, hard drive, modem)
Internet telephony: Technology that allows users to communicate over the Internet rather than through traditional public networks
Network: A system of computers connected together by telephone wires, cable wires, or other means
Personal identification number (PIN): A number you choose to gain access to an account
Satellite: An object placed into orbit by humans; most are used for communications purposes
Smartphone: A mobile phone with advanced capabilities, such as accessing the Internet
Software: Programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations
Technology: The practical application of science to society and industry
Telecommuting: Working from home or a remote location
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): Technology that allows users to make telephone calls over the Internetusing a broadband connection instead of traditional telephone lines.