
Study Guides and Timeliness

  • Importance of study guides

    • Study guides can be a helpful tool for exam preparation.

    • Submitting study guides on time is crucial for timely feedback.

  • Advise to submit study guides in pieces

    • Helps teacher manage time and provide quality feedback.

    • Avoids backlog at the last minute.

  • Study guide three is shorter, covering two chapters, in contrast to previous quizzes.

Exam Structure

  • Schedule for quizzes

    • Quiz three occurs after spring break.

    • Quiz compositions and breakdown discussed:

      • Quizzes will include learning and memory topics.

  • Importance of study and preparation techniques

    • Different approaches needed for multiple-choice vs. essay questions.

    • Learning strategies for studying effectively highlighted.

  • Focus on test-taking strategies to improve performance.

Core Concepts of Learning and Memory


  • Definition of Learning

    • Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior.

    • Key distinction: learning vs. memorization.

  • Classical Conditioning

    • Defined by Pavlov's experiments with dogs.

    • Classical Conditioning Paradigm Components:

      • Unconditional Stimulus (US) leads to Unconditional Response (UR); reflexive and immediate.

      • Neutral Stimulus (NS) paired with US leads to a learned response (Conditioned Stimulus (CS) leading to Conditioned Response (CR)).

    • Examples to illustrate concepts:

      • Pavlov's dogs salivating to meat and bell.

      • Real-life examples of human responses to stimuli.

Conditioning Terminology

  • Higher Order Conditioning

    • Introduces additional CS once an initial CS-CR relationship is established.

    • Requires well-learned associations for effective conditioning.

  • Extinction in Conditioning

    • Behavioral extinction can occur if reinforcement is removed.

    • To maintain a conditioned response, the US must periodically reappear.

Phobias and Emotional Responses

  • Definition of Phobias

    • Phobias as irrational fears often learned through conditioned emotional responses.

    • Example: A dog bite leading to lifelong fear of dogs.

    • Development of phobias through direct experiences or observational learning.

Overcoming Phobias

  • Desensitization Technique

    • Steps for desensitization:

      1. Begin with looking at pictures of the phobia for a designated time.

      2. Progress to moving pictures of the phobia.

      3. Confront the actual phobia.

  • The example of a student who conquered her fear of water illustrates the steps and commitment needed.

Operant Conditioning Principles

Basic Concepts

  • Definition of Operant Conditioning

    • Focused on voluntary behaviors and consequences.

  • Differences between Classical and Operant Conditioning

    • Classical: Reflexive; stimulus occurs before behavior.

    • Operant: Voluntary; consequence follows behavior.

Consequences of Behavior

  • Types of Reinforcement and Punishment

    • Positive Reinforcement: Rewards that increase behavior (e.g., good grades).

    • Negative Reinforcement: Removal of negative stimuli to increase behavior (e.g., taking pain relief medication).

    • Punishment: Consequences that decrease undesirable behavior (e.g., bad grades).

  • Importance of shaping behaviors through gradual reinforcement of successive approximations.

Law of Effect by Edward Thorndike

  • Key takeaway of the law: Learning is strengthened when a response is followed by a satisfactory outcome.

  • Implications for students: If grades are unsatisfactory, change strategies for improvement.

Conclusion & Encouragement

  • Importance of seeking help when struggling.

  • Emphasis on being proactive regarding grades and learning strategies.

  • Offer of support and availability for further questions and guidance.
