Final Presentation Notes

  • Introduced the topic- Bible being a Patriarcal Document. “It is cherished and beloved and takes knowledge of history, religion and a spiritual mindset to interpret it appropriately.”

  • Book of Esther is a rarity (named by her, follows her pov, emotion depth)

  • Esther as my childhood fairy tale. (other stories were boring when i was little. not ab becoming queen)

  • Vashti seen as “stubborn, spoiled and privileged antagonist that angered the king into abducting all the eligible women in Babylon.”

  • “Vashti + Esther different aproachs to resistance. Which is more admired then vs now in male dominating fields?”

  • Vashti background as rightful ruler, an intellect, a force of nature to be feared.

  • What kind of man/individual were they up against? “example of a man that has lots of power, but by his actions listening to the ill advice of Haman over and over, it can be deduced he is a gullible individual that relies on others intellect and influence to rule. These unpredictable volatile tendencies make the story that much more interesting, and the forms of resistance displayed by Vashti and Esther more empowering.”

  • Different versions of Vashti “Babylonian Talmud portrays her as an evil queen who beats her Jewish hand maidends and “gets what she deserves in the end” (Shira). However the Midrash Esther Rabbah sees her as a “tragic heroine who had the only genuine claim to the throne” (Shira). While more modern interpreters, maybe like myself, see her as a feminist icon and admire her strong-willed refusal to King Xerxes.”

  • Two different Banquets

  • Persian history in drinking and law making, but only praised by the Greeks for seperating their spouses from this behavior. King Xerxes doesn’t do this

  • Vashti practices bodily autonomy. with knowledge of her consequences

  • Esther has a different approach that the two women both acknowledge is the best way to see esthers plan succed. \

  • Tara Chaplin- “US and in many Western cultures, girls are expected to display greater levels of positive emotions like happiness, and display more empathy and sympathy than boys. “expressing sadness, elicitates sympathy from others bringing people to share in mourning.” These are the “likeable” characteristics that women for centuries have been told gets them what they want.

  • Manuela Tremmel- “Leaders are associated with men who have “agentic characteristics”, describing them as aggressive, ambitious, dominant, forceful, independent, self-sufficient and self-confident. (Tremmel 2023). However, research shows that female leaders showing agentic characteristics are rated less likable, less hirable and face more prejudice. Women that manage leadership roles in male dominated workforces face resistance no matter what characteristics they present.”

  • This data by Chaplin and Tremmel supports the results that Vashti and Esther had in their manner of resistance. Esther’s qualities were likable, passive, unthreatening, nurturing and her cause was sympathetic. Vashti on the other hand was villainized. Her demeanor made her appear difficult, passionately erratic, emotional, stubborn and aggressive.

  • Vashti showed these agentic characteristics and was forced out of power like many woman today are. However I like to believe that the workforce is getting better and evolving. Sterotypes are being squashed, and that Vashti would have made a formitable girl boss in todays world.
