bio midterm

Biotic- living part of environment

Aboitic- not living air water/ climate

 LEvels of organistion 



Commmunty collection of interaction population 

Ecosystem bio and abio factors 

Habit were you live

Niche living in same tree different positions 

predator / prey relationship  predator are carnivores and omnivores  and dependent on each other 


-comensalism one species plus zero doesnt get anything good or bad

Mutualims plus plus ant 

Parasitism parasite beliefs other is harmed 

Vocab autortroph food from self Heretrophs- consumer  different place gets there food 



Scaventgers clean up crew 

Decomperser break down dead reclyers 

Food chain/ patterns of flow  energy flowws  grass -mouse  - owl 

Food webs  pay attention to arrows 

 Energy pyramids  show relative amount ofenergy avalbine at each trophil levels 

Limiting factors  bio abio 

Primary succession stages of the environment

Carrying capacity a number of organism of 1 species the environment can support 

  • Under  - births ecededs 

Biodiversity - the variety of life in an area 

Trophich regions 

Biger is better high biodiversity = stable ecosystem 

Low biodiversity = less stable ecosystem 

Threats to biodiversity Habitat loss

global warming increases in global temperature  due to atmospheric co2 levels 

Pollution and overpopulation 

Causes using gases fossil fuels 

Alternative energy sources - solar panel wind terbindes hydroelectric nuclear  geothemeral 


 Compound - composed of atoms of 2 or more differenrt element that are chemically combingsed - bonding occurs between atom when they reach stability 

Covalent bonds- atom share electrons hydro ions share with each other 

Ionic bonds - Transfer electrons between atoms

Diffusion -  the movement of particles from where there's more to and lesser 

Carbharate carbs simple sugars 

Lipids fatty acids and glyserol 

Protein -amino acids 

Nucleic acids - made out of mecleotides 


Cell types   

Prokaryotes  dont  membrane  small 

Eurkaryotes lots of cells   presemce of membrane bound in organelles 

Cell membran regulates what goes in and out 

Cell wall support and protection 

Nucleus control center 

Ribosomes makes protein 

Lysosomes breaks things down 

Golgi - modfird protein and lipid s

Vacuoles  stores things water nutruins ions 

Chloroplast make energy from sunlight 

Mitochondria make energy from carbs 

Plant cells vs animals cells 

  • Plant cells have cell walls animals dont 

  • Plant cells have Chloroplast animal s

  • Plant cell has a central  vacuum 

  • Animals have centrio 

  • Osmosis - movement of water to where is was more to were it was less going into 

  • Mitosis  2 daughter cells are formed each identical  to the original entire cell splits Sytokinesus  division of the cell / splits in half 

Organizaiton cont small to big 

Cancer cells uncontrolled cell division MEDELIAN GENTICS AND MEIOSIS 

 Traits - characteristic  heigh flower color seed texture 

Phenotype - physical appearance

Genotype genetic makeup e

Alleles from of a gene for a trait 

dominant allele   always expressed T tall 

recessive allele t short

Homozygous 2 of the same alles 

Heterozygous has different alleles 

Rule of dominance dominant allele is always expressed recessive allele insnt 

 Law of segetration  pairs of alleles gamits separe when they fertilze each other 

Law of independent assortment genes for different traits are inherited independently of each other

 Meiosis  type of cells divisions end up  with four daughter cells which are different from each other 

 Diploid  cell with 2 of  each kind of chromosome 

 We have 46 cells 

Haploid cells with 1 of each kind of chromosomes 

crossing over exchange  of genetic  material between nonsister chromatids mixs up patterns of alleles 

 Pedigree chart square are male   circles - female filled in - afflicted half filled - carrier 


-IaIa or Iai- type A

- IbIb or  Ibi - type of B 

- IaIb - type AB

- Ii-type O 

Independent something you change 

Dependent variable data what are you collecting  time it take reaction to occur
