Troubleshooting wireless networks.
In this section, we're going to discuss troubleshooting
of our wireless networks.
For the purposes of this section,
when I talk about wireless,
I'm specifically referring to wifi
or the 802.11 family standards, not Bluetooth, cellular,
satellite, near-field communication or RFID,
even though some of the topics
that we're going to cover like interference and antennas
and attenuation are also applicable
to those technologies as well.
Before we do, though,
it's important for us to do a quick review
of the different specifications and limitations
involved with wireless networks.
First, let's consider the different speeds and throughputs
of our various 802.11 wireless networks.
When we talk about the speed
we're normally referring to the bandwidth
of a given connection.
Bandwidth refers to the theoretical speed
of data going across a network.
Throughput, on the other hand, is the actual speed
of data on that network.
So, if you're using an 802.11a wireless network,
the maximum bandwidth or theoretical speed is 54 Mbps.
Now, while that's the theoretical maximum,
in reality, you're commonly going to see throughput
of only 20 to 30 Mbps.
If you're using 802.11b, this is going to have
a maximum bandwidth or theoretical speed of 11 Mbps.
Now again, while that's the theoretical maximum,
in reality, you're commonly going to see throughputs
of only 5 to 7 Mbps.
If you're using 802.11g wireless networks,
the maximum bandwidth is going to be 54 Mbps.
But in reality, it's going to be common
to see throughputs of 30 to 32 Mbps.
If you're using an 802.11n wireless network,
the maximum bandwidth is 600 Mbps,
but the common throughput you're going to see
is usually around 140 to 150 Mbps.
If you're using 802.11ac wireless networks,
the maximum bandwidth is 1300 Mbps or 1.3 Gbps.
Now, while that's the advertised speed,
and even sometimes you'll see it as high as 1900 Mbps,
when they start adding the 1300 Mbps
for the 5GHz radio and another 600 Mbps for the
backwards compatible wireless n, embedded 2.4GHz
radio on the access point,
that is just a theoretical number.
So, your theoretical number is somewhere between
1300 Mbps and 1900 Mbps,
depending on the model of wireless ac that you're using.
But the throughput is really going to be somewhere between
100 and 500 Mbps, in reality.
Now, if you're using an 802.11ax model,
this is going to have a maximum bandwidth
or theoretical speed of 10 Gbps.
Now, again, that's a theoretical maximum.
In the real world though, we're only seeing throughput
of around 600 to 900 Mbps.
All right, next, let's consider the distance
associated with each variant of wifi
that you may come across in the field.
Wireless a, b, and g networks can reach distances
of about 35 meters indoors and about 100 meters outdoors.
When you go to wireless n networks
you can reach a distance of up to 70 meters indoors
and about 250 meters outdoors.
With wireless ac and ax,
you can reach distances of around 50 meters indoors
and about 100 meters outdoors.
Now you may be wondering, do I need to memorize
all these different distances?
And the answer is, no, you don't.
But you should be aware that wireless n
doubled the distance over earlier wireless a,
b, and g networks.
You should also be aware that wireless ac and ax
cover a distance between wireless n
and the earlier technologies,
but at much higher speeds and throughputs.
Now, when it comes to distance,
really what we're worried about is how strong the signal is,
once it's received by a client.
This is measured in terms of the RSSI
or received signal strength indication.
Sometimes you'll hear people simply call this
the signal strength.
Now, RSSI is an estimate and measure of the power level
that a radio-frequency client device is receiving
from a wireless access point or wireless router.
As the distance increases, the signal will get
weaker and weaker at the client.
And the data rates in turn are going to go down
as you're going to get lower throughput
over this wireless network, as it gets slower and slower
when you get further and further from the signal strength.
Now, when you look at the received signal strength indicator
on the client, you should see it
in the negative 60 to negative 65 decibel range.
This would mean you have a strong signal.
It indicates a good strong signal that can support
heavy network based applications like voiceover IP,
video streaming, and other bandwidth intensive applications.
The RSSI value measures itself from zero to 100
in the negative range.
The closer the signal is to zero the stronger
the signal is going to be at the client.
For example, my computer is currently receiving
an RSSI value of negative 38 decibels,
which is extremely strong because my wireless access point
is actually located about five feet from my computer.
When you're looking at the RSSI,
anything that's over negative 90 decibels,
like 90 or 100 decibels, that is going to be considered
extremely weak.
If the signal is around negative 65 decibels,
this is considered fairly strong and a usable signal.
If you have an RSSI of negative 55 decibels,
this is a strong signal.
If you get a signal of negative 30 or above,
meaning somewhere between zero and negative 30,
this is extremely strong and you're probably sitting right
next to your wireless access point.
All right, finally, let's talk about
the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power or EIRP.
The effective equivalent isotropic radiated power
is the maximum amount of power that could be rated
from an ideal isotropic antenna,
given its antenna gain and the transmitter power
of the radio frequency system.
That is a lot of technical words,
but essentially this is going to be written down
as a dBi or decibels over isotropic when you measure it.
An omnidirectional antenna is considered
an isotropic antenna and it distributes power
equally out in all directions.
Now, why should you care about the EIRP levels?
Well, because these EIRP levels tell you
how strong the signal is being rated
out of your wireless access point towards your client.
This is the other half of the RSSI discussion
that we just had.
Remember, RSSI is used to measure the amount of signal
being received by the client from the access point.
We're measuring it on the client.
When we talk about EIRP,
we're measuring it at the access point.
So, if you're having signal issues
with your wireless network,
you can look at it from two different perspectives.
If you look at it at the RSSI level,
you're measuring it on the client and determining
if they're having an issue receiving the data.
On the other hand, you could look at the EIRP levels
from the access point and determine if the issue
is instead being caused by the access point,
its antennas or its power levels not being sufficient
to send out the signal.
All right, we just covered a lot of key terms
and information that you need to understand
as we move forward throughout this section
on wireless network troubleshooting.
In this section, we're going to focus on domain 5,
network troubleshooting and objective 5.4.
Objective 5.4 states, given a scenario,
you must troubleshoot common wireless connectivity issues.
So let's dive into this section
on troubleshooting wireless networks.
Wireless considerations.
In this video, we're going to discuss wireless considerations
that you need to think about
as you start to troubleshoot your wireless networks.
We're going to begin by discussing antennas,
their placement, their type, and their polarization.
Then, we're going to cover channel utilization,
site surveys and the types of information
that those things can help us with
as we troubleshoot our networks.
Finally, we're going to talk about wireless access points
or AP association times, and how association actually works.
First, let's talk all about antennas.
Antennas can come in multiple different types,
and each one has its own purpose.
By default, most wireless access points
are going to use omnidirectional antennas.
And normally they're going to be located
in a vertical form factor.
Now for a vertical antenna,
the radiation pattern for the radio frequency waves
is going to extend outward in all directions,
away from that antenna and away
from the wireless access point at an equal power level.
As the radio waves travel further and further
from that antenna,
the signal is going to get lost a little bit
and the power and strength is going to decrease.
Now, if you're monitoring this from your client,
you're going to see that you have more negative RSSIs
as you go further from the wireless access point
and it's antenna.
Now, for example,
let's say you're sitting right next to the antenna.
You might have an RSSI of negative 30 to negative 40
decibels, but if you move out a hundred feet away,
that signal strength may now be at an RSSI
of negative 65 or negative 70 decibels.
Another type of antenna you might come across
is known as a dipole antenna or a bi-directional antenna.
With a dipole antenna,
the antenna is going to produce a radio-frequency wave
that extends outward in two directions,
away from the antenna.
With a dipole antenna,
you're normally going to see a higher RSSI
in the client device,
even when it's located further from the access point,
because this antenna can now focus its power
in only two directions instead of the entire 360 degrees
around itself, like an omnidirectional antenna produces.
So if you need the radio frequency waves
to only go in two directions,
a dipole is going to be a good option for you,
but they're not heavily used in wireless networks
for the most part.
Next, we have this thing known as a Yagi antenna.
Now a Yagi antenna is the type of unidirectional antenna
that sends the radio frequency waves only in one direction.
Due to this focusing of the radio frequency
in a singular direction,
a Yagi antenna can send the radio frequency waves
further in a single direction using less power
than an omnidirectional antenna will.
Normally you're going to see a Yagi antenna used
when you're trying to connect to different sites
using a wireless link.
For example,
you may want to connect to office buildings
on a college campus using a wireless link
instead of running a buried fiber optic cable.
In this case,
you're going to use a Yagi antenna to do that.
Finally, we have a parabolic grid or disc antenna.
These antennas are unidirectional antennas,
just like a Yagi antenna is,
but they're built a little bit differently.
Now, parabolic grid antennas are most commonly used
for site-to-site applications
where you need to connect buildings
over a longer distance than you would with a Yagi antenna.
Like a Yagi antenna,
a parabolic antenna is going to allow the radio wave
to be transmitted in only one direction,
making it a unidirectional antenna.
Now, when it comes to placing your antennas,
this is going to be dependent
on where you're going to place them
inside or outside of your building
to create the coverage that you desire.
If you're setting up a site-to-site
or building-to-building connection,
you're going to want to use a unidirectional antenna
like a parabolic or Yagi antenna.
Now you're going to take that and mount it
on the outside of your building.
And usually you're going to attach it to the roof
and make sure there's a clear line of sight
between both antennas on each of those buildings.
Now, one of the common issues you're going to experience
with wireless antennas for a site-to-site or
building-to-building connection is that the connection
may deteriorate and slow down or completely stop over time.
If this occurs,
you need to ensure that both the antennas
still have a clear sight between them.
For example, maybe you have two office buildings
and they are only one or two stories high.
You've gone ahead and installed the antennas in the fall.
And there was no issues at all.
You had a perfectly clear line of sight,
but it's been about six months,
and now the seasons have changed and spring appears
and your wireless connection
may start to be affected by trees
because they've sprouted new leaves
and they are now blocking your line of sight clearly
between those two buildings.
Similarly, if in the winter time there's a lot of snow,
this can also block your signal,
or if it rains heavily in the summer,
you could also have a deteriorating signal
because the water droplets will block
the wireless communication between these two antennas.
So if you're working with antennas,
you need to think about these things
when you're working outside.
Now, on the other hand,
if you're working inside your building,
you're going to be more likely to use omni-directional
or unidirectional patch antennas to control the signal
being radiated by your wireless networks,
to each of your clients.
With omnidirectional antennas,
it's going to be common to place this on the ceiling
in the middle of the office or classroom.
For a unidirectional patch antenna,
you're usually going to place this
on the outer wall of the building facing inward,
thereby directing all those radiofrequency waves
back inward towards the office or the classrooms.
Now, the last thing we need to discuss with antennas
is the concept of polarization.
Polarization is the orientation of the electric field
or transmissions that are occurring from that antenna.
Basically, as the radio frequency waves leave the antenna,
how is it going to be oriented?
Every antenna has a polarization associated with it.
And for wifi networks,
our intent is usually you're going to have
a vertical or horizontal polarization associated with them.
Now, most wifi clients that have external antennas
are going to use vertical polarization,
but your wireless access point
could use vertical or horizontal polarization
depending on what type of antenna it has.
Now, if you see a problem with some clients
getting a poor RSSI,
even though they're pretty close to your access point,
this may indicate you have a polarization issue.
If this is the case,
I want you to try flipping
the wireless access point antenna
to allow the clients to better connect
to that device if they support bending the antenna upwards,
or if you're using wireless access points
that are sitting on the floor,
you want to make sure you're using vertical polarization
and radiating antennas to increase your coverage area.
If you're using horizontal,
it's going to keep sending those radio waves
out horizontally
right along the floor and up to the desk level
where everybody else is working.
Remember, most wifi networks use vertical polarization.
So your intentions should be sticking upward
if you're using an omnidirectional antenna
with your wifi networks.
All right, next, we have channel utilization.
Channel utilization is a statistic or measure of the amount
of airtime utilization that occurs
for a particular frequency or channel.
If there's a higher rate of channel utilization,
then that means there's more traffic being transmitted
over that particular frequency.
In order to have a fast wireless network,
you want to keep your channel utilization under around 30%.
Now, channel utilization is not something
you alone can control though,
because there's lots of these different channels
that overlap with other people in that area.
And so the same channels and frequencies
can be used by your network and other networks too.
For example, let's say you're running a wireless B
or wireless G or wireless N network,
and you're operating in the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum.
We are going to be using the same channels
that everybody else is, channels one, six, and 11.
Now, if you have a large office building,
this won't be a big problem for you
because nobody else is going to be
in the same general area as we are.
But if you're in a crowded office building
or a shopping mall or an apartment building,
this can easily start to have a lot of
different wireless networks operating
on the same channels as ours in the same location.
Now, when wireless access points and wireless clients
are operating on the same channel
and all of those things are in
the same range of each other,
they're going to begin to form a single broadcast domain,
similar to an ethernet hub.
All of the devices can hear each other's transmissions.
And if any two devices transmit at the same time,
their radio signals will collide and it becomes garbled,
which results in data corruption or a complete frame loss.
If there's an excessive amount of collisions,
data will never be retransmitted successfully,
and the wireless network could become unusable.
So to avoid collisions 802.11 wireless devices use a
listen before they speak approach
when they're accessing the wireless medium,
which is the radio frequency,
following the CSMA CA or collision avoidance techniques.
Now with this, devices are going to perform
a clear channel assessment or CCA
by first listening to see if another device
is actively transmitting on the channel
before they attempt to send their own frames
on that given frequency.
Now, when a device detects another transmission in progress,
it's going to perform a random back-off
for a short period of time after which
it's going to perform another CCA check
before it attempts to transmit.
If the channel is clear after the check,
that device will be able to access the channel
and send some data.
Now, as the number of devices needing to transmit frames
starts increasing on a channel,
this is going to cause congestion to occur
to the point where devices can spend
a lot more time waiting to be able to send something.
This results in slower speeds,
because devices have to wait longer
before they can send their data.
This is the negative effect
of having high channel utilization
and at least a slower throughput
for our network devices.
Now, how do we solve this problem
of over channel utilization?
Well, first we're going to start
by conducting a site survey.
Now a site survey also known as a wireless survey
is the process of planning and designing
a wireless network to provide a wireless solution
that will deliver the required wireless coverage,
the data rates, network capacity, roaming capability,
and quality of service that your organization desires.
As part of the wireless survey,
you need to determine where each access point is located,
what power level it's using to transmit
by using its effective isotropic radiated power,
or EIRP, the overlapping coverage areas
for your wireless access points,
and the other wireless access points in clients
that may be operating in the same or general area
or channels as you.
Now by using this site survey information,
you can determine if you need to change the channels
you're using to a less busy, less utilized channel,
or if you may need to upgrade your networks
to a new frequency band altogether.
After all, if you decide to upgrade
to a wireless N, wireless AC or wireless AX network,
and you start using the five gigahertz spectrum,
this gives you 24 non-overlapping channels
instead of the three in the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum.
So there's going to be a lot less overall utilization
on each of those 24 channels in the five gigahertz spectrum.
By conducting a site survey,
you can better understand the wireless environment
in and around your networks.
And this is going to allow you to configure your devices,
to use the less utilized channels,
ensure there's proper coverage for all of your work areas
and ensure your wireless network is not being blocked
or interfered with by physical obstacles
within the building.
Finally, we need to talk about
wireless access point association times.
Now when a wireless client attempts to connect
to a wireless network, it goes through a seven step process.
First, the wireless client is going to send
a probe request to discover any 802.11 wireless networks
in the general location that it's in.
Essentially, it's going to send a broadcast message
to the BSS ID of F F F F F F F F F F F F.
And all the access points in that area
that are using the same frequency,
either 2.4 gigahertz or five gigahertz
will respond to that client.
Second, any access points that receive this probe
will check to see if they can support the data rate
that the client is now requesting in that probe.
For example, if I'm a wireless AC access point
and you just requested to communicate using wireless B,
I'm going to ignore your request
because I'm operating at five gigahertz
and you're operating at 2.4 gigahertz.
But if we both support wireless N
then I can respond with a probe response
that provides my SS ID, my supported data rates,
my encryption type, if I'm using wireless security,
and other capabilities of my particular access point.
Third, our wireless client
will then send a low level 802.11 authentication frame
to the access point,
and this will begin the authentication handshake
between my client and the access point.
Fourth, the access point receives
this authentication frame and responds
with an acknowledgement to continue the handshake.
If the wireless access point receives anything other
than an authentication or a probe request
from this client, though,
it's going to send a de-authentication frame
and break the communication with this client
because this client is not yet part
of my authenticated network.
Fifth, the wireless client is going to choose
the access point it wants to associate with
and sends an association request
using the encryption and 802.11 capabilities
that are supported by that access point.
Sixth, the access point is going to process
the association request,
if the information sent matches its own capabilities,
and then an association ID is being created
for this wireless client and this access point,
and the access point is going to respond
with an association response of success.
This way, the client knows it is now fully connected
to this wireless access point.
Seventh, now that the client is fully connected
and associated, it can begin to connect any data transfer
it needs to, and utilize the wireless network
and its associated devices.
Now, that's how everything is supposed to operate,
but sometimes you're going to see a wireless network
that has a really long association time
for an end user's client.
This is because the client has to scan the airwaves,
find the access points it might want to connect to,
request the association,
authenticate to the access point,
and then contact the DHCP server to get an IP address,
prior to being able to actually use that wireless network
connection that we just established.
This process can take just a few seconds
in a not heavily loaded network,
but it can take up to 30 to 60 seconds
if you have a busier network.
To speed up the association process,
clients should be located in a high signal strength area.
Those with the highest RSSI during the association process
are going to give us a stronger strength
and that's going to drastically reduce the wait time
during this association.
Coverage and interference.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss
coverage and interference in wireless networks.
These are two of the most common issues
we're going to come across when we start troubleshooting
our wireless network connections in the field.
First, let's talk about coverage.
Coverage is a measure of how large of an area
around a wireless transmitter
there is sufficient signal strength
for a wireless device to utilize.
Basically, it comes down to how much physical area
you can use with your wireless devices
before you get outside the coverage area
and you lose signal.
To determine your coverage area,
you're going to conduct a wireless site survey.
This'll generate a heat map showing the areas
with the highest level signals in green,
then as they get weaker, it goes to yellow,
orange and red with the weakest signals.
Now, the signal is always getting measured from your client,
using the RSSI.
And this is measured in decibels.
If you're going to measure it from your access point,
you're going to measure it in EIRP
and you're going to do that in dBI.
Now, one of the most common issues experienced
by Wi-Fi users is insufficient wireless coverage.
For example, let's say you have a three-story townhouse
and you only have a single wireless access point
on the main floor of that home.
Well, it's going to be unlikely to provide you
with sufficient coverage all the way up
on the third story of your townhouse.
In this case, if you're using your laptop
on the first floor, everything's going to work just fine
because you have really high RSSI value.
But when you go up to the second floor,
that RSSI value is going to lower
because the signal got weaker as you got further away,
and the signal has to now go through the ceiling
of the first floor to get into
that second floor you're sitting at.
Now, if you go up another level to the third floor,
that signal may be too weak to even register
by your wireless client, or it can drop you completely.
Now, if this happens, you're going to need to find a way
to boost up that signal and make it stronger
so you can increase your coverage area.
To do this, you can use a signal booster to raise the power,
you can use an antenna with a stronger DB rating,
you can use a wireless repeater,
or you can add a second wireless access point
that can operate in an extended server set
or ESS configuration with your initial access point.
Remember, the coverage area for a single
wireless access point is affected by two main factors,
the amount of power that the transmitter is sending out,
and the size of your antenna.
If you replace a five decibel antenna
with a nine decibel antenna,
you're going to effectively double your range
under the right conditions.
As for the power being sent out
unfortunately, you're normally going to be limited
in your ability to control that
because there's a maximum amount of power
that the FCC and regulators allow us to use
inside of the wireless frequency range,
but you could use a wireless repeater.
Now, a wireless repeater is simply a layer one device
that has two radios built into it.
You plug this device into a power outlet
and you configure it to connect to your wireless network.
Now, one of the radios grabs the signal
from your wireless network.
Then it's going to boost up the signal
and send it out again off its other radio.
This way, when the signal comes in
on one side of the device, it's going to be repeated out
at full strength on the other radio too.
This will extend that wireless network
into an additional area of space
because you have this new signal going out
from this repeater.
For example, let's say if this repeater
receives a signal at -70 RSSI.
It can retransmit it to get it out on the other side
at -30 RSSI.
Effectively making it a brand new signal.
So, in the example of a three-story townhouse,
I might want to have my first wireless access point
on the first floor.
Then I can have a repeater on the second floor.
Now, at this point,
we'll probably have some signal on the third floor,
or we could put another repeater on the third floor
to boost that signal even more
when it reaches it from the second floor.
Finally, we could use an extended server set
to cover the entire building properly.
In one of my old houses,
I actually ran ethernet twisted pair cable
from the basement to the second floor of my house,
and then I connected a second wireless access point there.
These two wireless access points work together
to provide coverage over the entire home.
One from the top down from the second floor,
and one from the bottom up going from the basement.
And this gave me adequate coverage for the whole house.
Now, each wireless access point
operate on a different channel
and I could run from upstairs to downstairs
and my devices would automatically switch
from one access point to the other
as they needed to, to maintain coverage.
These days, we also have wireless mesh systems available.
And they rely on a combination of repeaters
and access points that are put into a single device
to provide full coverage for larger homes and offices.
Instead of having to run ethernet cables to each device,
they instead rely on internal wireless radios
to send the data from one device to the other
and create a whole house mesh network
for the wireless network with sufficient coverage.
Next, let's talk about interference.
If you remember, anytime you have multiple wireless networks
communicating on the same channel,
you can have interference
because they're all talking at the same frequency.
To avoid interference in the 2.4 gigahertz spectrum,
we always use the three channels of one, six, and 11.
If I'm using channel six
and you're using channel four though,
we're going to have an overlap
and we're going to interfere with each other's networks.
This interference can lead to retransmissions
and this will slow down both of our networks.
So when you're conducting your site survey,
you're always going to want to make sure you see
what channels and frequencies
are already being used in your area.
If you create an extended service at wireless network,
you need to plan the locations of your access points
and the channels they are going to use.
Remember, in a 2.4 gigahertz network,
you always want to make sure you're using
channels one, six, and 11,
and you never want to have the same channel number
sitting next to each other and overlapping.
This way, I can make sure that I have good coverage.
For example, let's say I was installing access points
down a long hallway.
I would install them as one, six, 11, one, six, and 11.
Notice that I skipped each one to a different number.
This ensures there's no overlapping zones,
they're touching one another of the same type of number.
Also, you want to ensure you have 10 to 15% overlap
between the two access points
to make sure you have sufficient coverage
and time for the devices to hand off.
Now, if you're using a newer five gigahertz network,
you're going to utilize a honeycomb pattern
for your access points as they're being installed.
And you should always ensure that each channel
is not repeated until you're at least two zones away.
This'll ensure adequate coverage and minimize interference.
Next, let's cover attenuation.
Attenuation is a reduction in signal strength
between the transmission and receipt of the wireless signal.
Attenuation can occur for lots of different reasons,
such as increase in the distance
between the transmitter and the receiver,
hitting a wall or other physical obstacle,
or signal interference that's reducing
the overall signal strength
because of more noise in the environment
causing interference.
Attenuation can occur within the antenna's cable itself
or in the radio frequency wave
as it's traveling away from the transmitter
and towards the receiver.
When the attenuation is occurring
inside the antenna's cable, it's normally going to be caused
by the materials and the construction of that antenna.
If low quality components were used to make that antenna
or the cables inside of it,
there are going to be more resistance inside that wire,
and that leads to more attenuation.
To increase the signal strength and reduce the attenuation,
you can replace the cable or the antenna
with a higher quality, lower resistant component.
With radio-frequency wave signal attenuation,
one of the causes of this is multipath reception.
Now, this occurs when the transmitted signal
starts bouncing off walls and other physical objects,
and then it eventually gets redirected back to the receiver.
Now, for example, let's say I was standing
on one side of the room
and you're standing on the other side of the room.
And there's a big support column standing right between us.
If I wanted to send a ball to you
that's going to signify my radio waves,
I couldn't throw it directly to you.
Because if I did that,
it's going to hit the column and bounce back towards me.
So instead, I would need as an omnidirectional antenna
to throw out a lot of different balls simultaneously.
Some of those will bounce off the sidewalls
and they'll eventually reach you.
Some will hit the pole in front of me and bounce back to me.
But, because of all this different bounce,
we're going to have slower and weaker signals
by the time they get to you,
because I had to bounce off the wall first, right?
Well, the same thing happens with our radio frequency waves.
They may bounce around the room
and they'll eventually get to you,
but they may be attenuated and weaker than before
and it's going to lead to a lower RSSI value for you
and lower throughput for the data
being sent over these networks.
Now, finally, we need to talk about disassociation issues
within our wireless networks.
There's a lot of reasons that a client
would be disassociated from a wireless access point.
This includes an idle timeout, a session timeout,
wireless network changes, manual deletion,
authentication timeouts, or access point radio resets.
Now, a client association due to an idle timeout
is going to occur whenever a wireless client
doesn't send or receive traffic within 300 seconds,
which is five minutes.
This is the default setting on most wireless access points,
and it's used to free up the network
for other clients to join.
To prevent this from occurring,
some wireless client implementations
will send out a keep alive packet every few minutes
so they can remain connected the entire time
to that wireless network.
Now, a client association can also occur
due to a session timeout,
and this will happen after 1800 seconds.
At this point, the wireless client
should reconduct an authentication again
and reestablish their connection automatically.
This again is something that's handled
by your wireless client automatically on your behalf
in coordination with the wireless access point.
Next, we have client disassociations
that occur due to wireless network changes.
And this occurs whenever the wireless local area network
is being changed and this change
causes the wireless network to be disabled
and then reenable itself.
For example, if you're going to change the shared pass phrase
that secures the network,
it's going to reboot the wireless network
and force every device to reconnect and reauthenticate.
This makes a lot of sense because we want to make sure
they all have the right password again, right?
Another client association we can have
is caused by manual deletion.
And this occurs whenever a wireless client
is removed by an administrator.
This makes sense because if I kicked your client
off my network, that means I want you to be dissociate
and removed, and then you'd have to reconnect again.
Now, another way that client associations occur
is due to authentication timeouts.
And this occurs whenever the authentication
or key exchange process fails to finish in a given time.
When this occurs, the wireless client
is disassociated from the access point
and needs to restart the authentication process
all over again to regain access.
Another time you'll find client disassociations occurring
is when your access point radio is reset.
And this is similar to the change
that we made with the wireless network.
All of our clients are going to be disassociated,
the radio is going to be turned off and turned on
to cause that reset, and then the clients
can begin their association process once more.
Now, why is it important to understand all these times
when disassociation happens?
Well, because sometimes your clients can be disassociated
as part of a deauthentication attack
and not for one of these real legitimate reasons.
This is a common wireless attack that is used by hackers
to disassociate your wireless clients
and make them attempt to reconnect to the access point.
Now, when this occurs,
the attacker is going to attempt to capture
the packet's use in the association
and authentication processes,
and then they'll try to crack that shared pass phrase
to gain access to the network indefinitely.
So if you see a client
that's continually being deauthenticated,
you need to check your wireless gateways
and your wireless controller logs
to determine the root cause.
It could be one of the ones I just mentioned above,
and all of those are normal and expected.
But if it's not one of those,
it could be caused by an attacker.
And that's something you need to investigate further.
Incorrect configurations.
In this lesson,
we're going to discuss a few incorrect configurations
that you may commonly find as issues
within your wireless networks.
This includes things like the wrong SSID being used,
the incorrect passphrase being used
and an encryption protocol mismatch.
First, let's talk about Service Set Identifiers or SSIDs.
Now, an SSID is simply a natural language name
that's used to identify a wireless network
in an 802.11 protocol.
For example,
if you're at a Starbucks drinking a latte right now,
you may be connected to their wireless network
and it's called Starbucks Wi-Fi.
Now the word Starbucks Wi-Fi, is the SSID.
In general, I don't see an incorrect SSID being an issue
for most people.
This is because most people connect to a wireless network
by clicking on the name from a dropdown menu
in their Windows or Mac operating systems.
But if you're configuring a device like a network printer,
and you're typing in the SSID manually,
you need to ensure that you don't mistype it,
or you're going to get an incorrect SSID error.
if you see another SSID that's similar to yours,
but it's not yours and it's in the same general area as you,
that means there may be an evil twin present.
If this occurs, do not connect to that SSID,
because the wrong SSID, if you connect to it
will lead to a malware infection
or an on path attack for your wireless clients.
Next, we have the incorrect passphrase being used.
Now, this one's pretty self-explanatory as well.
If you're trying to connect to a wireless network
using the correct SSID
and that network requires a pre-shared key
or passphrase for you to connect to that wireless network,
you need to enter the right passphrase or pre-shared key in
order to authenticate to the network.
If you put it in the wrong one,
it's not going to let you connect.
Now remember, a passphrase or a pre-shared a key
is used to encrypt and decrypt
the data being sent and received by this wireless network.
If you enter the wrong passphrase
or the wrong pre-shared key,
this wireless client you have is going to be disassociated
from the access point
and it's going to attempt to again, reconnect.
So if you have the safe password button check,
it's going to keep trying with the wrong password.
So you need to make sure you put the right one in.
Now, there have been a few cases reported
where users enter the proper passphrase,
but the wireless access points still
is reporting an incorrect passphrase.
In these cases,
the solution is usually to re-install
the wireless network adapters drivers inside of Windows,
because they may have become corrupted
and they're causing the passphrase that you entered
to be incorrectly encrypted before it's sent to the wireless
access point for that verification.
So if you get an error stating
that you have the incorrect passphrase,
first, double-check your password and try entering it again.
If that doesn't work, then you should attempt
to re-install the drivers for your wireless adapter
within Windows.
Next, let's talk a little bit about encryption protocols.
Remember most of our wireless networks
are going to use some form of encryption.
If we're using WEP,
we're going to be using RC4 as our encryption algorithm.
If we're using WPA,
we're going to be using TKIP as our encryption algorithm.
If we're using WPA2,
then we're going to be using AES for encryption by default.
All right,
if you're attempting to log on to a wireless network
and you get an error that says something like,
network security key mismatch,
this could either mean you enter the wrong Password
or a passphrase,
or you're using the wrong encryption protocol for this type
of network.
Now, if this occurs,
you can try one of three things.
you can manually change the type of protocol
that's being used by manually connecting
to the wireless network,
using the network and sharing center inside of Windows.
Second, you can disable any third party,
antivirus tools tools you may be running
because they could often cause interference
and cause issues with the wireless encryption protocols
and some network adapters drivers.
you can attempt to re-install the wireless drivers
for your wireless network adapter,
as they may have been corrupted over time,
and they might need to be replaced.
Now in general, when you connect to a wireless network,
it's going to be pretty simple and straightforward.
As long as you're using the right SSID,
the right passphrase and the right encryption protocol,
you'll be able to make that connection.
If you believe you entered all of these things correctly,
and it's still not working,
it could be a deeper issue within your operating system
or network drivers that needs to be identified and fixed.
Captive portal.
In this lesson, we're going to discuss captive portals
and some issues you may experience when you're using them.
First, what is a captive portal?
Well, a captive portal is a webpage
that's access from your web browser,
and it's going to be displayed to newly connected users
of a wireless network before they're granted broader access
to network resources.
Captive portals are commonly going to be used
to present a landing page or a login page,
which is going to require authentication, payment
or acceptance of an end user license agreement
or something like acceptable use policies,
survey completion, or some other kind of information
we're trying to collect from you before we allow you
to get onto our network and our resources.
Now, these captive portals are commonly used at places
like hotels, restaurants, airports,
and other places that give you free
or paid wireless networks for you to connect to and use.
In general, captive portals are implemented
by using an HTTP redirect, an ICMP redirect,
or a DNS redirect.
We're going to talk about all three of those in this lesson.
Now, when a user attempts to log into a wireless network
and the captive portal doesn't redirect them properly,
it can be a really frustrating experience.
I personally had this happen to me a lot,
but luckily, I know how to troubleshoot and fix this issue.
And after this video, you will too.
Now, for example, I was flying home recently
on a Delta flight and they use a captive portal system.
When you connect to the Delta Wi-Fi network on the plane,
it's supposed to redirect you
to the captive portals login page
so you can enter your account information
so you can access the internet if you're a SkyMiles member.
Now this didn't work on my MacBook Pro though.
So I had to start begin troubleshooting this issue
and figure out what was causing the problem.
It could have been any of the three redirect methods,
cause I didn't know which one they were using.
So let's say first I went and tried to see
if they used an HTTP redirect.
With an HTTP redirect,
all traffic is redirected to a web server that they control.
And then this web server redirects the clients
to the captive portal using an HTTP status code of 302.
In the case of this in-flight Wi-Fi,
that is not what they were using
and so I moved on to my troubleshooting efforts.
Second, I looked to see if they were using ICMP packets
to redirect me to a captive portal.
Now, ICMP is a network protocol that's used
to send error messages and operational information
indicating the success or failure
of communicating with another IP address.
With an ICMP redirect, it's not a very common way
to do captive portals these days, at least in my experience.
And again, I found that they were not using that
inside of the in-flight Wi-FI,
and so I moved on to step three.
Step three is probably your most common type.
And this is what's known as a DNS redirection.
Now, when the client joins the inflight Wi-Fi
on board the aircraft, the client gets an IP address,
a subnet mask, a gateway,
and a DNS server IP from the network.
Now this is all handed out to you
from the onboard DHCP server
when you connect to the network.
Now, when the client opens up a web browser
to connect to a website like or,
the client is going to be redirected
to the onboard DNS server
and then redirected to that captive portal page.
This is exactly what the in-flight Wi-Fi
is attempting to use,
but it wasn't working on my MacBook Pro.
Now, why is that?
Well, the issue was,
my client was already configured to use DNS
from a static server that I assigned
and not the onboard Wi-Fi's DNS server.
Instead, I always use my DNS server as,
which is Google's DNS server because I trust that one.
So I was configured to use Google's DNS server,
not the onboard DNS server,
and therefore it couldn't redirect me
to their captive portal.
So I quickly disconnected from Wi-Fi,
I cleared out my saved DNS setting of,
and I set it automatically be configured over DHCP.
Then I reconnected to the onboard Wi-Fi.
Immediately, I was forwarded to the captive portal
and I was able to get online and surf the web
at 36,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean.
Isn't modern technology just wonderful?
So, what are some other common captive portal issues
that you might experience?
Well, if you're dealing with a smartphone
like an Apple or an Android device,
especially with Apple devices,
sometimes these things don't automatically load up
the captive page upon connecting to the wireless network.
If this occurs, you should first open up a web browser
and try to go to any site like or,
something you know should always be up and available.
This should cause the captive portals HTTP or DNS redirects
to take over and then present you
with a captive portal login page.
Now, if this doesn't work,
then you're going to need to check your IP configuration
of your smartphone and determine what the default gateway is
for that wireless network you're connected to.
Then you could type that IP address into your web browser.
This will force load the cactus portal
in most cases as well.
Now, the same thing can happen on your laptops as well.
And if it does, I tend to follow
the same three-step troubleshooting process.
First, I open up a web browser
and I try to go to any website
like or
Second, if that doesn't work,
I determine what the default gateway
for the wireless network is, and I enter http://
and the IP address for that default gateway.
Then I hit enter.
Third, If that doesn't work,
I verify my DNS server IPs.
And I make sure that it's not set to something
like manually and instead I turn on DHCP
for it to allow me to auto configure my DNS on my laptop
to connect to their wireless network.
Then I reattempt step number one
by opening up a web browser and going to any website again.
Usually, these three steps will solve
most of the issues you're going to come across
with captive portals.