aether, aetheris (m) - the upper air, sky
arena (harena), -ae (f) - sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena
capillus, -i (m) - the hair of the head, hair
clipeus, -i (m) - a round shield of metal
contingo, contingere, contigi, contactum - to touch, reach, take hold of, seize
devoro, -āre, -avi, -atum - to devour, swallow up, overwhelm, destroy; to use up, consume
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitum - to exercise, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate
flamma, -ae (f) - a blazing fire, blaze, flame
haud or haut - not, not at all, by no means
impetus, -us (m) - an attack, assault, onset; violence, fury, rush, force
inspicio, inspicere, inspexi, inspectum - to examine, inspect; to consider, look into
laedo, laedere, laesi, laesum - to hurt, wound, injure, damage
lupus, -i (m) - a wolf
multitudo, multitudinis (f) - a multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob
ob (+acc) - on account of, for, because of, by reason of, for the sake of
patronus, -i (m) - a patron; advocate; defender, protector
pons, pontis (m) - a bridge
propero, -āre, -avi, -atum - to make haste, hasten, be quick, be in haste, go quickly
quiesco, quiescere, quievi, quietum - to rest, repose, keep quiet, be inactive, be at peace
rusticus, -a, -um - country, rural; plain, simple, rustic; provincial, unrefined
silva, -ae (f) - a wood, forest, woodland
strideo, stridere - to make a harsh noise, hiss, whiz
tellus, telluris (f) - the earth, globe
umerus (humerus), -i (m) - the upper arm, shoulder