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  1. French and Indian War

    Fought between the British vs the French and their native allies. It took place from 1754-1763 and resulted in a British victory. Causes include the Seven Years’ War and a territory dispute from the Ohio River Valley. This resulted in the Treaty of Paris in 1763 (which ended the war) and the Proclamation of 1763 (which didn’t allow colonists to expand past the Appalachian mountains). Also led to British expenses including increased taxes.

  2. Proclamation of 1763

    It was a boundary line produced by the British for the colonists to follow. It didn’t allow the colonists to expand past the Appalachian mountains.

  3. Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a one-sided economic policy where resources are extracted from one country for another country. Mainly used to describe the relationship between the colonies and Britain, as the British attempted to use the colonies for their capital gain.

  4. Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre took place during a protest against British policies that were happening in Boston. During this protest British soldiers fired into the crowd, killing five colonists and resulted in anti-British propaganda to increase tensions.

  5. Boston Tea Party

    It took place because of the Tea Act of 1773 and a boycott of British tea. Colonists (Sons of Liberty) disguised as natives boarded British ships and dumped approximately 1.7 million of tea into the harbor. This event led to the intolerable acts of 1774.

  6. Patriots vs Loyalists

    The patriots were those who were against the British and the loyalists were colonists who were loyal to Britain.

  7. Declaration of Independence

    The declaration was “imbued” with enlightenment thought and was created in 1776. It included Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and Thomas Jefferson wrote it.

  8. Enlightenment

    An intellectual movement that emphasized reason and science. It began in Europe but traveled/spread to the colonies.

  9. Republicanism

    Influenced the American Revolution. Believed in a strong republic government and emphasized liberty.

  10. Common Sense

    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that advocated for the colony’s independence from Britain.

  11. John Locke

    Creator of the Two Treatises of Government (Natural Rights and Consent of the governed). Mainly believed in self-ruling.

  12. Federalists

    Led by Alexander Hamilton and was pro-ratification for the constitution.

  13. Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison and they argued for the Constitution to be ratified.

  14. Anti-Federalists

    Led by Thomas Jefferson and was anti-ratification for the constitution.

  15. Democratic-Republicans

    A political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison that argued for states’ rights.

  16. Ratification

    To pass a law.

  17. Constitution

    1. Checks and Balances

      A way to keep the branches of government in check is by allowing the branches to keep each other in check using specific powers.

    2. Separation of Power

      The division of government authority between the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches.

  18. Bill of Rights

    A compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. It guaranteed individual rights against the central government and the first ten amendments are the original Bill of Rights.

  19. Articles of Confederation

    It was the first Constitution and happened in 1781. It was inspired by the state constitution and power in the legislative. There was no president, no federal army, no power to levy taxes, and a weak central government under the AoC.

  20. Northwest Ordinance

    It happened in 1787 and abolished slavery in the Northwest Territory. It also provided rules on adding new states.

  21. Battle of Saratoga

    A turning point during the American Revolution as it was an unexpected American victory. Also a turning point because they gained French allies from this.

  22. Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms

    An address issued by Congress in an attempt to justify the American people committing armed resistance. The colonists still viewed themselves as British citizens so this was seen as an act of rebellion.

  23. Republican Motherhood

    The idea that women should uphold the idea of republicanism to pass on to the next generation

  24. National Bank

    An idea proposed by Alexander Hamilton as a way to handle the debt crisis. He proposed that the federal government assume state debt and create a national bank. Northern manufacturers benefitted the most from this idea.

  25. Farewell Address

    George Washington’s farewell address where he warned against two-party conflicts and established a precedent of a two-term limit for presidents.

  26. Alien & Sedition Acts

    The Alien Act deported non-US citizens and the Sedition Act punished colonists who criticized the government with intent to harm.

  27. XYZ Affair

    It happened because the French were offended by the Jay Treaty. John Adams sent diplomats under the names X, Y, and Z and the French diplomats demanded bribes from the Jay Treaty, which angered the colonists.

  28. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions

    In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, Thomas Jefferson argued for a strict interpretation of the Constitution and said that states can ignore federal laws.

  29. Proclamation of Neutrality

    A proclamation that declared the United States neutral to any conflict in Europe (mainly because of the French Revolution)

  30. John Adams

    The second president of the United States. Events that happened during his term included the XYZ Affair, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Alien and Sedition Acts, and the midnight appointments, which was when Adam’s last day as president where he attempted to appoint as many federalist judges as possible. Seen as an abuse of power

  31. George Washington

    The first president of the United States. Served as a general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and was a key reason for the colonies’ victory. Events that happened under his presidency include the Proclamation of Neutrality, the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the Whiskey Rebellion, the Jay Treaty, and his farewell address.

  32. Thomas Jefferson

    Leader of the Anti-Federalists and clashed with Alexander Hamilton a lot. Participated in the creation of the Bill of Rights and Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.

  33. Alexander Hamilton

    Leader of the Federalists and clashed with Thomas Jefferson a lot. Created the Nation Bank and helped create the Bill of Rights.



  1. French and Indian War

    Fought between the British vs the French and their native allies. It took place from 1754-1763 and resulted in a British victory. Causes include the Seven Years’ War and a territory dispute from the Ohio River Valley. This resulted in the Treaty of Paris in 1763 (which ended the war) and the Proclamation of 1763 (which didn’t allow colonists to expand past the Appalachian mountains). Also led to British expenses including increased taxes.

  2. Proclamation of 1763

    It was a boundary line produced by the British for the colonists to follow. It didn’t allow the colonists to expand past the Appalachian mountains.

  3. Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a one-sided economic policy where resources are extracted from one country for another country. Mainly used to describe the relationship between the colonies and Britain, as the British attempted to use the colonies for their capital gain.

  4. Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre took place during a protest against British policies that were happening in Boston. During this protest British soldiers fired into the crowd, killing five colonists and resulted in anti-British propaganda to increase tensions.

  5. Boston Tea Party

    It took place because of the Tea Act of 1773 and a boycott of British tea. Colonists (Sons of Liberty) disguised as natives boarded British ships and dumped approximately 1.7 million of tea into the harbor. This event led to the intolerable acts of 1774.

  6. Patriots vs Loyalists

    The patriots were those who were against the British and the loyalists were colonists who were loyal to Britain.

  7. Declaration of Independence

    The declaration was “imbued” with enlightenment thought and was created in 1776. It included Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and Thomas Jefferson wrote it.

  8. Enlightenment

    An intellectual movement that emphasized reason and science. It began in Europe but traveled/spread to the colonies.

  9. Republicanism

    Influenced the American Revolution. Believed in a strong republic government and emphasized liberty.

  10. Common Sense

    A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that advocated for the colony’s independence from Britain.

  11. John Locke

    Creator of the Two Treatises of Government (Natural Rights and Consent of the governed). Mainly believed in self-ruling.

  12. Federalists

    Led by Alexander Hamilton and was pro-ratification for the constitution.

  13. Federalist Papers

    The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison and they argued for the Constitution to be ratified.

  14. Anti-Federalists

    Led by Thomas Jefferson and was anti-ratification for the constitution.

  15. Democratic-Republicans

    A political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison that argued for states’ rights.

  16. Ratification

    To pass a law.

  17. Constitution

    1. Checks and Balances

      A way to keep the branches of government in check is by allowing the branches to keep each other in check using specific powers.

    2. Separation of Power

      The division of government authority between the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches.

  18. Bill of Rights

    A compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. It guaranteed individual rights against the central government and the first ten amendments are the original Bill of Rights.

  19. Articles of Confederation

    It was the first Constitution and happened in 1781. It was inspired by the state constitution and power in the legislative. There was no president, no federal army, no power to levy taxes, and a weak central government under the AoC.

  20. Northwest Ordinance

    It happened in 1787 and abolished slavery in the Northwest Territory. It also provided rules on adding new states.

  21. Battle of Saratoga

    A turning point during the American Revolution as it was an unexpected American victory. Also a turning point because they gained French allies from this.

  22. Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms

    An address issued by Congress in an attempt to justify the American people committing armed resistance. The colonists still viewed themselves as British citizens so this was seen as an act of rebellion.

  23. Republican Motherhood

    The idea that women should uphold the idea of republicanism to pass on to the next generation

  24. National Bank

    An idea proposed by Alexander Hamilton as a way to handle the debt crisis. He proposed that the federal government assume state debt and create a national bank. Northern manufacturers benefitted the most from this idea.

  25. Farewell Address

    George Washington’s farewell address where he warned against two-party conflicts and established a precedent of a two-term limit for presidents.

  26. Alien & Sedition Acts

    The Alien Act deported non-US citizens and the Sedition Act punished colonists who criticized the government with intent to harm.

  27. XYZ Affair

    It happened because the French were offended by the Jay Treaty. John Adams sent diplomats under the names X, Y, and Z and the French diplomats demanded bribes from the Jay Treaty, which angered the colonists.

  28. Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions

    In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, Thomas Jefferson argued for a strict interpretation of the Constitution and said that states can ignore federal laws.

  29. Proclamation of Neutrality

    A proclamation that declared the United States neutral to any conflict in Europe (mainly because of the French Revolution)

  30. John Adams

    The second president of the United States. Events that happened during his term included the XYZ Affair, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Alien and Sedition Acts, and the midnight appointments, which was when Adam’s last day as president where he attempted to appoint as many federalist judges as possible. Seen as an abuse of power

  31. George Washington

    The first president of the United States. Served as a general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and was a key reason for the colonies’ victory. Events that happened under his presidency include the Proclamation of Neutrality, the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the Whiskey Rebellion, the Jay Treaty, and his farewell address.

  32. Thomas Jefferson

    Leader of the Anti-Federalists and clashed with Alexander Hamilton a lot. Participated in the creation of the Bill of Rights and Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.

  33. Alexander Hamilton

    Leader of the Federalists and clashed with Thomas Jefferson a lot. Created the Nation Bank and helped create the Bill of Rights.
