History of Illustration and Design Test 2


1. Who was the pioneer of motion graphics? He is known for the movie poster, Man with the Golden Arm.

·       Saul Bass

2. Who founded the Pushpin studio with Seymour Chwast?

·       Milton Glasse

3. What was the most important Art Deco book? This book codified the Art Deco approach to layout

·       Layout

4. What French exhibit started the Art Deco Movement?

·       International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts

5. Name two Art Deco Typefaces?

·       Bifur

·       Peignot

6. What Zurich publication did Josef Muller-Brockmann edit?

·       New Graphic Magazine

7. What style relied on sans serif fonts, mathematical grids, and objective photography. This style was developed at the School for Applied Arts in Basel.

·       Swiss Style

8. What are the three typefaces associated with the Swiss Style?

·       Grotesk, Univers, Helvetica

9. What’s another name for Swiss Style?

·       International Typographic Style

10. Who is the Father of Swiss Design?

·       Ernst Keller

11. What Swiss Stylist wrote a manifesto called “Concrete Painting?” He called for universal art of absolute clarity based upon mathematical construction.

·       Max Bill

12. What style reflected the 60s youth culture? This style used art nouveau, east Indian symbolism, rock music, victorian typography, and drug-inspired colors.

·       Psychedelic Style

13. Who was the first rock poster artist of the 60s to have formal academic training? He studied under Josef Albers at Yale’s graphic design graduate program.

·       Victor Moscoso

14. Name two typefaces developed by the Pushpin studio during the Revival Style?

·       -Baby Teeth, Art Tone

15. Who brought Swiss Style to M.I.T’s publishing press?

·       Jacqueline Casey

16. What discovery in 1922 added ziggurats, sunburst, lighting bolts, and zigzag motifs?

·       King Tut's tomb

17. What designer created Fritz Lang’s Metropolis poster?

·       E McKnight Kauffer

18. What graphic designer went blind from diabetes. His work for New Directions publishing used abstract design which was informed from indigenous pottery patterns.

·       Alvin Lustig

19. Who was the most well-known British Art Deco Poster? He created James Joyce’s ubiquitous Ulysses cover. He reduced design to cubism and edited subject into interlocking shapes.

·       Edward McNight Kauffer

20. What graphic designer initiated the American approach to modern graphic design? He taught at Yale graphic design graduate program, redesigned corporate logos, and created influential covers and posters influenced by modern art.

·       Paul Rand

21. Who is the Father of New Wave or Swiss punk typography.

·       Wolfgang Weingart

22. What Swiss designer innovated and experimented with Type, Litho-Film collage, and Xerox collage?

·       Wolfgang Weingart

23. Name one typeface developed during the Psychedelic period? Who created this typeface?

·       Smoke created by William Page

24. Who designed Baby Teeth type? What poster that sold over 6 million copies did he use Baby Teeth type?

·       Bob Dylan poster by Milton glasser

25. How did the Pushpin studio constantly evolve in style?

·       Pushpin changed their style from flat graphic to volume to pattern since people were trying to to copy them.

26. Who was the 1st in holland to add photography to type elements. He designed the NKF cable catalog. He called himself a typotect (architect plus designer)

·       Piet Zwart

27. Who was the pioneer in information graphics? He used new typography in his Sweet’s catalog.

·       Ladislav Sutnar

28. What is the Van De Graf Canon? How did Jan Tschichold use this canon?

·       Tschichold use the van de graf canon to develop layouts from books to business cards 

29. How did the Armory Show Affect Edward McKnight Kauffer?

·       Armory show was the first major cubist show in u.s. kauffer than left his college in Chicago to learn about the cubists 

30. Who designed an elementary design fundamentals class at the Basel School of Design with the help of Emil Ruder. What Bauhaus teacher did he base the class off of.

·       Armin Hoffman. He based it off of Johan itten

31. Who used primarily Univers typeface at his typography classes at the Basel School of Design. His book Typography: A Manual of Design had a worldwide influence.

·       Adrian Frutiger

32. According to Paul Rand what is one of the most important qualities of a logo?

·       Distinctive

33. According to Paul Rand, the style of the letterform doesn’t matter, but the _____ matters.

·       Versatility

34. According to Jan Tschichold’s essay what type face should New Typographers use?

·       San Serif

35. According to Jan Tschichold’s essay what two colors that should be used in the foreground?

·       Red,Blue
