chapter 10.4

  1. Cognitive Development: how we acquire the ability to learn think, communicate and remeber

  2. Schema: the mental representation that we form of the world by organizing bits of information into knowledge

  3. Assimilation: the process by which new info is placed into pre existing schemas categories or schema

  4. Accommodation: the process of adjusting existing ways of thinking or schema to understand new information



Description/Summary (in your own words: do not cut and paste) Include definitions of key terms



Experience the world through senses and actions(looking hearin, touching, mouthing and grasping) 
object permanence - understanding that an object exists even when they cant be seen or touched



Child begins to use and symbolsMental imagery(child can draw images from their mind)
Egocentric- inability to see another person's point a view
Law of soncervation- quantity of substances remain the same despite changes in their shape or arrangementKids don't understand

Concrete Operational


Begin to learn law of conservation, multi dimensional thinking less egocentricCan do elementary arithmetic


12 and older

Abstract thoughtHypothetical situationsEx: geometry, algebra morality and religion

Why has Piaget’s theories been criticized?

The methods may have undesestimated the abilities of chidlren, some psychologists also think that several cognitive skill develop more continuously than piagets think.  Rene beargoen showed that childrens do have object permanence younger than Piaget believed
