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New Deal Poster:

Civil Conservation Corps:CCC—Recovery

  • Purpose:

  • Civilian conservation corps was a government releif program that offered to recruit young men who were not married to get a job.

    • It allowed men to improve America’s public lands, forests and parks

    • Many men finished their educationn while doing their jobs

      • education was a bonus during the job

    • The men made 30 dollars a mont

      • 5 dollars were for themselves

      • 25 dollars were for their families

  • Legacy:

  • It was one of the most successful programs which was apart of FDR’s new deal

  • Provided:

    • work

    • meals

    • shelter

    • clothes

    • monthly wage(for millions of unemployed men)

  • CCC improved the lives of many men

  • Ended on June 30,1942

  • Founder of the CCC was Frankin Delanor Roosevelt in 1931 of march

  • The ending of CCC decreased the maintanence of national parks

  • Projects stopped during WWII were not stopped till 1950’s-1960’s

Public Works Administration: PWA—Recovery

  • Purpose:

    • It was created to reduce uneployment and build highways and public highways

    • 4 billion dollars were spent for this cause and bulding public schools and bridges

  • Legacy:

    • The PWA was not successful

      • This is because housing was not affordable

      • It was not good quality

    • Many of the bulldings built are still used today

Federal Emergency Relief Administration:FERA—Releif

  • Purpose:

  • FERA was an economic aid for the people after the destruction that was caused

  • After the great deppression, lots of peolple did not have money

    • President Hoover planned to burn others belongings

    • They also attacked people with tear gas which resulted in many people including children getting hurt and injured

    • Law makers saw this news and knew they needed to take action

      • This changed things for many families

    • They created the FERA act and employed many people so they can make income for their families

  • Legacy:

  • They gave away almost 1-3 milion dollars

  • Mnay fmailies were lleading a stable life

  • Today, there are homeless shelters which provide people with food and is resulted by the impact the Great Depperssion left on us

  • FERA closed on december 1935

Security Exchange Comission:SEC

  • Purpose:

    • Exchange commisiion or the SEC is an agency which protects investmentjs and the econy of America

    • Founded in 1934 during the Great Depperssion— been in use ever since

    • SEC oversees over 100 trillion dollars of securites and trading

    • SEC creates jobs and opportunities

    • Provides resources in trading

  • Legacy:

    • The SEC was successful and accomplised its purpose of improving the conditions of the stock market

    • Restored the national confidence in capitialism

    • The SEC is still intact and inplace today

    • Continues in its original mission of protecting investors in regulation

National Industrial Recovery Act:NRA

  • Purpose:

    • The Goa;ll was to recover the economic damage from the war

    • Aimed to fix problems such as:

      • unemployment

      • Unstable business conditions

    • NRA did not success in the end

  • Legacy

  • Success and Impact:

    • The national industrial recovery act had a create impact

    • Has a smaller impact today as it was unconstitutional.

Social Security Act:SSA

  • Purpose

    • The Social Security Act of 1935 was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    • The act's main purpose was to provide financial security for individuals, especially in their old age.

    • provide assistance on the basis of need for persons over 65 years of age, dependent children and the needy blind.

  • Legacy:

    • The Social Security Act established two types of provisions for old-age security:

    • (1) Federal aid to the States to enable them to provide cash pensions to their needy aged, and

    • (2) a system of Federal old-age benefits for retired workers.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:FDIC

  • Purpose:

    • Protect deposits

    • examine financial institutions

    • This is all for safety and consumer Protection

    • Created to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s fiance institutions

  • Legacy:

    • Successful and worked well

    • No one lost money because of insured funds

  • FDIC is still intact today

    Civil Works Administration:CWA—Relief

  • Purpose:

    • Provided many people jobs

    • meant to counteract the impact of the great depression

  • opening up new infrastructure development jobs


    • A massive number of infrastructure projects were completed during the CWA's brief existence.

    • CWA programs created or improved 255,000 miles (410,000 km) of road,

    • 2,000 miles of leaves,

    • 1,000 miles of new water mains,

    • 40,000 schools, 3,700 playgrounds,

    • and 1,000 airports.

FDR’s 3 R’s:

  • relief— the government would provide direct help(short term jobs)

  • recovery—the government will provide jobs(longer term jobs)

  • reform—regulate rules for businesses

New Deal Poster:

Civil Conservation Corps:CCC—Recovery

  • Purpose:

  • Civilian conservation corps was a government releif program that offered to recruit young men who were not married to get a job.

    • It allowed men to improve America’s public lands, forests and parks

    • Many men finished their educationn while doing their jobs

      • education was a bonus during the job

    • The men made 30 dollars a mont

      • 5 dollars were for themselves

      • 25 dollars were for their families

  • Legacy:

  • It was one of the most successful programs which was apart of FDR’s new deal

  • Provided:

    • work

    • meals

    • shelter

    • clothes

    • monthly wage(for millions of unemployed men)

  • CCC improved the lives of many men

  • Ended on June 30,1942

  • Founder of the CCC was Frankin Delanor Roosevelt in 1931 of march

  • The ending of CCC decreased the maintanence of national parks

  • Projects stopped during WWII were not stopped till 1950’s-1960’s

Public Works Administration: PWA—Recovery

  • Purpose:

    • It was created to reduce uneployment and build highways and public highways

    • 4 billion dollars were spent for this cause and bulding public schools and bridges

  • Legacy:

    • The PWA was not successful

      • This is because housing was not affordable

      • It was not good quality

    • Many of the bulldings built are still used today

Federal Emergency Relief Administration:FERA—Releif

  • Purpose:

  • FERA was an economic aid for the people after the destruction that was caused

  • After the great deppression, lots of peolple did not have money

    • President Hoover planned to burn others belongings

    • They also attacked people with tear gas which resulted in many people including children getting hurt and injured

    • Law makers saw this news and knew they needed to take action

      • This changed things for many families

    • They created the FERA act and employed many people so they can make income for their families

  • Legacy:

  • They gave away almost 1-3 milion dollars

  • Mnay fmailies were lleading a stable life

  • Today, there are homeless shelters which provide people with food and is resulted by the impact the Great Depperssion left on us

  • FERA closed on december 1935

Security Exchange Comission:SEC

  • Purpose:

    • Exchange commisiion or the SEC is an agency which protects investmentjs and the econy of America

    • Founded in 1934 during the Great Depperssion— been in use ever since

    • SEC oversees over 100 trillion dollars of securites and trading

    • SEC creates jobs and opportunities

    • Provides resources in trading

  • Legacy:

    • The SEC was successful and accomplised its purpose of improving the conditions of the stock market

    • Restored the national confidence in capitialism

    • The SEC is still intact and inplace today

    • Continues in its original mission of protecting investors in regulation

National Industrial Recovery Act:NRA

  • Purpose:

    • The Goa;ll was to recover the economic damage from the war

    • Aimed to fix problems such as:

      • unemployment

      • Unstable business conditions

    • NRA did not success in the end

  • Legacy

  • Success and Impact:

    • The national industrial recovery act had a create impact

    • Has a smaller impact today as it was unconstitutional.

Social Security Act:SSA

  • Purpose

    • The Social Security Act of 1935 was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    • The act's main purpose was to provide financial security for individuals, especially in their old age.

    • provide assistance on the basis of need for persons over 65 years of age, dependent children and the needy blind.

  • Legacy:

    • The Social Security Act established two types of provisions for old-age security:

    • (1) Federal aid to the States to enable them to provide cash pensions to their needy aged, and

    • (2) a system of Federal old-age benefits for retired workers.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:FDIC

  • Purpose:

    • Protect deposits

    • examine financial institutions

    • This is all for safety and consumer Protection

    • Created to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s fiance institutions

  • Legacy:

    • Successful and worked well

    • No one lost money because of insured funds

  • FDIC is still intact today

    Civil Works Administration:CWA—Relief

  • Purpose:

    • Provided many people jobs

    • meant to counteract the impact of the great depression

  • opening up new infrastructure development jobs


    • A massive number of infrastructure projects were completed during the CWA's brief existence.

    • CWA programs created or improved 255,000 miles (410,000 km) of road,

    • 2,000 miles of leaves,

    • 1,000 miles of new water mains,

    • 40,000 schools, 3,700 playgrounds,

    • and 1,000 airports.

FDR’s 3 R’s:

  • relief— the government would provide direct help(short term jobs)

  • recovery—the government will provide jobs(longer term jobs)

  • reform—regulate rules for businesses