Feeding Strategies
Heterotrophs - consume organic matter
Autotrophs- make their own food (organic from inorganic)
Mixotrophs - Become Heterotrophs when light isn’t available
Photo autotrophs - use light as an energy source chemo autotrophs-use chemicals as an energy source
Chemo heterotrophs - Organic compounds they consume are energy
Photo heterotroph-use light as energy to break down their food
Oxygen Requirements
aerobes = need oxygen
anaerobes = no oxygen
Obligate Aerobe - Need O2
Obligate Anaerobe - Grows without O2
Facultative anaerobes - Grows without oxygen but better with
Aerotolerant Anaerobe - Grows equally w/o 02
Microanophiles - Small amount of O2 needed
Cocci = round (Strep-in lines, Staph- clusters)
Bacillus = Rod
Filamentous = No division, just grows longer, segments inside film
Helical = Spirals ( also called Spirillum)
Gram Positive = purple (massive Pepto-layer)
Gram Negative = Red membrane, (small pepto-layer membrane.).
Acid fast test
Red = Gram Positive +
Blue = Gram Negative -
Prokaryotic cells
- Single circular chromosome
- 70s ribosomes (found Primarily in prokaryaic Cells and are smaller)
- Cell walls made of peptidoglycan
-No membrane bound organelles
- first prokaryote appeared 3.5 billion years ago
- Fossil prokaryotes formed fossilized stromatolites
• stromatolites are layer rock formations of micro-organisms
- On earth alone for 1.4 billion years (2.1 billion year ago)
- found in Most habitats on earth
Mold(fungi) - Form Fluffy, cottony on filamentous appearance.
bacteria - form smooth or glossy surface
Characteristics for them to work
Presence or absence of cell wall
Ribosome structure
Details of their metabolism
Narrow Spectrum Antibiotic - Works on either gram positive or negative bacteria
Broad Spectrum Antibiotic - Works on both gram positive and negative bacteria
Photo synthesis - green
UV Protection - Red
Found at deeps seas and soils
Enzyme luciferase give light
Help with plant infections, antibodies in milk, toxic pollutants in the environment, and dangerous bacteria in food
Bacteria Classification
Prokaryote Classfications
-Carl Woese used molecular bio (small ribosomal RNA) to separate Monera into different domains
Main Groups
Proteobactería - has Photo autotrophic, Chemo auto tropic, Chemoheterotropic
Cyano bacteria
Gram-positive bacteria
Ist anchaea called extremophiles: split into 2 types
Bacteria Classification
To determine class, compare highly conserved genes in different species (test using Polymorse chain reaction (PCR)
Classifcation is difficult as bacteria can do horizontal gene transfer (75% of genome made by this
Clinicians rely on bacteria morphology and staining property of the organism, oxygen growth requirements and nutrition
Domain: Bacteria
Group: Proteobacteria
E. coli
bacillus shape, gram negative, facultative anaerobe
Causes Diarrhea
Exotoxin- releases proteins that cause illness
Found in humans intestinal tract
Some stains have fimbrae (fingers)
Major causes of outbreak in u.S!
Raw milk, undercooked hambunger
Domain: Bacteria
Group: Gram positive bacteria
Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus shape (endospore)
Causes pustules, pneumonia
Group: Chlamydias
General characteristics
• Cocus
Gram negative
Lack peptidoglycan in cell walls
very small so we can’t have an example
Found intra cellular
transmitted via contact or by airborne respiratory routes
Chlamydia trachomatis
- Common cause of blindness in the world and most common STI
Station 12 - Domain: Bacteria Group: Spirochetes
1. What shape do these organisms demonstrate?
Helical- spiral
2. What are the nutritional requirements for this organism? chemo heterotrophs
3. What is the name of the special structure involved in this group's movement?
Fibrils (axial filaments)
4. Where can thís group be found?
aquatic environments, in bodies of animals
5. Be able to recognize the example Treponema pallidum
a) What disease does Treponema pallidum cause?
b) What are the four stages and symptoms of this disease?
Stage 1 - Pink to red raised sore (chancre)
Stage 2 - Rash that doesn't itch
Stage 3- No external symptoms
Stage 4 - Permanent damage to vital organs and death
c) How is this disease transmitted and what are the requirements for transmission?
warm, moist skin or moist membrane surfaces to penetrate the body
Transfer via sex, kissing or other intimate body contact
d) What is the oxygen requirement for Treponema pallidum?
essentially anarchic
Domain: Bacteria
Group: Cyanobacteria
1. What are the nutritional requirements for most of the bacteria in this group?
photo auto trophic
2. What are the oxygen requirements for the bacteria in this group?
Anaerobic and aerobic
3. What s the name of the pigment that gives the bacera in this group their blue green color Phycocyanin
What are the two processes that are only found together in this group of organisms? release Or and fix nitrogen
Where can Cyanobacteria be found?
In marine environments and some symbiotic relationships
6. Be able to recognize the prepared and live examples of Oscillatoria
Where can Oscillatoria be found?
What shape does Oscillatoria demonstrate?
filamentouS form
c) What causes Oscillatoria to go through a "bloom"?
synthetic detergents
d) What is the eventual outcome of these "blooms"!
The removal of all oxygen in water and results in death of other organisms.
Domain: Bacteria
Group: Gram-positive bacteria
1. What type of gram stain do most of the bacteria in this group demonstrate?
gram positive
What are the nutritional requirements for most of the bacteria in this group?
chemo heterotrophs
Be able to recogntle the example
the example of Clostridium tetani
Is Clostridium gram-positive or gram-negative?
gram positive
What are the oxygen requirements of Clostridium? anaerobe
What shape does Clostridium demonstrate?
endo-sporE forming
Where can Clostridium be found?
soil contaminated with animal poo
What is the function of the endospore? resistance to harsh conditions
What type of toxin does Clostridium release? exotoxin (neuro toxin
What disease does Clostridium tetani cause? lock Jaw and botulism
Domain: Archaea
What are the three groups in this domain and what characteristics are used to separate them?
Methanogens (methane releasing ), halophiles (live in high salt areas), Thermophiles (Extreme temperatures)
What types of cells make up these organisms?
Prokaryotic cells
3. What characteristics do these organisms have in common with eukaryotes?
DNA intron present
start amino Acid for protein synthesis
RNA poly merase
Response to anti biotics
4. What are these organisms most closely related to?
5. Know the example slide for this domain
Viruses Are Made of genomes enclosed in a protective coat (capsid).
What are the 6 different forms of Nucleic acid found in viruses.
6 Different forms of nucleic acid
ssRNA that serves as mRNA
ssRNA That is a template for mRNA
ssRNA that serves as a template for DNA synthesis
-Smallest virus in at 20mm (smaller than a ribosomes)
Reproduction of virus
Lytic cycle destroys the cell, Lysogenic cycle is dormant, no immediate harm