Papyrus- One of 1st substances to hold language and symbols
Parchment- treated animal skin
Codex - book in which paper-like sheets were cut and sewed together along an edge
Manuscript Culture -period during the middle ages when priests & monks advanced the art of bookmaking
Illuminated Manuscripts - books from the Middle Ages with illustrations
Block Printing-developed by early Chinese printers; hand carving illustrations into blocks of wood then printing it on paper
Printing Press- first method for mass production; made in the 15th century. It reduced the size and cost of books
Vellum - handmade paper made from treated animal skin, used to print the Gutenberg Bible
Paperback books - Cheap paper covered books, introduced in the United States in mid-1800s
Dime novels - cheaply produced and low-priced novels popular in the US starting in the 1860s
Pulp fiction - a term that describes late 19th century paperbacks and dime novels
Linotype - technology made in the 19th century that enabled printers to use a typewriter style keyboard
Offset lithography - enabled books to be printed from photographic, reducing the cost of color and illustrations and permitting computers to perform typesetting
Trade books - the most visible book industry segment
Professional books - technical books that target various occupational groups and are not meant for ordinary people
Textbooks - books made for elementary through high school and college
University Press - the segment of book industry that publishes scholarly books in specialized areas
E-book - Digital book
Book challenge -formal complaint to have a book removed from a library
Acquisitions editors - editors who seek out and sign authors to contracts
Subsidiary rights - selling the rights to a book for use in other media forms
Developmental editor - editor who provides authors with feedback
Copy editors - the people in magazine, newspaper, and book publishing who attend to specific problems in writing, such as style, content, and length
Design managers - publishing industry person who works on the look of a book
E-publishing - Internet based publishing houses that design books for low prices for authors who want to self publish a title